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Authors:ID Mravlje, Sara (Author)
ID Uršič, Duško (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UNI_Mravlje_Sara_2010.pdf (1,15 MB)
MD5: 306EE3188F59E6C34B442B105244883A
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/a12426c2-0f97-4cc5-933a-fe5dfa3fa8e1
Work type:Final seminar paper
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Odnos med managerji in zaposlenimi je ključen dejavnik za učinkovito delovanje podjetja. Tako manager kot drugi zaposleni gredo skozi različne faze in obdobja in tisto kar je na koncu edino pomembno je, da iz vsake faze izluščijo nekaj koristnega in učinkovitega. Težko je reči kaj je najbolj pomembno v odnosu med managerjem in zaposlenimi, saj mnogi dejavniki tvorijo neko celoto, ki ji na koncu lahko rečemo »dober management«. Dober manager mora, s pomočjo poznavanja primarnih in sekundarnih potreb, razumeti kaj ljudi zadovoljuje. To znanje omogoča razumevanje pomembnega vpliva denarnega plačila ali drugih vrst nagrajevanja kot elementov motiviranja zaposlenih. Uspeh vsake organizacije, podjetja, je odvisen od zaposlenih, njihove kvalitete, predanosti skupnim ciljem in izvedbe dela. Vse to pa je na nek način, na vsakem koraku povezano z motiviranostjo vsakega zaposlenega posebej. Dejstvo je, da ljudi privlači denar, vendar vse raziskave kažejo, da denar še zdaleč ni prvi in glavni motivator. Managerji so morajo tega zavedati in ne ob vsakem nezadovoljstvu le ponuditi povišico. To bo učinkovalo izjemno kratkoročno, dolgoročni cilji pa s tem še zdaleč niso doseženi. Managerji torej predstavljajo odločilno vejo organizacije, zato se je potrebno osebno in poklicno razvijati ter izobraževati. Le tako se lahko aktivirajo in izkoristijo vsi potenciali. S pomočjo svoje osebnosti, osebnostnega razvoja oziroma zrelosti in stilov vodenja manager vpliva na dobro počutje zaposlenih. Blagostanje zaposlenih pa je, kot sem že zgoraj omenila, ključno za uspešno poslovanje.
Keywords:management, motivacijske teorije, dialog in komunikacija, reševanje konfliktov, plačni sistem, letni razgovor, poglavitna orodja vodenja, nedenarna nagrajevanja
Place of publishing:[Maribor
Publisher:S. Mravlje
Year of publishing:2010
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-15961 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:10547228 New window
Publication date in DKUM:27.01.2011
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Abstract:The relationship between managers and employees plays a key role. Managers like other employees finds himself in different situations and at different stages, and the only thing that matters at the end is that they manage to gain something usefull and effective from the experience. It is hard to name what is most important in the manager-employee relationship for there are multiple factors that make up a union that we can call »good management«. A good manager has to know what makes people content. This can be achieved be recognising primary and secondary needs. These needs help to understand the power and importance of the salary or other means of rewarding the employees that function as elements of motivation. Every success of an organisation or company depends on the workers – quality, commitement to common goals and the execution of their work. And everything listed before is in one way or another constantly connected to the motivation of individual workers. It is undesputable that people are attracted to money, but nevertheless all surveys show that money is neither the sole nor the main motivator. A manager has to be aware of that fact and not always when discontent spreads simply offer a raise. This will have a short-lived effect, while the long-term goals are not met. Managers of a company have to know how to correctly reach the right decisions and this is why it is necessary for them to grow on their personal as well as professional level and constantly educate themselves. This gives them the chance to activate and take advantage of their potential. With their personality, personal growth, maturity and management approaches they effect the well-being of the employees. And as mentioned before, the employees prosperity is key to a successful business.
Keywords:Management, motivation theory, dialogue and communication, conflict resolution, the salary system, annual interviews, key management tools, rewarding employees


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