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Title:Metafizični problemi državljanskih vrlin
Authors:ID Gartner, Smiljana (Author)
ID Miščević, Nenad (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Borstner, Bojan (Comentor)
Files:.pdf DR_Gartner_Smiljana_2012.pdf (18,54 MB)
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/cffb5540-79a1-410b-81bc-4775bca80ffd
Work type:Dissertation
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Abstract:Za la!je razumevanje nekaterih vidikov dru!benih sprememb, problemov in porazdelitve mo"i v konkretnih dru!bah in dr!avah ter za mo!ne re#itve, upravi"itve ali zavrnitve le-teh je potrebna jasna in natan"na konceptualizacija temeljnih pojmov, ki so del tako podro"ja politi"ne filozofije kot podro"ja etike. Metafizi"ni problemi omenjenih pojmov lahko namre" nastajajo ali zaradi nejasnosti razumevanja ali zaradi tolik#nih dru!benih sprememb, da jih je potrebno prekonceptualizirati. Izhajajo" iz tega in ob dokazani predpostavki, da je partikularizem najprepri"ljivej#a teorija v etiki, je bilo zastavljeno vpra#anje, ali obstaja mo!nost u"inkovite uporabe le-te tudi na drugih podro"jih prakti"nega mi#ljenja oz. politi"ne znanosti. Na podlagi opredelitve predmeta je (i) s filozofske perspektive podana konceptualna analiza in problematizacija klju"nih dr!avljanskih vrlin (avtonomija, lojalnost, toleranca), ki omogo"i natan"nej#o in jasnej#o rabo temeljnih pojmov, pri "emer je prikazan tako pomen kot sama funkcija tak#nih vrlin; (ii) iz filozofske perspektive podana analiza nekaterih pojmov politi"ne filozofije, ki so del dru!benih sprememb (dr!ava, dr!avljanstvo, identiteta, migracije, asimilacija, integracija, pravice), in (iii) zavrnitev etike skrbi v politi"ni filozofiji kot u"inkovite metode za ohranjanje socialne kohezije. Vse troje je analizirano in problematizirano z vidika socialnega liberalizma in tradicionalnega republikanizma. Re#itev metafizi"nih problemov dr!avljanskih vrlin, socialnega liberalizma in pluralizma, a vendar ohranjanje dru!bene kohezije, je tako mogo"a s pomo"jo eti#kega partikularizma, ki pa ne izklju"uje vrlin.
Keywords:besede: dr!avljanske vrline, eti#ki partikularizem, asimilacija, identiteta, avtonomija, liberalizem, republikanizem
Place of publishing:[Maribor
Publisher:S. Gartner]
Year of publishing:2011
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-21817 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:259607296 New window
Publication date in DKUM:02.03.2012
GARTNER, Smiljana, 2011, Metafizični problemi državljanskih vrlin [online]. Doctoral dissertation. Maribor : S. Gartner. [Accessed 20 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=21817
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Secondary language

Title:Metaphysical problems of state virtues
Abstract:In order to understand certain aspects of social change, the problems and the distribution of power in particular societies and countries, and in order to envision possible solutions with rejection or justification, a clear and exact conceptualization of basic ethic notions and concepts of political philosophy is needed. Metaphysical problems of the concepts mentioned arise because of unclear understanding, or because of drastic changes in society, which demand an overhaul of these concepts. The proven notion of particularism being the most convincing ethical theory, and the consideration of all points mentioned in the previous paragraph, form the grounds for the question of effective use of this theory in other fields of practical thinking or political science. On grounds of subject definition (i) a problematisation and a conceptual analysis of key citizen virtues (autonomy, loyalty, tolerance), which enables a clear use of basic terms and concepts and shows the meaning and function of such virtues; (ii) a philosophical perspective analysis of certain concepts of political philosophy, which are part of social change (state, citizenship, identity, migration, assimilation, integration, rights), and (iii) a rejection of care ethics as an effective method of social cohesion in political philosophy is given. All three notions are analyzed and problematised from the points of view of social liberalism and traditional republicanism. A solution to metaphysical problems of citizen virtues, social liberalism and pluralism, combined with the sustainable social cohesion, is made possible by the use of ethical particularism which does not exclude virtues.
Keywords:dr!avljanske vrline, eti#ki partikularizem, asimilacija, identiteta, avtonomija, liberalizem, republikanizem


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