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Title:Paliativna oskrba v okviru zdravstvene nege
Authors:ID Marenk, Eva (Author)
ID Habjanič, Ana (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Marenk_Eva_2012.pdf (7,03 MB)
MD5: F4D10AD2C498EC951474A9A19CFE1EBC
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/fd354f1c-6744-4ade-b471-e75ff45a7df7
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences
Abstract:Paliativna oskrba je celostna obravnava pacienta z neozdravljivo in napredujočo boleznijo, ki poleg nege in obvladovanja simptomov, vključuje tudi skrb za pacientove psihične, socialne in duhovne potrebe. Za kakovostno in učinkovito paliativno oskrbo pacienta je potrebna neprekinjena in dobro koordinirana obravnava, ki jo lahko zagotovi le sodelovanje vseh članov interdisciplinarnega tima. V teoretičnem delu diplomskega dela so opisani vsi elementi paliativne oskrbe, predvsem z vidika paliativne zdravstvene nege. Največ pozornosti je namenjeno komunikaciji v paliativni obravnavi, ker so brez spretnosti in veščin komuniciranja izvajalcev oskrbe, cilji paliativne oskrbe in zdravstvene nege nedosegljivi. Drugi del diplomskega dela zajema izsledke raziskave, izvedene v Centru slepih, slabovidnih in starejših. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 31 članic negovalnega tima, ki so izpolnile anonimni anketni vprašalnik. Želeli smo ugotoviti, kako člani negovalnega tima ocenjujejo svoje znanje na področju paliativne oskrbe in paliativne zdravstvene nege, kako ocenjujejo bolečino pri umirajočih oskrbovancih in kateri so po njihovem mnenju najpogostejši razlogi za neučinkovito zdravljenje bolečine. Zanimalo nas je tudi, ali člani negovalnega tima posvečajo dovolj pozornosti psihičnim in duhovnim potrebam umirajočih oskrbovancev. Ugotovitve raziskave: Večina zaposlenih svoje znanje in učinkovitost na področju paliativne oskrbe/zdravstvene nege umešča v zlato sredino – svoje znanje/učinkovitost ocenjujejo kot dobro. Zaposlene prepoznavajo bolečino oskrbovancev glede na njihove nebesedne znake. Po mnenju zaposlenih je najpogostejši razlog za neučinkovito zdravljenje bolečine pomanjkljiva komunikacija med zdravstvenimi delavci in oskrbovanci. Članice negovalnega tima posvečajo dovolj pozornosti tudi psihološkim in duhovnim potrebam umirajočih oskrbovancev. Zaključki: Za vse zdravstvene delavce, ki delajo z umirajočimi bolniki/oskrbovanci, je izobraževanje na področju paliativne oskrbe nujno potrebno – predvsem učenje sporazumevanja, veščin in tehnik komunikacije. Pomembno je tudi sistematično ocenjevanje bolnika in njegovih bližnjih za pravočasno vpeljavo bolnika/oskrbovanca v paliativno obravnavo.
Keywords:paliativna oskrba in zdravstvena nega, medicinska sestra, bolečina, komunikacija, umiranje
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[E. Marenk]
Year of publishing:2012
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-23050 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:1808804 New window
Publication date in DKUM:04.07.2012
MARENK, Eva, 2012, Paliativna oskrba v okviru zdravstvene nege [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : E. Marenk. [Accessed 17 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=23050
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Secondary language

Title:Palliative care within nursing care
Abstract:Palliative care is a holistic medical care for a patient with an incurable and progressive illness, which apart from (nursing) care and dealing with symptomps, includes taking care of the patient's psychological, social and spiritual needs as well. What is crucial in a quality and effective palliative care of a patient is constant and well-coordinated medical care, which can only be achieved through co-operation between all the members of the interdisciplinary team. In the theoretical part of our thesis, all the elements of palliative care are described, primarily from the palliative care nursing point of view. The most attention is given to communication in palliative care / care nursing, as without communication skills on the side of care workers, the goals of palliative care / care nursing are unatainable. The second part of our thesis presents the results of a research carried out in a nursing home for the elderly and the blind. An anonymous survey in which 31 members of the nursery team took part was carried out. Its purpose was to find out how the members of the nursery team assess their knowledge of palliative care/paliative care nursing, how they assess pain in dying people in care and which, in their opinion, are the most common reasons for ineffective pain treatment. We also wanted to find out whether the team members devote enough attention to psychological and spiritual needs of the dying people in care. Results: The majority of the staff evaluated their knowledge and efficiency in the field of palliative care as being average or medium – they assessed them as good. They recognise pain through non-verbal signs of the people in care. According to the members of the nursery team, the most frequent reason for inefficient pain treatment is a lack of communication between medical workers and the people in care. Psychological and spiritual needs of the dying are given enough attention by the members of the nursery team, either. Conclusions: What is of crucial importance and very much needed for medical staff working with dying people in care is their being educated in the field of palliative care – especially learning how to communicate i.e. how to acquire the skills and techniques of communication. Systematic assessment of the patient/people in care and their family/friends is also important so as to introduce them into palliative treatment in time.
Keywords:palliative care and nursing care, nurse, pain, communication, dying


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