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Authors:ID Ojsteršek, Sara Vanesa (Author)
ID Cugmas, Zlatka (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UNI_Ojstersek_Sara_Vanesa_2012.pdf (646,58 KB)
MD5: ACFD4F31203D6AE1D791EF3233226969
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/77ad6657-3652-41da-abb8-c4057ca12a91
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Abstract:Avtorji razvojnopsiholoških teorij razlagajo, zakaj se ljudje vêdemo tako kot se. Njihove ugotovitve izhajajo iz znanstvenih študij in predstavljajo skupek vzrokov in posledic vedênj. Na podlagi teh teorij lahko razumemo, zakaj ljudje v določenih situacijah odreagirajo kot odreagirajo. Reakcije posameznikov so odvisne tako od okolja, dednosti, vzgoje, moralne presoje, kot tudi od stopnje mišljenja. Naloga učiteljev je razumevanje telesnega, predvsem pa umskega razvoja otrok, kar nam omogočajo prav razvojne teorije. Človekov razvoj poteka postopoma in nekega obdobja ni mogoče kar preskočiti ali zamenjati. Tako ne bomo v prvem razredu poučevali poštevanke, kajti otroci niso dovolj umsko zreli in pripravljeni na operacijo množenja, ampak bomo začeli s poučevanjem seštevanja in postopoma osvojili operacijo množenja. Obdobja človekovega razvoja se pojavijo vedno pri isti starosti ne glede na spol, barvo kože ali versko pripadnost. Tako se puberteta pojavi okrog enajstega leta in zajema podobno stopnjo mišljenja pri vseh ljudeh. V diplomski nalogi se bom dotaknila razvojnopsiholoških teorij. Zanimala so me zlasti področja človekovega razvoja, zato sem uporabila deskriptivno in komparativno metodo. V dani literaturi sem preverjala, katera so tista področja, ki zaznamujejo človekov razvoj. Pridobljene podatke sem nato vnesla v tabelo in jih interpretirala. Zanima me, ali obstaja teorija v razvojni psihologiji, ki pokriva vsa področja človekovega razvoja od mišljenja, govora, čustvovanja, vedênja, moralnega razvoja do navezanosti in razvoja osebnosti. Predpostavljam, da teorija, ki bi pokrivala vsa omenjena področja, ne obstaja, predvidevam pa, da se ji najbolj približa kognitivna teorija Jeana Piageta. Primerjala bom teorije po predmetu merjenja in metodi razlikovanja, na katerih temeljijo: od skupnih osnov, metod dela, udeležencev raziskav, vpliva dednosti in okolja, pojava razvojnih faz, pomena zavedne in nezavedne duševnosti, pasivne in aktivne narave posameznika, kontinuiranega in diskontinuiranega procesa, pomena izkušenj, determiniranosti in svobodne volje do razvoja govora, utrjevanja in prenehanja vedênja ter vpliva na vzgojo in izobraževanje.
Keywords:razvojnopsihološke teorije, dednost, okolje, mišljenje, primerjava teorij, podobnosti in razlike med teorijami, področja razvoja
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[S.V. Ojsteršek]
Year of publishing:2012
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-22166 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:19056392 New window
Publication date in DKUM:06.04.2012
OJSTERŠEK, Sara Vanesa, 2012, TEORIJE V RAZVOJNI PSIHOLOGIJI [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : S.V. Ojsteršek. [Accessed 26 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=22166
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Secondary language

Abstract:The authors of developmental psychology theories explain why human beings act the way they do. Their findings result from scientific studies and present a bundle of causes and consequences of human behaviour. On the basis of these theories we can understand why people in certain situations react the way they do. Reactions of individuals depend on environment, heredity, education and moral assessment as well as on the stage of thinking. Teachers must understand the physical and especially the psychological development of children and that is exactly what developmental theories enable. Human beings develop progressively and it is not possible to skip or swap a stage. Therefore, in first grade, children are not thought how to multiply because they are mentally not mature enough and not ready for the operation of multiplication. Hence teachers will start by teaching addition and gradually pass over to the operation of multiplying. The stages of human development always appear at the same age regardless of gender, colour or religious beliefs. Thus puberty always starts around the age of eleven when all human beings are in a similar stage of thinking. In this diploma thesis I will examine developmental psychology theories. I was especially interested in the areas of the development of a human being and therefore I have applied the descriptive and comparative method. In the literature given I have examined which the areas that characterise the development of a human being are. The data gained was entered into tables and interpreted. I will compare theories according to the measurement object and the method of differentiation on which they are based: from the common bases, approaches, participants in research, the influence of heredity and environment, occurrence of developmental phases, importance of conscious and unconscious mind, passive and active nature of an individual, continuous and discontinuous process, importance of experience, determination and free will in regard to speech development, consolidation and ceasing of behavior as well as the impact on the upbringing and education.
Keywords:developmental psychology theories, heredity, environment, mindset, comparison of theories, similarities and differences between the theories, areas of development


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