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Title:Kulturnozgodovinski utrinki iz Prekmurja
Authors:ID Ficko, Rajka (Author)
ID Rajh, Bernard (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UNI_Ficko_Rajka_2011.pdf (1,87 MB)
MD5: 969525E1B60AD723FD4A87AE9FC79A65
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/e0ae436d-9b30-496e-8576-893e23f55030
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Abstract:V diplomski nalogi je predstavljen oris kulturne zgodovine Prekmurja vse od Cirila in Metoda do druge polovice 20. stoletja. Območje Prekmurja je opisano geografsko, v nadaljevanju pa predstavljeno še z zgodovinskega vidika. Obravnavani so protestantsko in katoliško gibanje v pokrajini, vpliv ogrske oblasti na življenje v njej ter usodnost združitve Prekmurja s Slovenijo. Nekoliko podrobneje so predstavljeni arheološka najdišča, arhitekturna in etnološka dediščina ter rokodelske obrti. Tudi prekmurski izseljenci ter Romi in Židi v Prekmurju imajo svojstven pečat v preteklosti pokrajine. Na koncu naloge je opisanih še nekaj pomembnih panonskih književnikov, zgodovinarjev, politikov ter narodnih delavcev, ki so s svojim trdim delom in pogumom oblikovali identiteto prekmurskega človeka. Jezik, ki se je tod oblikoval skozi stoletja, je pustil edinstven pečat v slovenskem prostoru in zaznamoval kulturno dogajanje v pokrajini. V diplomski nalogi je uporabljena deskriptivna raziskovalna metoda, pri opisovanju in vzročnem pojasnjevanju zgodovinskih dejstev pa zgodovinska metoda, saj delo temelji na proučevanju daljne preteklosti. V zaključku naloge pa sta vsebovani tudi analiza in sinteza.
Keywords:Prekmurje, jezik, kultura, zgodovina, arheologija, arhitektura, etnologija, izseljenci, Romi, Židi, književniki.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[R. Ficko]
Year of publishing:2011
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-20392 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:18759176 New window
Publication date in DKUM:11.11.2011
FICKO, Rajka, 2011, Kulturnozgodovinski utrinki iz Prekmurja [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : R. Ficko. [Accessed 23 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=20392
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Secondary language

Title:Cultural and historical glimpses of Prekmurje
Abstract:In this diploma paper the outline of cultural history of Prekmurje is presented from Cyril and Methodius to second half of the 20th century. Prekmurje area is described geographically and further presented from a historical point of view. It considers Protestant and Catholic movement in the area, influence of Hungarian authority on life under it, and fatality of integration of Prekmurje into Slovenia. Archaeological sites, architectural and ethnological heritage, and handicraft are presented in more detail. Emigrants of Prekmurje, and Roma and Jews in Prekmurje also left a special mark in the history of area. At the end of this paper, some of the important Pannonian authors, historians, politicians and national activists are included, who have formed the identity of Prekmurje person by their hard work and courage. Language, which was formed here over the centuries, left a unique mark in Slovene area and characterized cultural events in the region. In this diploma paper, descriptive research method is used, and historical method when dealing with descriptions and causal explanations because work is based on study of distant past. In conclusion of the paper analysis and synthesis are used.
Keywords:Prekmurje, language, culture, history, archeology, ethnology, immigrants, Gypsies, Jews, writers.


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