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Authors:ID Cug, Brigita (Author)
ID Goriup, Jana (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UNI_Cug_Brigita_2010.pdf (2,51 MB)
MD5: D338DBC612E378FBA4CB0770298D775C
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/9a1eb9a3-5de2-444e-a75e-374495cfc0d4
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Abstract:Diplomsko delo je sestavljeno iz dveh delov. Teoretični del začenjamo s splošnim pogledom na družino, s predstavitvijo nekaterih definicij o družini različnih avtorjev, opisom in analizo njenih temeljnih funkcij ter opredelitvijo z vidika različnih klasifikacij glede na njeno vlogo v družbi. Globalni cilj diplomskega dela je analiza družine v času moderne družbe in značilnosti družine v njej ter predstaviti nekatera razmišljanja o krizi družine. Glede na to, da nas je zanimal fenomen starševstva v postmoderni družbi, smo jo opisali in znotraj nje izpostavili nekatere pomembne značilnosti in ključne spremembe vezane na družinsko življenje in vpliv družbenega razvoja nanje. Nadalje smo starševstvo kot osrednji pojem najprej definirali, opisali dejavnike odločanja za starševstvo, dejavnike kvalitetnega starševstva ter samo psihodinamiko le-tega. Posebej smo izpostavili še cilje starševstva, predstavili bistvo odgovornega starševstva ter izpostavili pomen komunikacije za kvalitetnejše družinsko življenje. Glede na strokovne ugotovitve smo izpostavili še ekonomski in pravni vidik starševstva. In ker so starši pomembni člen, ki skupaj z otroki tvori družino, katere ena izmed najpomembnejših nalog je socializacija ter tudi vzgoja, smo dobršen del pozornosti namenili tudi njima. Po analizi pomena socializacije, smo razložili njen potek in opisali njene dejavnike. Tudi pojem vzgoje smo najprej definirali, predstavili njene cilje in naloge. Nato smo opisali vzgojne stile in posledice njihove uporabe pri vzgoji otrok. Ker se danes pogosto zdi, da je otrokom v veliki meri skoraj vse dovoljeno, smo izpostavili še problem razvajenosti otrok v današnji (postmoderni) družbi. Nakazali smo probleme, ki kličejo po dodatnem izobraževanju staršev ter predstavili vsebine in cilje le-tega, prav tako pa našteli organizacije, ki se ukvarjajo z izobraževanjem staršev. Nato smo predstavili odnos staršev do samega izobraževanja. Ob koncu teoretičnega dela smo opisali še pomen izobraževanja staršev za kvalitetnejši in optimalni razvoj otroka ter znotraj tega nakazali, kakšno naj bi bilo izobraževanje staršev, da bi bilo uspešno ter bi kot tako pripomoglo k učinkovitemu opravljanju starševske vloge. Empirični del pa zajema predstavitev in analizo dobljenih empiričnih podatkov anketiranih staršev s posebnim ozirom na institut starševstva v postmoderni družbi: glavne dimenzije staršev; vzgoje, katere so bili deležni starši; opravljanje starševske vloge v postmoderni družbi ter izobraževanje staršev.
Keywords:družina, moderna družba, moderna družina, postmoderna družba, starševstvo, družine v postmoderni družbi, otrok, starši, socializacija, vzgoja, izobraževanje.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[B. Cug]
Year of publishing:2010
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-15074 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:17907976 New window
Publication date in DKUM:29.01.2021
CUG, Brigita, 2010, SPREMENJENA VLOGA STARŠEVSTVA V SLOVENSKI POSTMODERNI DRUŽBI [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : B. Cug. [Accessed 22 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=15074
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Secondary language

Title:Changed role of parenthood in slovenian postmodern society
Abstract:This diploma paper consists of two parts. Theoretical part starts with a general view to a family and with some definitions about a family given from different authors. We have described and analysed its fundamental functions and defined it from the point of view of different classifications according to its role in a society. The global aim of this diploma paper is to analyse a family and its characteristics in modern society and also to present some considerations about a crisis of a family. We were interested in the parenthood in a postmodern society and thus we have described it and we pointed out some important characteristics and changes bounded to a family life and the effect of social development to them. Furthermore, parenthood being a central notion, we defined it, described the factors that are important in deciding to become parents and factors of quality parenthood and also psychodynamics of it. We particularly pointed out the goals of parenthood, presented the essential element of responsible parenthood and emphasised the importance of communication for the quality family life. According to the professional findings we exposed the economical and legal aspect of parenthood. Besides parents and children we gave quite a lot of attention to the socialization and upbringing because these are of the most important roles of a family. After the analysis of the socialization we explained its course and described its factors. The notion of upbringing was also first defined and then we presented its goals and tasks. After that we described different styles of upbringing and consequences of their use in children’s upbringing. Because of the common conviction that nowadays children are allowed to do whatever they want, we also pointed out the problem of spoiled children in postmodern society. We indicated the problems that call for additional education of parents and we presented the content and goals of that kind of education and we named some organizations that deal with it. Then we presented the relations parents have towards that kind of education. At the end of the theoretical part we described the purpose of education of parents for the quality and optimal development of a child and within this we pointed out what should the education of parents be like so that it is successful and as such affective in performing the parental role. In the empirical part we presented and analysed the empirical data we gathered with a questionnaire we gave to parents with special regards to the institute of parenthood in a postmodern society: the main dimensions of parents; the upbringing of parents; performance of parental role in the postmodern society and the education of parents.
Keywords:family, modern society, modern family, postmodern society, parenthood, families in postmodern society, children, parents, socialization, upbringing, education


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