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Authors:ID Jagodič, Gregor (Author)
ID Završnik, Bruno (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Čančer, Vesna (Comentor)
Files:.pdf MAG_Jagodic_Gregor_2012.pdf (2,60 MB)
MD5: 5523B6868E2CDFE5BA397332FFFF99F9
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/21549b2e-07e7-475c-931a-f06a6a4f9992
Work type:Master's thesis
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Kanali komuniciranja so se z razvojem interneta bistveno spremenili, kar je zahtevalo prilagoditev ponudnikov. Ob tem so se spreminjala tudi pričakovanja odjemalcev, ki so postali zahtevnejši, imajo večjo izbiro in hitrejši pregled nad ponudbenimi možnostmi. Sodobni ponudniki morajo s potencialnimi odjemalci komunicirati s pomočjo več različnih komunikacijskih kanalov, če želijo doseči zastavljene cilje. Poleg tega se je povečala tudi konkurenca med ponudniki izdelkov/storitev. Vse to skupaj je vplivalo na različne načine pristopov do odjemalcev. Kljub vsem spremembam je še vedno najpogosteje uporabljen pristop s pomočjo prodajnega osebja. Takšen pristop je najdražji in zahteva velika vlaganja v usposabljanje prodajnega osebja, a hkrati še vedno prinaša zelo dobre rezultate. Najboljše rezultate prinaša uspešno sestavljena kombinacija različnih pristopov, ki zahteva več koordinacije in nadzora. Namen raziskave je bil ugotoviti, kako sposobnosti in veščine komuniciranja prodajnega osebja vplivajo na zadovoljstvo odjemalcev. S postavljenimi hipotezami smo tako preverjali povezavo med prijaznostjo in nakupno namero, ali ima na vrednost nakupne namere vpliv spol prodajnega osebja, oz. kakšen vpliv ima na nakupno namero uspešnost komuniciranja prodajnega osebja, ali se uspešnost komuniciranja razlikuje med statističnimi regijami, in ali se uspešnost komuniciranja razlikuje glede na obravnavane dejavnosti. Raziskava je pokazala, da je nakupna namera v pozitivni povezavi s prijaznostjo prodajnega osebja. Na podlagi rezultatov raziskave je bilo ugotovljeno, da spol prodajnega osebja nima vpliva na nakupno namero odjemalcev. Glede veščin komuniciranja je razvidna pozitivna povezava med uspešnostjo komuniciranja prodajnega osebja in nakupno namero odjemalcev, ki pove, da bolj kot je prodajno osebje usposobljeno, večjo nakupno namero lahko doseže pri odjemalcih. Na osnovi raziskave smo ugotovili, da se razlikujejo povprečne vrednosti uspešnosti komuniciranja med regijami in tudi med dejavnostmi. Cilj vsakega ponudnika je, da si skuša zagotoviti konkurenčno prednost, ki jo ostali tekmeci težko posnemajo v kratkem času. Prijaznost in vrhunske veščine komuniciranja lahko bistveno vplivajo na doseganje prodajnih rezultatov prodajnega osebja in s tem tudi ponudnika. Torej je smiselno vlagati sredstva v usposabljanje prodajnega osebja, kar v bistvu pomeni, da mora prodajno osebje opraviti čim več in čim bolj specializiranih treningov, ki jih lahko pripravijo na situacije, v katerih se bodo znašli pri komuniciranju z odjemalci. Ali bo ponudnik znal motivirati, nadzirati in ustrezno usmerjati prodajno osebje in ob tem tudi predvideti pričakovanja odjemalcev, je odvisno od njegove organizacije, dejavnosti in postavljenih ciljev. Usposobljeno in motivirano prodajno osebje mu bo v pomoč, saj lahko bistveno vpliva na uspešnost ponudnika in mu zagotovi konkurenčno prednost, ki je neponovljiva pri tekmecih.
Keywords:komuniciranje, prodajno osebje, nakupna namera, internet, usposabljanje
Place of publishing:[Ljubečna
Publisher:G. Jagodič
Year of publishing:2012
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-23017 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:11328796 New window
Publication date in DKUM:20.02.2013
JAGODIČ, Gregor, 2012, VLOGA PRODAJNEGA OSEBJA PRI NAVIDEZNEM NAKUPOVANJU [online]. Master’s thesis. Ljubečna : G. Jagodič. [Accessed 14 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=23017
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Secondary language

Title:The Role of the Sales Staff in Mystery Shopping
Abstract:With the development of the internet, communications channels have significantly changed, which also requires adjustment of providers. At the same time the expectations of customers have changed, and they have become more demanding and have a greater choice and a faster overview of the supply side options. Modern providers should communicate with potential customers through multiple communication channels to reach their goals. In addition, competition among providers of products/services has considerably increased. All that in many different ways has affected the approach to customers. Despite all the changes, the most widely used approach is still the one by sales staff. Such an approach is costly and requires significant investments in training sales staff, but it still delivers very good results. For best results it brings up a successful combination of different approaches that require more coordination and control. The purpose of this study was to determine how ability and communication skills of sales staff have impact on customer satisfaction. With the hypotheses we thus verify the link between kindness and purchase intention, the effect of the gender of sales staff on the value of purchase intention, the impact of communication and performance of sales staff on purchase intention, the effectiveness of communication differences among statistical regions and whether communication performance varies depending on action in question. Research has shown that purchase intention positively correlates with the kindness of sales staff. The survey results have shown that the gender of sales staff does not affect the purchase intention of customers. Regarding the skills of communication the research has shown a positive correlation between the effectiveness of communication of the sales staff and customers' purchase intention which indicating that the more the sales staff is trained, the greater purchase intention can be achieved for customers. Based on research we found out that there are differences in average values of communication performance among regions and different activities. Considering this there is a goal of all the suppliers to provide competitive advantages over their competitors in such a manner that they are hard to replicate in a short time. Friendliness and superior communication skills can significantly affect the achievement of sales performance of sales staff and hence the provider. That basically means that sales staff do as much as possible and specialised trainings can prepare them for a lot of situations in which they find themselves in communication with customers. If a supplier is able to motivate, supervise and provide appropriate guidance for sales staff, while at the same time foreseeing the expectations of customers, it depends on their organisation, activities and goals. Trained and motivated sales staff will help him, since it can significantly affect a better performance and provide competitive advantage that is unique to competitors.
Keywords:communication, sales staff, purchase intent, internet, training


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