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Authors:ID Arlič, Nina (Author)
ID Bratina, Borut (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UNI_Arlic_Nina_2010.pdf (480,96 KB)
MD5: 1D70A5D10271768739A6B70ECDE52DA0
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/77546287-665b-461e-ae44-3e01094af3dd
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Institut osebnega stečaja je nov pravni institut, ki je z letom 2008 našel svoje mesto v slovenskem pravnem redu. Zakonodajalec ga je uvedel zato, da bi pomagal številnim prezadolženim posameznikom, ki zaradi velikih dolgov niso mogli ubežati pritiskom upnikov, po drugi strani pa je želel zagotoviti proces, v katerem bi bili vsi upniki poplačani istočasno in v enakih deležih. Postopek osebnega stečaja se vodi nad fizičnimi osebami, pogoj za začetek pa je dolžnikova insolventnost. Nov zakon je prinesel kar nekaj novosti tudi za samostojne podjetnike, saj se sedaj stečajni postopek nad njimi vodi v sklopu osebnega stečaja. Z dolžnikovim premoženjem v tem postopku upravlja stečajni upravitelj, ki v prvi vrsti ščiti interese upnikov. Začetek postopka osebnega stečaja nima pravnih posledic le za dolžnika, temveč tudi za upnike in druge finančne institucije, predvsem banke kot izvajalke plačilnega prometa. Ob koncu postopka lahko dolžnik zaprosi za odpust dolgov in če mu sodišče ugodi, je po končanem stečajnem postopku prost finančnih obveznosti, zaradi katerih je bil začet osebni stečaj. V tujini je stečaj nad prezadolženim potrošnikom poznan že dolgo. Diplomsko delo primerja ureditev potrošniškega stečaja v angloameriškem in kontinentalnem pravnem sistemu, znotraj slednjega pa primerja rešitve v germanskih, romanskih in skandinavskih državah. Znotraj vsake skupine je podrobneje predstavljena po ena država, ki najbolj odraža značilnosti posamezne pravne družine.
Keywords:osebni stečaj, insolventnost, dolžnik, fizična oseba, samostojni podjetnik, upniki, stečajni upravitelj, banke, odpust dolgov, angloameriški pravni sistem, kontinentalni pravni sistem, germanske države, romanske države, skandinavske države.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[N. Arlič]
Year of publishing:2010
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-16362 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:10550300 New window
Publication date in DKUM:28.01.2011
ARLIČ, Nina, 2010, OSEBNI STEČAJ [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : N. Arlič. [Accessed 21 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=16362
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Secondary language

Abstract:Personal bankruptcy is a new legal institute, which took its place in Slovenian law in 2008. It was implemented in order to help overindebted individuals who, due to large debts could not escape the pressure of creditors, and also to ensure creditors that their claims will be repaid simultaneously and in equal shares. Personal bankruptcy procedure can be initiated against a natural person. His/hers insolvency is a legal requirement for starting a procedure. The new legislature brought several changes to independent entrepreneurs as well. If they want to start a bankruptcy procedure, they must do it under personal bankruptcy law. During bankruptcy proceedings debtor's property is managed by a trustee, whose primary concern are the interests of creditors. Personal bankruptcy does not affect only the debtor, it also affects his/hers creditors and other financial institutions, particularly banks. At the end of bankruptcy procedure the debtor may apply for a debt discharge. If the court agrees, all the debtor's unpaid debts get discharged and the debtor is provided with a fresh start. Consumer bankruptcy has been long known to foreign legislators. This thesis compares regulations of consumer bankruptcy in Anglo-American and Continental legal systems and also Germanic, Romanistic and Scandinavian approach to this problem. Within each of these groups, one country that best reflects the characteristics of a group is presented in detail.
Keywords:personal bankruptcy, insolvency, debtor, natural person, independent entrepreneur, creditors, trustee, banks, debt discharge, Anglo-American legal system, Continental legal system, Germanic countries, Romanistic countries, Scandinavian countries.


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