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Authors:ID Ribič, Janez (Author)
ID Pihler, Jože (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: 62A8E28642C5F8B3DACE428EE2073410
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/d36bade4-4a83-485a-9d2f-7dd19963b680
Work type:Dissertation
Organization:FERI - Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Abstract:Plinski odvodnik je prenapetostna zaščitna naprava in je pomemben del prenapetostne zaščite v zgradbah. Tehnološko še vedno ni dovršen. Njegova velika prednost je ta, da lahko prevaja velike tokove, vendar še vedno obstajajo problemi s samogasnostjo. Razvojni inženir išče na tem področju vedno nove tehnološke rešitve. V veliko pomoč pri tem bi jim bil ustrezen model plinskega odvodnika. V ta namen je bil dopolnjen obstoječi model plinskega odvodnika kot model “črne škatle”. Obstoječi model ima določene omejitve. Z njim medvsem ni možno raziskovati določenih fizikalnih zakonitosti, ki so bistvene za delovanje plinskega odvodnika. V tej doktorski disertaciji je ta model dopolnjen. Novi model zajema pomembna fizikalna dogajanja, ki so osnova delovanja plinskega odvodnika: proženje, prevajanje, ugasnitev električnega obloka in možen ponovni vžig zaradi dielektričnega preboja vročega plina. Poseben poudarek v tej doktorski disertaciji je bil posvečen problemu samogašenja električnega obloka. Razviti so bili geometrijski modeli raznih vrst plinskih odvodnikov na osnovi izračunov električne poljske jakosti po metodi končnih elementov. Končni izsledki so pokazali, da je vnovično proženje delovanja plinskega odvodnika močno odvisno od sproščene toplote v plin plinskega odvodnika in velikosti električne poljske jakosti. Somagasnost plinskega odvodnika je bila izvedena z zmanjšanjem električne poljske jakosti z uvedbo optimirane oblike elektrod. Novi model plinskega odvodnika je zanesljivo orodje pri razvoju novih odvodnikov in za izboljšanje karakteristik obstoječih.
Keywords:plinski odvodnik, elektroenergetski sistemi, matematični model, metoda končnih elementov, kinetična teorija plinov, električni oblok
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[J. Ribič]
Year of publishing:2011
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-18164 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:14925334 New window
Publication date in DKUM:05.05.2011
Categories:KTFMB - FERI
RIBIČ, Janez, 2011, RAZVOJ IN ANALIZA MODELA PLINSKEGA ODVODNIKA [online]. Doctoral dissertation. Maribor : J. Ribič. [Accessed 28 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=18164
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Secondary language

Title:Development and Analysis of Gas Discharge Arrester's Model
Abstract:Gas discharge arrester is overvoltage protection device and important part of overvoltage protection system in buildings. Gas discharge is still not yet technologically accomplished. Remain problems with self-extinguished of electric arc. Development engineer always looking for new technological solutions. In great help for this could be a good mathematical model of gas discharge arrester. In recent past black box model of gas discharge arrester was developed. This model has some disadvantages. Definite physical lawfulness which is crucial for working of gas discharge arrester could not been researched. In this dissertation this model was completed. It combines all of working of gas discharge arrester: triggering, conducting, extinguish of electric arc and possible dielectric break down of hot gases. Special attention dedicated to problem of self-extinguish of electric arc. A geometrical model of gas discharge arresters has been developed, and then electric field has been computed with FEM on those models and finally, computed results were given into model of a gas discharge arrester. Final results of investigation of dielectric breakdown were bringing. Dielectric breakdown is depending about heating of gas and shape of electrodes. Amount of electric field has been reduced with optimal curved shape of electrode and in this way reach to electric arc was extinguished. This model could manage to resolve all states of gas discharge arresters.
Keywords:gas discharge arrester, electrical power systems, mathematical model, FEM, Kinetic theory of gases, electric arc


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