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Authors:ID Močnik, Mirjam (Author)
ID Križmarić, Miljenko (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Pajnkihar, Majda (Comentor)
Files:.pdf MAG_Mocnik_Mirjam_2012.pdf (2,35 MB)
MD5: EA817C372481A9A1D5B0B116BBCB58A3
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/ddc6938c-6ae3-4ae2-b3cb-99da2a66952d
Work type:Master's thesis
Organization:FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences
Abstract:Fototerapija z laserjem je fizikalna metoda za spodbujanje celjenja akutnih in kroničnih ran. Laserje, ki proizvajajo koherentno svetlobo, vse pogosteje nadomeščajo laserske polprevodniške LED diode, ki proizvajajo nekoherentno svetlobo. Namen raziskave je bil raziskati, ali fototerapija z LED laserjem vpliva na hitrejše celjenje ran in zmanjšanje bolečine. Raziskovalna metodologija. V randomizirani paralelni prospektivni raziskavi smo pri bolnikih opazovali dinamiko bolečine in celjenja ran znotraj 6 tednov. Vzorec raziskave je zajemal 20 bolnikov s kroničnimi ranami 2. in 3. stopnje. V skupini 10 bolnikov smo izvajali lasersko zdravljenje, ostali bolniki pa so bili vključeni v kontrolno skupino. Rezultati. Relativna površina ran glede na vrednost pred raziskavo je že po enem tednu zdravljenja bila manjša v skupini bolnikov zdravljenih z laserjem (mediana = 98 %) v primerjavi s kontrolno skupino (mediana = 102 %) (p < 0,001). Površina ran se je v skupini zdravljenih z laserjem nadalje zmanjševala in v zadnjem 6. tednu dosegla mediano 78 %, medtem ko je površina ran v kontrolni skupini znašala še vedno visokih 109 % (p = 0,002). V prvem in četrtem tednu zdravljenja nismo ugotovili statističnega zmanjšanja bolečine (p = 0,28), ugotovili pa smo jo v 2., 3., 5. in 6. tednu. Zadnji teden se je bolečina v skupini bolnikov zdravljenih z laserjem zmanjšala na mediano 79 % v primerjavi s kontrolno skupino, kjer je relativna bolečina še višja (118 %) (p = 0,005). Patronažne medicinske sestre so mnenja, da je zdravljenje z lasersko terapijo hitra in enostavna metoda, ki ne povzroča bolečin, ampak jih celo zmanjša. Sklep. Analiza rezultatov nakazuje, da zdravljenje z LED laserjem lahko vpliva na celjenje kroničnih ran in zmanjšanje bolečine.
Keywords:kronična rana, celjenje, fototerapija, polprevodniški LED laser
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[M. Močnik]
Year of publishing:2012
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-22042 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:1779876 New window
Publication date in DKUM:24.02.2012
MOČNIK, Mirjam, 2012, CELJENJE KRONIČNIH RAN S FOTOTERAPIJO POLPREVODNIŠKEGA LED LASERJA [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor : M. Močnik. [Accessed 21 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=22042
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Secondary language

Abstract:Phototherapy with (semiconductor LED) laser is a physical method for stimulating the healing of acute and chronic wounds. Lasers, which produce coherent light , have recently been more and more replaced by laser semiconductor LED diodes that produce incoherent light. The research was to investigate whether phototherapy with LED laser influences a faster healing of wounds and moreover, if it reduces pain. Research methodology. With parallel random prospective research, we were pursuing the dynamics of pain and healing of the patients wounds within six weeks. The research sample consisted of 20 patients with chronic wounds, ranging from 2nd to 3rd degree. In the group of 10 patients, we were using laser treatment while the rest 10 patients were included in the control group. Results. The relative surface of wounds regarding the pre- research assessment was already smaller after the first week of the treatment in the patients group, treated by laser (median = 98 %) in comparison with the control group (median = 102 %) (p < 0,001). In the group, treated by laser, the wound surface continued to reduce and reached median 78 % in the last 6th week while the wound surface in the control group still remained at high 109 % (p = 0,002). During the first and fourth week of the treatment, we did not find out a statistical pain decrease (p = 0,28), but we could find it out in the 2nd, 3rd, 5th and 6th week. During the last week, the pain in the group of patients, treated by laser, was reduced to median 79 % in comparison with the control group where the relative pain is still higher (118 %) (p = 0,005). Nurses in the home care service are convinced that laser therapy treatment is a fast and simple method which does not cause pain, but it even reduces it. Conclusion. The analysis of results indicates that the treatment with LED laser can stimulate the healing of chronic wounds and it can also reduce pain.
Keywords:chronic wound, healing, phototherapy, semiconductor LED laser


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