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Title:Obravnava pacienta z bolečino
Authors:ID Klinar, Kristina (Author)
ID Strauss, Maja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Klinar_Kristina_2010.pdf (267,89 KB)
MD5: 4E003156F52FE996F6D476F297BE6E62
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/fd2adeac-53ab-413b-9fb1-fddb61aa47ef
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences
Abstract:V diplomskem delu smo opredelili bolečino in obravnavo pacienta z bolečino. Prikazati smo želeli, kako pomembno je pravočasno opozoriti na bolečino, pomen pravočasnega zdravljenja le-te in pomembnost merjenja bolečine v zdravstveni negi. Opisali smo fiziologijo bolečine in dejavnike, ki vplivajo na pojav bolečine, ocenjevanje bolečine in lestvice za ocenjevanje le-te. Predstavili smo pomembno vlogo medicinske sestre in zdravstvene nege pri obravnavi bolečine. V raziskovalnem delu diplomske naloge smo predstavili rezultate raziskave, ki smo jo izvedli med zdravstvenimi delavci kirurških oddelkov Splošne bolnišnice Celje v mesecu juliju 2010. Raziskavo smo izvedli s pomočjo anonimnega anketnega vprašalnika. Ugotoviti smo želeli, ali medicinske sestre ocenjujejo bolečino pri pacientih, ali poznajo različne metode ocenjevanja in ali uporabljajo poseben obrazec za oceno bolečine pri obravnavi pacienta. Dobili smo zadovoljive rezultate, ki so prikazali, da več kot polovica medicinskih sester ocenjuje bolečino pri pacientih, da večina medicinskih sester pozna različne metode za ocenjevanje in da je bolečina tudi ustrezno dokumentirana. Najpogostejši način dokumentiranja je v pisni predaji službe in na poseben obrazec za ocenjevanje bolečine.
Keywords:bolečina, ocenjevanje bolečine, medicinska sestra, zdravstvena nega.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[K. Klinar]
Year of publishing:2010
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-16559 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:1651620 New window
Publication date in DKUM:07.12.2010
KLINAR, Kristina, 2010, Obravnava pacienta z bolečino [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : K. Klinar. [Accessed 1 April 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=16559
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Title:Treatment of the patient with pain
Abstract:In our thesis we defined the pain and the treatment of patients with pain. We wanted to demonstrate how important it is to draw attention to pain symptoms on time, the signification of timely treatment of pain and the importance of measuring pain in healthcare. We described the physiology of pain and the agents that influence the occurrence of pain, pain evaluation and pain evaluation scale. We presented the importance of the nurse’s role and of healthcare in pain treatment. In the empirical part of the thesis we presented the results of a research that we implemented among the medical professionals in the surgical departments of General Hospital Celje in July 2010. We implemented the research with anonymous questionnaires. We tried to find out if the nurses evaluate patients’ pain, if they are familiar with the evaluation methods and if they use special forms for pain evaluation when they are treating a patient. We got satisfactory results and proved that more than half of nurses evaluate pain of patients, most of the nurses are familiar with pain evaluation methods and the pain is also correctly documented. The most common way for documenting is in writing and on a special pain evaluation form.
Keywords:pain, pain evaluation, nurse, health care.


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