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Authors:ID Pšajd, Maja (Author)
ID Simonič, Marjana (Comentor)
ID Goršek, Andreja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Šuštaršič, Matej (Comentor)
Files:.pdf UNI_Psajd_Maja_2012.pdf (1,66 MB)
MD5: 68E8ED508AC60A910CD06DB35905387A
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/0cdd2836-1127-4953-8662-144731f9d1d6
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Abstract:Papirna odpadna voda vsebuje vrsto suspendiranih, topnih organskih in anorganskih sno-vi, ki lahko z direktnimi izpusti v okolje povzročijo neravnovesje vodnega ekosistema. Industrije zmanjšujejo posledice onesnaževanja okoljskih vod tako, da vsako odpadno vodo iz proizvodnje vodijo skozi čistilno napravo, kjer ji zmanjšajo vsebnost nevarne snovi za okolje. V diplomski nalogi smo uporabili alternativni način čiščenja odpadnih papirniških vod z algno-bakterijsko mešanico in jo primerjali s sistemom aerobnega čiščenja z aktivnim bla-tom. Eksperimentalno delo je bilo razdeljeno na dva dela. V prvem delu smo gojili C. vul-garis Hamburg in določili primerno razmerje dodane mase aktivnega blata in mikroalg v sistem čiščenja z algno-bakterijsko mešanico. V drugem delu smo vzpostavili sistem čiš-čenja z algno-bakterijsko mešanico in sistem čiščenja z aktivnim blatom. Kot negativno kontrolo smo uporabili samo odpadno vodo. Pri gojenju mikroalg smo uporabili KC gojišče in z merjenjem OD678 spremljali prirast mikroalg. Glavni parametri, ki smo jih spremljali pri čiščenju odpadne papirniške vode so bili KPK, BPK5, T, koncentracija raztopljenega kisika in pH. Podatke o vrednosti klorofila a, dobljene z ekstrakcijo, smo uporabili za spremljanje rasti C. vulgaris Hamburg v algno-bakterijski mešanici. Eksperimentalno delo je potekalo pet dni v šaržnem bioreaktorju z volumnom 4,5 L. S sistemom čiščenja odpadne papirniš-ke vode z uporabo algno-bakterijske mešanice se je vrednost KPK znižala za 48 % in BPK5 za 89 %, z uporabo aktivnega blata se je vrednost KPK znižala za 53 % in BPK5 za 92 %. Vrednosti KPK kažejo na prisotne težko razgradljive snovi v odpadni papirniški vodi. Med procesom čiščenja odpadne papirniške vode z algno-bakterijsko mešanico je bila rast mikroalge C. vulgaris Hamburg inhibirana. Pravih vzrokov ne poznamo, saj v sklopu eksperimentalnega dela odpadne papirniške vode nismo karakterizirali. Vsekakor so ugo-tovitve dobra iztočnica za nadaljnje raziskave
Keywords:Čiščenje odpadne papirniške vode, algno-bakterijska mešanica, C. vulgaris Hamburg, aktivno blato, mikroalge, KC gojišče
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[M. Pšajt]
Year of publishing:2012
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-22415 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:16689942 New window
Publication date in DKUM:22.03.2012
Categories:KTFMB - FKKT
PŠAJD, Maja, 2012, UGOTAVLJANJE PRIMERNOSTI ČIŠČENJA ODPADNIH PAPIRNIŠKIH VOD Z ALGNO-BAKTERIJSKO MEŠANICO [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : M. Pšajt. [Accessed 22 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=22415
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Abstract:Paper mill wastewater contains a number of suspended, soluble, organic and inorganic compounds, which can with direct emissions into the environment cause imbalance of the water ecosystem. Industries reduce the consequences of pollution of the local waters by directing any wastewater from production through a cleaning device, where the content of dangerous substances is reduced. In the diploma work we used an alternative way of cleaning the paper mill wastewater with algal-bacterial mixture and compared it with the system of aerobic cleaning with activated sludge. The experimental part was divided in two parts. In the first part we cultivated C. vulgaris Hamburg and defined an appropriate ratio of the added mass of the activated sludge and microalgae into the system of cleaning with algal-bacterial mixture. In the se-cond part we established a system of cleaning with algal-bacterial mixture and a system of cleaning with the active sludge. As a negative control we only used the wastewater. With growing microalgae we used KC medium and followed the daily growth of microalgae with measuring OD678. The main parameters that we had followed with cleaning paper mill wastewater were COD, BOD5, T, concentration dissolved oxygen and pH. Data of the chlorophyll a value gained with extraction, was used to follow the growth of C. vulgaris Hamburg in algal-bacterial mixture. The experimental work lasted five days in batch biore-actor with the 4.5 L volume. With the system of cleaning of the paper mill wastewater with the use of algal-bacterial mixture the value dropped: COD for 48 % and BOD5 for 89 %; and with the use of activated sludge the value dropped: COD for 53 % and BOD5 for 92 %. The values of COD show the presence of weakly degradable substances in paper mill wastewater. During the process of cleaning paper mill wastewater with algal-bacterial mix-ture, the growth of the microalgae C. vulgaris Hamburg was under inhibition. We do not know the real reasons for it, since we did not characterise paper mill wastewater in the experimental part. The findings are certainly a good foundation for further research
Keywords:Paper mill wastewater treatment, algal-bacterial mixture, C. vulgaris Ham-burg, activated sludge, microalgae, KC medium


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