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Title:Is Jamie Oliver still "easy peasy" in Slovene?
Authors:ID Lovrin, Metka (Author)
ID Gadpaille, Michelle (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Valh Lopert, Alenka (Comentor)
Files:.pdf UNI_Lovrin_Metka_2011.pdf (5,72 MB)
MD5: C29C6AEEDAD35D4634F7DF6C593A39DE
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/7f3df14d-187a-4a41-bc97-291106fdd394
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Abstract:The thesis aims to determine what are the idiolectal features from selected cookbooks by Jamie Oliver (The Naked Chef, Happy Days with the Naked Chef and Jamie’s Ministry of Food), and how they were rendered into Slovene by Oliver’s translators—Novak and Zupančič. As a theoretical basis, it relies on Koller’s three-stage model of analyzing the original and the translation. The thesis also confronts the problems that arise from the cultural differences between Slovene and British culture, which is nowadays fairly unknown in the (American) globalized world. Specific lexical items are layered into independent categories in the form of concentric circles to denote quantity, significance and interconnection. Within these layers, I devoted myself to specific analysis of expressions under the influence of word-formation, pop culture, gender specific language, onomatopoeia, phonetic symbolism, deliberate inaccuracy, comparison, informal and colloquial language, and creative instances such as “the icky factor”, “childish intimacy” and “the Peter-Pan-syndrome”. Furthermore, a translation is always subjected to the translator’s own idiolect; so, the research also takes this factor into consideration.
Keywords:Jamie Oliver, Luka Novak, Tadej Zupančič, idiolect, cookbook, comparative analysis, translation
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[M. Lovrin]
Year of publishing:2011
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-20987 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:18767112 New window
Publication date in DKUM:18.11.2011
LOVRIN, Metka, 2011, Is Jamie Oliver still “easy peasy” in Slovene? [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : M. Lovrin. [Accessed 22 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=20987
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Secondary language

Title:Je Jamie Oliver še vedno "easy peasy" v slovenščini?
Abstract:Namen diplomske naloge je določiti idiolektalne značilnosti Jamieja Oliverja v izbranih kuharskih knjigah („The naked chef“, „Happy days with the naked chef“ in „Jamie’s ministry of food“) in kako sta jih Oliverjeva prevajalca – Novak in Zupančič – prenesla v slovenščino. Teoretična osnova naloge je Kollerjev tristopenjski model analize izvirnika in prevoda. Naloga se tudi sooča s problematiko kulturnih razlik med slovensko in britansko kulturo – slednja je kar neznana v današnjem (ameriško) globaliziranem svetu. Izbrani leksikalni izrazi so bili razslojeni v posamične kategorije v obliki koncentričnih krogov, s katerimi se nakazuje količina, pomembnost in medsebojna povezanost izrazov. Znotraj posameznih slojev sem se osredinila na analizo izrazov, ki so pod vplivom besedotvorja, pop-kulture, jezikovnih posebnosti moške in ženske govorice, onomatopoetičnih izrazov, fonetičnega simbolizma, namerne nenatančnosti, primerjave, neformalnega in pogovornega jezika ter izvirnih pojavov, kot so „dejavnika odvratnega“, „otroške bližine“ in „sindroma Petra Pana“. Ker tudi osebna govorica prevajalca zaznamuje prevod, je raziskava upoštevala tudi ta dejavnik.
Keywords:Jamie Oliver, Luka Novak, Tadej Zupančič, idiolekt, kuharska knjiga, primerjalna analiza, prevod


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