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Title:Vrednotenje genskih virov lucerne s pomočjo morfoloških in proizvodnih lastnosti
Authors:ID Šošterič, Mojca (Author)
ID MEGLIČ, Vladimir (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Kraner Šumenjak, Tadeja (Comentor)
Files:.pdf MAG_Sosteric_Mojca_2012.pdf (3,47 MB)
MD5: ACB5F278F2CCD48427D8B403D03090C1
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/cbee7d56-0e4d-4a04-be2c-433a75318379
Work type:Master's thesis
Organization:FKBV - Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Abstract:Študija je bila usmerjena predvsem odbiri rastlin na podlagi morfoloških lastnosti kot tudi na podlagi hranilnih vrednosti posamezne sorte oziroma populacije. V poskus smo vključili 21 sort lucerne Medicago sativa L. in Medicago falcata L. Semena smo pridobili iz slovenske rastlinske genske banke, in sicer iz različnih geografskih področij, Slovenije, Hrvaške, Francije, Avstralije, Češke, Poljske in Slovaške. Iz semen smo najprej v rastlinjaku vzgojili rastline, katere smo presadili na polje. V treh letih, kolikor je trajal poskus, smo skupno izvedli deset košenj. Za vrednotenje kvalitativnih vrednosti (širina, dolžina in oblika lista, dolžina in debelina peclja, dolžina internodija, pokončnost rastline in čas cvetenja) in kvantitativnih vrednosti (višina, pridelek zelinja) smo uporabili prilagojene IBPGR deskriptorje za krmne stročnice. Prehransko vrednost in vsebnost beljakovin v posameznih sortah lucerne smo ovrednotili s pomočjo NIR metode (merjenje odboja bližnje infrardeče svetlobe). Rezultati za prehransko vrednost so pokazali, da ni statistično značilnih razlik med posameznimi sortami. Drugače pa je bilo s pridelkom zelinja in višino rastlin, kjer so se pokazale statistično značilne razlike med posameznimi sortami. Tako smo v času poskusa tudi prvič ovrednotili in kompleksno opisali slovenske genske vire, shranjene v genski banki, ter ugotovili, katere odbrane sorte bi bile najbolj primerne za nadaljnje žlahtnjenje in pridelovanje v slovenskih rastnih razmerah.
Keywords:lucerna, genski viri, morfološke lastnosti, proizvodne lastnosti, žlahtnjenje
Place of publishing:Maribor
Year of publishing:2012
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-23178 New window
Publication date in DKUM:31.05.2012
ŠOŠTERIČ, Mojca, 2012, Vrednotenje genskih virov lucerne s pomočjo morfoloških in proizvodnih lastnosti [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor. [Accessed 15 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=23178
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Secondary language

Title:Evaluation of genetic resources of alfalfa by morphological and production properties
Abstract:The study was directed towards selecting plants using morphological characteristics, as well as the nutritive value of individual varieties or populations. In the experiment we included 21 varieties or populations of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) and (Medicago falcata L.). The seeds were obtained from Slovenian plant gene bank at the Agricultural Institute of Slovenia. The material used in the study originated from different parts of Slovenia, Croatia, France, Czech republic, Poland and Slovakia. Seeds were planted in the greenhouse and plants transplanted later in the field. The experiment was harvested ten times within three years of conducting the experiment. For the evaluation of the qualitative values (width, length and shape of a leaf, stem length and thickness, internodes length, upright plants and flowering time) and for the evaluation of the quantitative values (green matter yield and plant height) we used IBPGR descriptors for the forage legumes. Nutritive value and protein content in different varieties or populations of alfalfa we are evaluated using NIR (near-infrared spectroscopy). Results for protein content reveiled no statistical differences between varieties. On the other hand green matter yield and plant height showed statistically significant differences between varieties. For the first time, complex evaluation and description of the alfalfa genetic resources of Slovenian origin was made and compared to other European varieties. Populations were identified that are suitable for cultivation in the Slovenian growing conditions and that could be used for further alfalfa breeding.
Keywords:alfalfa, genetic resources, morphological characters, production traits, breeding


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