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Title:Besedilnovrstne značilnosti nemških medmrežnih dnevnikov s stališča teorije naravnosti
Authors:ID Kopold, Dejan (Author)
ID Petrič, Teodor (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: ACA2B0E0B0F02926FAB42E9AA6E958CA
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/02841ff6-e3f9-4cc6-8ab0-a2344f7b1cc5
Work type:Dissertation
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Abstract:Na prvi pogled se jezikovna raba v nemških medmrežnih dnevnikih bistveno ne razlikuje od tiste v drugih splošnih in medmrežnih besedilih, v katerih prevladuje uporaba pisnega prenosnika. Vendar nam že nekoliko podrobnejša primerjava besedil med seboj razkriva, da medmrežni dnevniki vsebujejo več prvin ustnega pogovornega jezika, kot je to sicer značilno za pisno posredovana sporočila. Glede na dejavnike, kot so pisni prenosnik, prostorski odmik med udeleženci, časovni zamik v komunikaciji, javni značaj pogovora in socialna tujost med udeleženci, je v medmrežnih dnevnikih pričakovati manj naravna izrazna sredstva, ki so bolj značilna za pisno obliko izražanja. Medmrežni dnevniki so namreč pretežno monološka besedila, ki se pretežno opirajo na pisni prenosnik in se oblikujejo brez vidnega in slušnega stika. Vendar se pri poglobljeni analizi besedil ugotavlja, da se v medmrežnih dnevnikih zaradi težnje po konceptualno ustnem izražanju uveljavlja večji delež naravnih izraznih sredstev, kot bi pričakovali glede na manj naravno okolje sporazumevanja. Na tej osnovi je bila zasnovana tudi osnovna domneva (H0) dela, ki se glasi: »V medmrežnih dnevnikih se zaradi težnje po konceptualno ustnem izražanju uveljavlja večji delež naravnih izraznih sredstev, kot bi pričakovali glede na manj naravne razmere sporazumevanja (tj. pisni prenosnik, prostorski odmik in/ali časovni zamik, javni značaj, socialna tujost udeležencev itd.).« Za dokazovanje številnih napovedi, izpeljanih iz osnovne domneve H0, je sledilo nekajletno zbiranje in analiziranje gradiva. Tako sta metodološko nastala dva tipa raziskovanih vzorcev, osnovni vzorec (ov) in kontrolni vzorec (kv1-4), ki pa je sestavljen iz več različnih besedilnih vrst. Osnovni vzorec (ov) obsega naključno izbrane, vsakdanje, medmrežne dnevnike različnih zvrsti, kot so zasebni, politični, novinarski, potovalni idr. medmrežni dnevniki. Kontrolni vzorec (kv1-4) pa je sestavljen iz več različnih besedilnih vrst in vsebuje besedila vsakdanjih pogovorov (kv1), telefonatov (kv2), klepetalniških besedil (kv3) ter pravnih besedil (kv4). Sestavljen je po principu bližine besedilne vrste v primerjavi z medmrežnimi dnevniki, in to od najbližjih besedilnih vrst do najbolj oddaljenih besedilnih vrst. Delni kontrolni vzorci so bili izbrani na podlagi lestvice naravnosti besedil, na eni strani prototipično konceptualno ustnega (+d (obojestransko sporočanje – dialognost), +f (vidni/slušni način sporočanja – face to face), +m (ustni/zvočni prenosnik)) in na drugi strani prototipično konceptualno pisnega (-d, -f, -m) jezika. Sledila je deduktivna izpeljava (delovnih) napovedi iz osnovne domneve H0 in za njihovo dokazovanje je bila v vseh primerih uporabljena kvantitativna statistična metoda. Rezultat predstavlja statistično primerjavo značilnosti osnovnega (ov) in kontrolnega vzorca (kv1-4). Za preverjanje napovedi in interpretacijo rezultatov je bila v delu uporabljena statistična primerjava besedil osnovnega vzorca (ov) in vseh besedil kontrolnega vzorca (kv1-4). Za statistično preverjanje napovedi sem uporabljal Studentov preizkus T (T-test) in HI-kvadrat preizkus (χ2-test). V napovedi 1 (N1), katere naslov je STOPNJA IZRAZNE ZAPLETENOSTI, so me zanimala predvsem tri področja. Prvo področje obsega vprašanje povprečne dolžine povedi (tj. povprečnega števila besed v njej). Izhajal sem iz napovedi, da se bo le-ta v medmrežnih dnevnikih (ov) zaradi pisnega prenosnika, manjše izrazne zapletenosti in nepomanjkanja časa gibala med klepetalniškimi besedili (kv3) in pravnimi besedili (kv4). Drugo področje obsega deleže večstavčnih povedi s priredjem (tj. takih, v katerih imamo dva ali več glavnih stavkov). Izhajal sem iz napovedi, da se bo le-ta napoved zaradi konceptualno ustne oblike načrtovanja povedi v besedilih medmrežnih dnevnikov (ov) približevala deležu večstavčnih povedi s priredjem, ugotovljenih v vsakodnevnih pogovorih (kv1). Tretje področje prve napovedi pa obsega deleže
Keywords:nemški jezik, germanistika, besediloslovje, doktorska disertacija, jezikovna izrazna zapletenost, konceptualna ustnost, konceptualna pisnost, teorija naravnosti, sinhroni in asinhroni medmrežni pisni prenosniki, klepetalnice, medmrežni dnevnik(i), ikonična sredstva, akronimi, kazalna sredstva
Place of publishing:Ptuj
Publisher:[D. Kopold]
Year of publishing:2011
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-20577 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:23076920 New window
Publication date in DKUM:29.09.2011
KOPOLD, Dejan, 2011, Besedilnovrstne značilnosti nemških medmrežnih dnevnikov s stališča teorije naravnosti [online]. Doctoral dissertation. Ptuj : D. Kopold. [Accessed 20 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=20577
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Secondary language

Title:Texttype features in German-network logs from the standpoint of the theory of naturalness
Abstract:On the first sight it seems that the use of language in German blogs does not essentially differ from the other general internet texts in which the use of written transformer dominates. However, more detailed comparison of the texts shows us that blogs contain more elements of verbal colloquial language as this is, otherwise, typical for in writing mediated massages. As for the factors, like written transformer, spatial retreat among the participants, time delay in communication, public character of conversation and social unfamiliarity between participants, is in blogs to expect less natural expressive means, more typical for the written form of expressing. The blogs are namely predominantly monological texts, which mostly depend on the written transformer and are formed without visible and auditory contact. However, in more absorbed text analysis we can ascertain, that because of the aspiration for conceptual verbal expressing in blogs, bigger part of natural expressing means is put into effect as we would expect because of the less natural environment of the communication. On this ground was also the basic work hypothesis framed, that is: In blogs is, because of the tendency after conceptual verbal expressing, bigger part of natural expressing means asserted as we would expect in reference to less natural circumstances of communication (i.e. written transformer, spatial retreat and/or time delay, public character, social unfamiliarity among participants, etc.). To prove numerous predictions, derivated from the basic presumptions H0, a several-year collecting and analysing the material, followed up. So methodologically two types of exploratory samples arrised, the basic sample (bs) and the control sample (cs 1-4), which consists from more different textual kinds. The basic sample (bs) covers coincidentally chosen, daily blogs of different forms, like private, political, journalistic, travel, etc. blogs. The control sample (cs 1-4) consists of different textual kinds and includes the texts of daily conversations (cs1), telephone conversations (cs2), chatting texts (cs3) and juridical texts (cs4). It is compound on the principle of the closeness of the textual kind in comparison to blogs, from the closest textual kinds to the most distant ones. Partial control samples were chosen based on the scale of naturalness of the texts, on one side prototypical conceptually verbal (+d (communication on both sides – dialogue) +f (visual/auditory way of communicating – face to face) +m (verbal/auditory transformer) and on the other side prototypical conceptually written (-d –f –m) language. Then followed the deductive execution of (working) predictions from the basic hypothesis H0 and for proving them was the quantitative statistic method used. The result shows the statistic comparison of the characteristics of basics (bs) and control sample (cs1-4). For testing the predictions and the interpretation of the results in the work used statistical comparison of the texts of basic sample (bs) and all the texts of control sample (cs 1-4). For statistical prediction testing I used Student/s T test and HI – square test (X2-test). In prediction 1 (P1), the title of which is THE DEGREE OF EXPRESSIVE ENTANGLEMENT, I was mostly interested in three areas. The first area includes the question about the average sentence length (i.e. the average number of words in the sentence). I originated in prediction that this degree will in blogs, because of written transformer, minor expressive complexity and enough time, move between chatting texts (cs3) and juridical texts (cs4). The second area includes shares of compound sentences with coordinate clause (i.e. such, that have two or more main sentences). I stemmed in prediction, that this one will, because of conceptual verbal form of planning sentences in textual blogs (bs), get closer to that share of sentences from daily conversations (cs1).The third area of the first predictions concludes the shares of compound sentences with coordinate clause (i.e. these are the ones, th
Keywords:German language, text, PhD thesis, expressive language complexity, conceptual Written Form, naturalness theory, synchronous and asynchronous dot-written notebooks, chat rooms, online journal (s), iconic assets, acronyms and the indicating means


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