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Title:Rak materničnega vratu in program ZORA
Authors:ID Torbica, Sanja (Author)
ID Nerat, Jasmina (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Torbica_Sanja_2011.pdf (966,30 KB)
MD5: 744B56FBABB7994E37FC00ED41F738AE
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/ec51d3bc-00ce-4f5e-8149-73c2a1ce5bd7
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences
Abstract:Diplomsko delo predstavlja rak materničnega vratu in program ZORA, ter osveščenost žensk glede preprečevanja raka materničnega vratu. Diplomsko delo je sestavljeno iz dveh delov. V prvem (teoretičnem) delu je predstavljen rak materničnega vratu, in sicer definicija bolezni, epidemiologija, etiologija, znaki bolezni, dejavniki tveganja, PAP test in zdravljenje. Opisano je tudi cepljenje proti HPV, vloga medicinskih sester pri preprečevanju raka materničnega vratu in program ZORA. V drugem (empiričnem) delu diplomske naloge so predstavljeni rezultati raziskave, s katero smo želeli ugotoviti osveščenost žensk glede rednih preventivnih pregledov pri ginekologu, seznanjenost glede raka materničnega vratu in koliko ženske poznajo program ZORA. Raziskava je bila opravljena v podjetju Gorenje gospodinjski aparati, d.d. v Velenju. Anketiranje je bilo izvedeno v mesecu oktobru 2010. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da večina žensk hodi na redne ginekološke preglede, kjer tudi dobijo informacije o raku materničnega vratu ter PAP testu.
Keywords:rak materničnega vratu, HPV, program ZORA, ginekološki pregled, PAP test
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[S. Torbica]
Year of publishing:2011
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-18017 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:1693092 New window
Publication date in DKUM:31.05.2011
TORBICA, Sanja, 2011, Rak materničnega vratu in program ZORA [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : S. Torbica. [Accessed 24 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=18017
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Secondary language

Title:Cervical cancer and the ZORA program
Abstract:The diploma thesis represents the cervical cancer and ZORA program as well as awareness of women regarding the prevention of cervical cancer. The thesis is divided into two parts. In the first (theoretical) part cervical cancer is presented as well as definition of the disease, epidemiology, etiology, signs and symptoms, risk factors, Pap smear and treatment. HPV vaccination is described in diploma as well as the role of nurses in prevention of cervical cancer and ZORA program. In the second (empirical) part of the thesis are presented the results of a study which goal was to determine awareness of women about regular preventive examinations by gynecologist, awareness of cervical cancer and how many women know the ZORA program. The survey was conducted in Gorenje household appliances in the city of Velenje. The survey was conducted in the month of October 2010. The results showed that most women go to regular gynecological examinations as well as get information about cervical cancer and Pap smears.
Keywords:cervical cancer, HPV, program ZORA, gynecological examination, Pap smear


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