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Authors:ID Mihalič, Rok (Author)
ID Markovič-Hribernik, Tanja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: 4357059289E811968600A2D74206CBE8
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/5350448b-dcad-4972-8e6e-329c22381d5f
Work type:Final seminar paper
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Ne samo, da BDP ne upošteva ključnih elementov kakovosti življenja, ampak v veliko primerih celo spodbuja aktivnosti, ki so v nasprotju z dolgoročno blaginjo skupnosti. Pri tem je smiselno omeniti npr. izkoriščanje naravnih virov, ki vodi v propad ekosistemov. Nič nam ne pove o družbeni neenakosti, ki pogosto vodi k socialnim nemirom. Enako velja za vse elemente socialne razčlenitve (ločitve, kazniva dejanja), ki jih obravnava kot ekonomske koristi. Podcenjuje tudi človeški kapital s tem ko zajema samo obseg končnih proizvodov. Potreben je razvoj, ki zadovoljuje potrebe sedanjosti, ne da bi bila ogrožena možnost zadovoljitve potreb prihodnjih generacij. In takšnega razvoja trenutni koncept ne prinaša. Naš planet je že sedaj preobremenjen zaradi potrošnje in onesnaževanja. Edini način, da se to neravnovesje popravi, je institucionalizacija drugih nacionalnih indikatorjev (okoljskih, povezanih z zdravjem itd.), ki bi odražali tisto pravo kompleksnost človekovega napredka. Ni pa pravega konsenza, koliko indikatorjev bi bilo smiselno vključiti in to je vprašanje, s katerim se že leta ubadajo ekonomisti. Obravnavali smo tudi odnos med gospodarsko rastjo in okoljem ter prišli do zaključka, da je kompleksen in večplasten in da ni res, da gospodarska rast vedno povečuje okoljsko škodo, kot tudi ni res, da se sčasoma vedno zmanjša. Kaj se dogaja je odvisno od števila prebivalstva, vzorcev potrošnje in uporabljene tehnologije. Kar je jasno pa je, da so za dosego trajnostnega razvoja potrebne velike tehnološke spremembe, te pa zahtevajo investicije in akumulacijo kapitala. Analizirali smo tudi vpliv tehnologije, pri čemer smo predvidevali različne scenarije s pomočjo IPAT identitete. Tehnologija, pa čeprav povzročitelj in rešitelj hkrati, je lahko ključni dejavnik izboljšanja okolja. Prav ta tretja komponenta identitete, torej tehnologija, predstavlja največje upanje za tranzicijo v trajnostni razvoj, doslej pa je bila videna kot kontinuiran vir onesnaževanja. Nato smo analizirali osem obstoječih alternativnih kazalnikov, ki smo jih ocenjevali skozi SWOT analizo ter jih spoznali skozi študije primerov. Potrebo po novih kazalnikih smo potrdili z javnomnenjsko raziskavo Globescana, ki je pokazala, da tradicionalna mera BDP ne predstavlja dovolj celovite slike napredka države. Uporaba BDP-ja ima svoje prednosti saj pomaga pri makroekonomski politiki, je enostaven, univerzalen, objektiven in uporablja tržno ceno kot vodilni princip. Rast je sicer pomembna, toda ne smemo rasti na način, ki zanemarja osnovna načela trajnostnega razvoja.
Keywords:Bruto domači proizvod, trajnostni razvoj, gospodarska rast, alternativni kazalniki, pristno varčevanje, indeks uravnotežene ekonomske blaginje, kazalnik pristnega razvoja, zeleni BDP, indeks človekovega razvoja, okoljski odtis, indeks srečnega planeta, indeks boljšega življenja, IPAT identiteta, EKC hipoteza
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[R. Mihalič]
Year of publishing:2011
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-19795 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:10842652 New window
Publication date in DKUM:21.11.2011
MIHALIČ, Rok, 2011, BDP IN ALTERNATIVNI KAZALNIKI KOT MERILO TRAJNOSTNEGA RAZVOJA [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : R. Mihalič. [Accessed 22 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=19795
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Abstract:GDP not only ignores key elements by which quality of life is defined by, in many cases it even encourages activities that are contrary to long-term prosperity of the community. In this instance it is appropriate to mention the exploitation of natural resources which results in ecosystem collapses. It doesn't tell us anything about the social inequalities that often lead to social unrest. The same is true for all elements of social breakdown (divorce, crime), which are seen as economic benefits. It also underestimates human capital by including only the volume of finished products. What we need is development that meets the needs of the present without jeopardizing the ability to meet the needs of future generations. And the current concept does not bring such development. Our planet is already congested due to consumption and pollution. The only way to rectify this imbalance is the institutionalization of other national indicators (environmental, health related, etc.) to reflect the true complexity of human progress. There is no real consensus, what indicators need to be included, and that is the question with which economists are grappling for years. We also dealt with the relationship between economic growth and the environment and have come to the conclusion that it is complex and multifaceted, and that it's not true that economic growth increases environmental damage, as it’s also not true that in time it always reduces. What happens depends on the number of population, patterns of consumption and technologies used. What is clear is that to achieve sustainable development, major technological changes are required, and these involve investments and capital accumulation. The impact of technology was also the subject of treatment, where we assumed different scenarios using IPAT identity. Technology, the saviour and the culprit at the same time, can be a key factor in improving the environment. It is this third component of the identity (technology) which is the greatest hope for a transition to sustainable development, though so far it might have been seen as an ongoing source of pollution. Then we analyzed the eight existing alternative indicators, which were evaluated through SWOT analysis, and we got to know them through case studies. The need for new indicators was confirmed by GlobeScan’s poll which showed that the traditional measure of GDP does not present a sufficiently comprehensive picture of progress in a country. The use of GDP has its advantages as it helps in macroeconomic policy, is simple, universal, objective and applies the market price as its guiding principle. Growth is important, but we should not grow in a way that ignores the basic principles of sustainable development.
Keywords:gross domestic product, sustainable development, economic growth, alternative indicators, genuine savings, index of sustainable economic welfare, genuine progress indicator, grenn GDP, human development index, ecological footprint, happy planet index, better life index, IPAT identity, EKC hypothesis


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