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Authors:ID Kamenik, Klavdija (Author)
ID Brumen, Marina (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Kovačič, Primož (Comentor)
Files:.pdf VS_Kamenik_Klavdija_2011.pdf (1,83 MB)
MD5: 0478D13E62CAA17BCFD27B91D05FE5C3
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/fbf52e1e-d7b8-4a59-85e7-bfa234636b72
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences
Abstract:Varikozne vene spodnjih okončin predstavljajo enega izmed najbolj pogostih zdravstvenih problemov, ki prizadene številne paciente. Zdravljenje varikoznih ven vključuje različne metode, med katerimi so se v zadnjem desetletju ob že znanih metodah zdravljenja kronične venske insuficience razvile tudi nove metode, ki omogočajo krajšo zdravstveno obravnavo, boljše rezultate zdravljenja in hkrati tudi boljše estetske rezultate za paciente. Problem raziskovanja v diplomskem delu je zdravstvena nega pacienta pri ultrazvočno vodeni laserski sklerozaciji ven spodnjih okončin (Ultrasound endovenous laser ablation of lower limbs - EVLA). Kot sistemsko osnovo dela diplomiranih operacijskih medicinskih sester smo predstavili procesno metodo dela in njeno uporabo v klinični praksi zdravstvene nege. V teoretičnem delu diplomskega dela smo najprej predstavili definicijo krčnih žil in kronične venske insuficince, njeno etiologijo, odkrivanje in zdravljenje kroničnega venskega popuščanja. V nadaljevanju smo podrobneje opisali ultrazvočno vodeno lasersko sklerozacija ven spodnjih okončin (Ultrasound endovenous laser ablation of lower limbs - EVLA). To je minimalno invaziven poseg. Pri laserski metodi gre za tehniko zapiranja velike vene safene (na notranjem delu stegna) s pomočjo laserske energije. Energijo dovedemo s pomočjo optičnega vlakna, ki ga vstavimo v zdravljeno veno. Uvajanje optičnega vlakna kontroliramo s pomočjo ultrazvoka (UZ). Vidne varice ali krčne žile pa se še vedno morajo odstraniti na enega izmed klasičnih načinov (npr. mini flebektomija). V praktičnem delu diplomskega dela smo prikazali proces zdravstvene nege pacienta pri ultrazvočno vodeni laserski sklerozacija ven spodnjih okončin (Ultrasound endovenous laser ablation of lower limbs - EVLA), kjer smo izhajali iz teoretičnih osnov procesne metode dela. Predstavili smo vse faze procesa zdravstvene nege in ugotovili, da je zdravstvena nega pacienta pri ultrazvočno vodeni laserski sklerozaciji ven organizirana skladno s procesno metodo dela in predstavlja pomembno strokovno in organizacijsko področje zdravstvene obravnave. V praktičnem delu diplomskega dela smo predstavili tudi odgovornost in kompetence diplomirane operacijske medicinske sestre, ki kot članica zdravstvenega tima sodeluje pri načrtovanju in izvajanju preoperativne, perioperativne in pooperativne zdravstvene oskrbe pacienta. Ugotovili smo, da kot nosilka dejavnosti v klinični praksi zdravstvene nege pacienta pri ultrazvočno vodeni lasersko vodeni sklerozaciji ven spodnjih okončin razpolaga z ustreznimi vsebinskimi in metodološkimi znanji in je tudi dobro usposobljena za klinično delo. Za potrditev raziskovalnih vprašanj smo uporabili deskriptivno metodo dela. Na osnovi pregleda strokovne literature in njene analize, smo v klinični praksi zdravstvene nege proučili potek zdravstvene nege pacienta na osnovi pripravljenih organizacijskih in strokovnih dokumentov (navodila za delo, obvestila in informacije pacientom, klinična pot). Glede na pregled literature in potek zdravstvene nege smo podali odgovore na zastavljena raziskovalna vprašanja in potrdili naše predpostavke.
Keywords:EVLA, pacient, diplomirana operacijska medicinska sestra, radiolog, zdravstvena nega, varice, ultrazvok (UZ)
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[K. Kamenik]
Year of publishing:2011
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-17277 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:1675172 New window
Publication date in DKUM:09.03.2011
KAMENIK, Klavdija, 2011, ZDRAVSTVENA NEGA PACIENTA PRI ULTRAZVOČNO VODENI LASERSKI SKLEROZACIJI VEN SPODNJIH OKONČIN [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : K. Kamenik. [Accessed 28 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=17277
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Secondary language

Abstract:Lower limbs varicose veins are one of the most common health problems that affect many patients. Treatment of varicose veins include various methods, including in the last decade, the already known methods of treatment of chronic venous insufficiency also developed new methods that allow less medical treatment, better treatment outcomes and also a better aesthetic results for patients. The problem of research in this thesis is nursing a patient in an ultrasound-guided sclerotherapy laser out of the lower limbs (endovenous laser ablation Ultrasound of Lower limbs - EVLA). As a systemic basis of operating graduate nurses, we presented the work process method and its application in clinical practice of nursing. In the theoretical part of the thesis, we first present the definition of varicose veins and chronic venous insufficiency, its etiology, diagnosis and treatment of chronic venous failure. Below we describe in detail an ultrasound guided sclerotherapy laser out of the lower limbs (endovenous laser ablation Ultrasound of Lower limbs - EVLA). This is a minimally invasive procedure. In the laser method is a technique of closing large vein Safe Net (on the inside of the thigh) by means of laser energy. Bring the energy through an optical fiber, which is inserted into the treated vein. Control the introduction of an optical fiber using ultrasound (U.S.). Visual varicose or varicose veins are still required to dispose of one of the classical methods (e.g. mini flebectomy). In the practical part of the thesis, we show the process of health care of the patient in an ultrasound-guided sclerotherapy laser out of the lower limbs (endovenous laser ablation Ultrasound of Lower limbs-EVLA), which we derived from the theoretical basis of procedural methods. We presented all the stages of the process of nursing care and found that the care of patients with ultrasound-guided sclerotherapy laser out organized according to the process method of work and an important technical and organizational scope of medical treatment. In the practical part of the thesis we present the responsibility and competences of graduate surgical nurses as a member of medical team involved in the planning and implementation of preoperative, perioperativne and postoperative patient care. We found that as the bearer of activities in clinical practice, health care of the patient in an ultrasound-guided laser-guided sclerotherapy out below limbs possession of the relevant substantive and methodological background and are well qualified for clinical work. To confirm the research questions, we used the descriptive method. In a review of the literature and its analysis, we are in the clinical practice of nursing course of study the health care of the patient on the basis of preset organizational and technical documents (work instructions, notices and information to patients, clinical way).According to literature review and conduct of health care we give answers to research questions and to confirm our assumptions.
Keywords:EVLA, patient, graduate operating nurse, radiologist, nursing, varicose, ultrasound (U.S.)


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