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Authors:ID Brodnjak, Matija (Author)
ID Lebe, Sonja Sibila (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Brodnjak_Matija_2012.pdf (2,28 MB)
MD5: 0863AC9AD79CD5D132FF208C59631A9A
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/1e74e9fe-aee9-4a54-983f-ede74b70a127
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Diplomsko naloga z naslovom "Arheološki park Vicus Fortunae" sestavljajo štiri poglavja. Prvo poglavje je uvod, v katerem smo predstavili cilje, namen, osnovno trditev, omejitve in metode dela. Osnovna trditev, ki smo jo dokazovali v diplomskem delu, je bila, da imajo na Ptuju premalo prepoznavnih turističnih produktov, ob tem pa veliko neizkoriščenega potenciala, predvsem v arheoloških najdbah iz časa rimske Petovione. Drugo poglavje tvori predstavitev destinacijskega managementa. Tretje poglavje se nanaša predvsem na predstavitev in pomen arheološkega parka v destinaciji, ki na zanimiv način prikazuje rekonstruirano preteklost. Četrto poglavje je namenjeno opisu moderno opremljenega Arheološkega parka Carnuntum v Avstriji, ki je na arheološko - turističnem področju primer dobre prakse v tem delu Evrope. Poleg tega smo v tem poglavju predstavili tudi arheološko dediščino Ptuja in okolice ter opisali sestavo ter naloge novo nastale RDO na Ptuju. V posebnem podpoglavju smo predstavili še analizo intervjujev, s pomočjo katerih smo skušali izvedeti, ali v bližnji prihodnosti potrebujemo na Ptuju tovrsten park, ki bi popestril zgodovinsko - turistično ponudbo v destinaciji. Sklepni del je namenjen priporočilu za postavitev arheološkega parka Vicus Fortunae na Ptuju ter preverjanju uresničitve hipotez in zastavljenih ciljev.
Keywords:Arheološki park, destinacija, destinacijski management, regionalna destinacijska organizacija, rimska kultura, tematske prireditve, arheologija, integralna turistična ponudba, trajnostni razvoj, zavedanje, sodobna tehnologija, kulturna dediščina, jantarjeva pot, Petoviona, Carnuntum
Place of publishing:Ptuj
Publisher:[M. Brodnjak]
Year of publishing:2012
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-25635 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:11146524 New window
Publication date in DKUM:29.08.2012
BRODNJAK, Matija, 2012, ARHEOLOŠKI PARK VICUS FORTUNAE [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Ptuj : M. Brodnjak. [Accessed 23 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=25635
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Abstract:My diploma work entitled “Archaeological Park Vicus Fortunae” consists of four chapters. The first chapter introduces the topic and sets objectives, goals, hypothesis, limits and working methods. The basic hypothesis which is being tested in the present diploma work suggests that the tourist destination in our region does not have enough recognisable tourism products while the real potentials of archaeological finds of Roman Poetovio are considerably under-exploited. The second chapter presents the destination management. The third chapter mostly deals with the importance and presentation of the archaeological park in the destination, for it shows in an interesting way the reconstruction of ancient times. The fourth chapter presents a modern and well-equipped archaeological park Carnuntum in Austria, which is undoubtedly an excellent example of good practice in this part of Europe in the field of archaeology and tourism. Besides that, the forth chapter reveals the archaeological legacy of Ptuj and its surroundings, as well as the new organisational structure and tasks resulting from it which the recently established RDO will have to deal with. A special chapter describes interviews and their analyses which were designed to answer the question whether Ptuj needs such a park in the near future or not, with which historical and tourist offer within the destination would become more differentiated/varied. The final part and the conclusion bring forward positive aspects of the implementation of the archaeological park Vicus Fortunae in Ptuj, and check the hypothesis and set goals. Key words: archaeological park, destination, destination management, regional destination organisation, Roman culture, thematic events, archaeology, integral tourist offer, sustainable development, awareness, modern technology, cultural heritage, amber road, Poetovio, Carnuntum.
Keywords:Archeological park, destination, destination management, regional destination, organization, roman culture, thematic events, archeology, integrated touristic offer, sustainable development, awareness, modern technology, cultural heritage, amber route, Poetovio, Carnuntum


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