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Authors:ID Cilenšek, Nejc (Author)
ID Vavtar, Bojan (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Cilensek_Nejc_2011.pdf (529,91 KB)
MD5: 7D79C43234F643C44CF408AFB61A5BE1
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/7e45dee2-b442-488a-a84b-880c947b4217
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences in Kranj
Abstract:POVZETEK V diplomski nalogi, ki je razdeljena na teoretični in praktični del, so najprej predstavljeni temeljni instituti prava, ki posegajo na področje marketinga. Osredotočili smo se na institute obligacijskega prava, ki so temelji vseh pogodb in določajo pravice in obveznosti strank, ki v takšno razmerje vstopijo. V nadaljevanju pa smo se bolj osredotočil na zakone in predpise, ki so relevantni na področju marketinga. Menimo, da se v marketingu s temi instituti najpogosteje srečujemo, zato je pomembno, da jih poznajo vsi, ki se z marketingom ukvarjajo. Marketinški proces zajema širok spekter med seboj povezanih dejavnosti, zato moramo najprej izpostaviti vse te pomembne dejavnosti. To so: izdelek, cene, kupoprodajni pogoji, oglaševanje, komuniciranje, tržne poti in podobno, skupaj pa sestavljajo marketinški miks. Na vseh teh področjih pa se pojavlja obširen splet zakonov in pravnih pravil, ki smo jih v diplomski nalogi na kratko predstavili. V praktičnem delu diplomske naloge smo izvedeli anketo, s katero smo preverili, kako se predstavljena teorija uresničuje v praksi. Zanimalo nas je predvsem, kaj predpisi pomenijo za tiste, ki delujejo na področju marketinga. Namen in cilj naše naloge je bil zato ugotoviti, ali je zakonodaja na tem področju težko razumljiva in zapletena, ali predstavlja ovire pri delu zaradi njene nejasnosti in kompleksnosti, ali so za razumevanje in uporabo predpisov potrebna posebna izobraževanja zaposlenih, ali podjetja pri svojem delovanju dosledno upoštevajo pravne predpise in ali ti vplivajo na njihovo začrtano strategijo v podjetju ter jih pri njihovem delovanju omejujejo.
Keywords:marketing, obligacijsko pravo, industrijska lastnina, oglaševanje, nelojalna konkurenca
Place of publishing:Maribor
Year of publishing:2011
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-18013 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:6866963 New window
Publication date in DKUM:13.07.2011
CILENŠEK, Nejc, 2011, PRAVNI VIDIK MARKETINGA [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor. [Accessed 17 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=18013
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Secondary language

Abstract:ABSTRACT In this diploma, which is divided into theoretical and practical part, we first introduced the basic institutes of law, affecting the area of marketing. We focused on the institute law of obligations, which are the foundations of all contracts and determine the rights and obligations of parties entering into such relationship. Below we focused more on laws and regulations that are relevant to the field of marketing. We believe that marketing is often faced with these institutes, therefore it is important that they are well known to those who are dealing with them. Marketing process covers a wide range of interconnected activities, so we have to expose all of these important activities. These are: product, price, terms and conditions of sale, advertising, communication, marketing channels and the like, which together make up marketing mix. In all these areas, there is an extensive web of laws and rules of law that we have in the thesis with a brief presentation. The practical part of our work we carried out a survey, which we checked how the presented theory applied in practice. We were wondering in particular what the rules mean for those working in the field of marketing. The purpose and aim of our diploma was therefore to determine whether the legislation in this area is difficult to understand and whether it is complex, whether it constitute an obstacle at work because of its ambiguity and complexity, whether to understand and use regulations require special training of employees, whether companies in their operations consistently take into account the legal provisions and whether they affect their strategy outlined in the company and their performance in the back.
Keywords:marketing, obligation law, industrial property, advertising, unfair competition


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