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Authors:ID Slapnik, Lidija (Author)
ID Kordigel Aberšek, Metka (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UNI_Slapnik_Lidija_2010.pdf (1,10 MB)
MD5: 5AE0A1C74827068813D346BDF2C800CB
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/4a831063-ff27-4a13-8df7-e1aef0740211
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Abstract:Diplomska naloga obravnava spodbujanje domačega družinskega branja. Namen takšnega branja je spodbuditi starše, da ohranijo oblike družinskega branja, kot so to počeli v prvem razredu, tako dolgo, kot bo njihov otrok to želel. Branje knjig otrokom ustvarja toplino in krepi čustvene vezi v družini. Poleg tega dobro in pomirjevalno vpliva tudi na starše, saj skupaj z otroki uživajo in vstopajo v domišlijske svetove. Cilj raziskave je bil ugotoviti, ali didaktični koncept zbirke Knjiga pred nosom podpira cilje učnega načrta ali gre le za še en poskus na tržišču, ki je namenjen v prvi vrsti ustvarjanju dobička na podlagi videza, da gre za didaktično »igračo«. V prvi fazi se je ugotavljalo, ali didaktični instrumentarij z nalogami pred branjem, s spodbudami in ustvarjanjem pričakovanj, ustrezno pripravlja otroke na skupno ali samostojno branje. Druga faza je bila usmerjena k preverjanju, ali didaktični instrumentarij z nalogami med branjem, z vprašanji in nalogami, ustrezno fokusira otroke na bistvene podatke v literarnem besedilu in tako uresničuje cilje učnega načrta. V tretji fazi je bilo preverjeno, ali didaktični instrumentarij z nalogami po branju ustrezno usmerja bralce k urejanju vtisov, zapisovanju podatkov, vrednotenju in na ta način podpira cilje učnega načrta. Podatki za rešitev raziskovanega vprašanja so bili pridoblejeni iz zbirke domačega branja Knjiga pred nosom. V raziskovani vzorec so bile vključene knjige: Astrid Lindgren: Brata Levjesrčna; Desa Muck: Anica in grozovitež; Roald Dahl: Matilda; Ela Peroci: Moj dežnik je lahko balon; Niko Grafenauer: Pedenjped. Nalogam iz didaktičnega instrumentarija sem določila ciljno naravnanost in nato te cilje primerjala s cilji učnega načrta. V diplomski nalogi sta zajeti deskriptivna in kavzalno-neekspreimentalna metoda.
Keywords:Ključne besede: branje, domače branje, družinsko branje, spodbujanje branja.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[L. Slapnik]
Year of publishing:2010
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-17080 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:18087944 New window
Publication date in DKUM:19.01.2011
SLAPNIK, Lidija, 2010, SPODBUJANJE DRUŽINSKEGA BRANJA [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : L. Slapnik. [Accessed 23 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=17080
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Secondary language

Abstract:ABSTRACT My graduation thesis deals with encouraging home reading. The purpose of such reading is to encourage parents in preserving family reading as long as their child desires. Reading books fulfills the child’s need for warmth and deepens family bonding. Apart from that, it has a calming effect on parents as well, since they share the joyful privilege of entering imaginary wonderland together with their child. The aim of my research is to find out whether the didactic concept of ‘Knjiga pred nosom' book collection supports the basic aims of the school syllabus or it is just another trademark intended to make money on grounds that it is a didactic supplement. Phase one of my research was to investigate whether the didactic purpose of pre-reading activities, encouraging and offering anticipation guides is to provide children with a proper background for family or individual reading. Phase two tried to examine if the didactic purpose of the during reading activities focuses on the basic data of the literary work and meets the syllabus objectives. Phase three of my research was to find out if the didactic purpose of the post-reading activities enables children to gather and arrange their impressions, note them down, synthesize, and hence supports the school syllabus. The information needed to investigate the above mentioned questions were collected from the ‘Knjiga pred nosom' home reading book collection. Books included in my research were: Astrid Lindgren: Brata Levjesrčna; Desa Muck: Anica in grozovitež; Roald Dahl: Matilda; Ela Peroci: Moj dežnik je lahko balon; Niko Grafenauer: Pedenjped. I acknowledged the aims of pre-reading, during reading and post-reading activities and compared them with the syllabus objectives. In my graduation thesis I used descriptive and non-experimental methods.
Keywords:reading, home reading, family reading, encouraging reading.


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