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Title:Časovna analiza vsebnosti kondenziranih taninov v lubju navadne smreke pri napadu podlubnikov
Authors:ID Felicijan, Mateja (Author)
ID Urbanek Krajnc, Andreja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Kristl, Janja (Comentor)
Files:.pdf UNI_Felicijan_Mateja_2011.pdf (2,14 MB)
MD5: 19E6C2AD7EB720A3E11754F06A28855F
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/fe3422e0-74bb-4b23-bfa0-e2b8730bcb8b
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FKBV - Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Abstract:Tanini so prevladujoče polifenolne spojine v lubju dreves, ki imajo pomembno vlogo pri lokalnem kot tudi sistemskem odzivu na napad pred patogeni in škodljivci. V prvem sklopu diplomske naloge smo vzorce ekstrahirali z različnimi topili in ekstrakcijskimi postopki. Koncentracije kondenziranih taninov v ekstraktih lubja navadne smreke [Picea abies (L.) H. Karst.] smo določali z vanilin metodo. Na podlagi rezultatov smo kot najprimernejše topilo izbrali vodno raztopino acetona (aceton : voda, 70 : 30, v/v) s 5 mM Na2S2O5 in ekstrakcijo z ultrazvočnimi valovi. V drugem sklopu naloge nas je zanimal vpliv salicilne kisline (SK) na vsebnost kondenziranih taninov pri napadu osmerozobega smrekovega lubadarja (Ips typographus L.). Tretiranje s SK je povišalo vsebnost kondenziranih taninov pri tretiranih kontrolnih smrekah za 41 % oz. 15 % pri prvem in drugem vzorčnem terminu, ki smo ga opravili v mesecu aprilu. Za inicialni odziv na napad podlubnikov štirinajst dni po izpostavitvi feromonskih ampul je značilen upad vsebnosti kondenziranih taninov, ki se je signifikantno odrazil pri tretiranih smrekah. Prvotno povišana vsebnost le-teh se je znižala na nivo kontrolnih smrek. Mesec dni kasneje je sledila akumulacija oz. povišanje vsebnosti kondenziranih taninov pri zmerno napadenih smrekah. Na podlagi časovne analize vsebnosti kondenziranih taninov smo določili tri tipe odziva na napad podlubnikov. Začetni upad vsebnosti taninov je pri vitalnih drevesih vodil do aklimatizacije, pri močno napadenih pa do degradacije vsebnosti kondenziranih taninov. Pri močno napadenih smrekah smo sredi junija izmerili do 50 % nižje vrednosti kondenziranih taninov v primerjavi s kontrolnimi smrekami. Pri nekaterih napadenih drevesih smo izmerili dinamičen odziv z akumulacijo taninov sredi maja in julija, ki sovpada s 1. in 2. maksimumom naleta in upadom sredi junija. Iz časovne analize vsebnosti kondenziranih taninov v tretiranih napadenih smrekah je razvidno, da je obrambni odziv sredi maja manj izrazit in vodi v aklimatizacijo najverjetneje zaradi predhodne indukcije sistemsko pridobljene odpornosti.
Keywords:kondenzirani tanini, osmerozobi smrekov lubadar (Ips typographus L.), Picea abies (L.) H. Karst., salicilna kislina, sistemsko pridobljena odpornost (SAR)
Place of publishing:Maribor
Year of publishing:2011
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-20443 New window
Publication date in DKUM:11.10.2011
FELICIJAN, Mateja, 2011, Časovna analiza vsebnosti kondenziranih taninov v lubju navadne smreke pri napadu podlubnikov [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor. [Accessed 18 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=20443
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Secondary language

Title:Time-course analysis of condensed tannins in Norway spruce bark after attack by bark beetles
Abstract:Tannins are dominant polyphenol compounds in the bark of trees; with important role in local as well as in systemic response against pathogenic microbes and pest infestations. In the first part of the graduation thesis, bark samples of the Norway spruce [Picea abies (L.) H. Karst.] were extracted using different solvents and extraction procedures for analysis of condensed tannins by vanillin method. The results showed that the most efficient extraction procedure was sonication in a water bath using aqueous acetone solution (acetone : water, 70 : 30, v/v) containing 5.0 mM Na2S2O5. In the second part of our research, we were interested in the impact of salicylic acid (SA) on condensed tannins contents in bark of the Norway spruce after the attack by eight-tooth spruce bark beetle (Ips typographus L.). Treatment with SA increased the content of condensed tannins in treated control spruces for 41 % or 15 % in the first and the second sampling term in April. The decrease of condensed tannins contents is distinctive for initial response to attack of bark beetles a fortnight after pheromone ampoule exposure; this was significantly reflected on the treated spruces. Originally increased content of those tannins was lowered on the level of control spruces. A month later, accumulation of the condensed tannins was observed on moderately attacked spruces. Three types of defence responses against bark beetles were specified according to the time analysis of condensed tannins contents. Initial decrease of the tannin contents in viable trees lead to acclimatisation of this substance. In trees severely attacked by bark beetles a degradation of the tannin contents occurred. In the middle of June, 50 % lower levels of the condensed tannins were measured in severely attacked spruces in comparison to the control trees. In some of the attacked trees a dynamic response, with accumulation of tannins was measured in May and July which coincides with 1st and 2nd maximum invasion, followed by the decrease in the middle of June. According to the time-course analysis of the condensed tannin contents it may be concluded, that defensive response of the SA treated attacked spruces in the middle of May was less distinct and leads into the acclimatisation, due to the initial induction of systematic acquired gained resistance.
Keywords:condensed tannins, eight-toothed spruce bark beetle (Ips typographus L.), Picea abies (L.) H. Karst., salicylic acid, systemic acquired resistance (SAR)


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