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Title:Vpliv prometa na okolje
Authors:ID Hebar, Simon (Author)
ID Lorber, Lučka (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UNI_Hebar_Simon_2010.pdf (3,47 MB)
MD5: 01406AECD62BD005CBBED759737F3929
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/f0289ab6-6dfe-4966-98f4-b4f7dd13b321
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Abstract:Promet nam danes omogoča gospodarski razvoj, veliko svobodo gibanja in deluje kot povezovalec prostora. Z njegovim naraščanjem pa prometni sektor vedno bolj povezujemo z okoljskimi problemi. Prišli smo do točke, kjer je promet postal najpomembnejši vir škodljivih emisij ter tako prevladujoč dejavnik onesnaževanja okolja. Najpomembnejši oz. najbolj raznoliki so vplivi na kvaliteto zraka, saj promet z emisijami pomembno prispeva k onesnaževanju lokalnega ozračja in podnebnim spremembam. Hkrati pa je vpliv na kakovost zraka najbolj nepredvidljiv in ne moremo z gotovostjo napovedati nadaljnjega razvoja dogodkov. Prometni sektor je seveda odgovoren tudi za druge negativne učinke: narašča hrup, izguba biotske pestrosti, onesnaževanje voda, prsti… Ljudje močno občutimo tudi posledice vpliva prometa na socialne in gospodarske dejavnike. Zaradi tega se pojavljajo zahteve po trajnostnem razvoju prometa, ki bi omogočal nemoten nadaljnji razvoj ter bil hkrati prijazen do okolja, saj drugače lahko pričakujemo socialno — ekonomski ali okoljski zlom. Tukaj je najpomembnejše učinkovito izvajanje prometnih politik. Zato je nujno oblikovanje vizije nadaljnjega razvoja, kjer se je potrebno celostno lotiti celotnega prometa, zastaviti konkretne in realne cilje. Ta mora vključevati gospodarski, socialni in ekološki vidik razvoja. Strategija bi morala med drugim urediti preusmeritev tovornega prometa na železnice, večjo pozornost nameniti tranzitnemu tovornemu prometu, izboljšati javni potniški promet, varnost… Pri spodbujanju trajnostnega prometa je EU med vodilnimi na svetu. Zato je ustanovila sistem TERM, ki preko kazalcev spremlja negativne učinke prometa na okolje. Zaradi članstva Slovenije v EU, so bili tudi pri nas uvedeni okoljski kazalci, ki jih ureja ARSO. V sklopu vseh kazalcev je ravno promet tisto področje, kjer se podatki hitro osvežujejo in dopolnjujejo, kar nam na nek način tudi pokaže resnost problemov. Kazalci so namenjeni spremljanju stanja okolja, obveščanju širše javnosti ter kot pomoč prometni politiki. Kazalci nam prikazujejo stanje prometa v Sloveniji in EU, hkrati pa nas opozarjajo na ključne težave v prometu. Tako s pomočjo kazalcev opazimo, da je za vse večje negativne vplive prometa na okolje krivo hitro naraščanje prometa. Obseg potniškega prometa se povečuje predvsem zaradi hitre rasti števila osebnih avtomobilov. Tudi cestni tovorni promet hitro narašča in prevzema najpomembnejšo vlogo v prepeljanem tovoru v Sloveniji, kar se je še izrazito poslabšalo z vstopom Slovenije v EU. Kazalci nam tudi dokazujejo, da smo železniški promet zanemarili in je danes razvojno zaostal ter nekonkurenčen. V zadnjih petnajstih letih Slovenija večino svojih vlaganj v infrastrukturo namreč namenja za cestno omrežje. Ob tem trendu razvoja pa se povečuje tudi poraba končne energije v prometu, saj v zadnjem desetletju promet prevzema prvo mesto po porabi energije. S povečevanjem motorizacije nenehno naraščajo tudi emisije toplogrednih plinov ter ostalih onesnaževal iz prometa. Človek proizvaja čedalje več toplogrednih plinov, zlasti zaradi energetske rabe goriv. Zaradi tega zunanji stroški, kjer glavno vlogo igra cestni promet, predstavljajo veliko breme za državo. Osnovni povzročitelji zunanjih stroškov so nesreče, emisije, zastoji in hrup. Zaradi naraščanja prometa tudi narašča število vseh prometnih nesreč, kar je posledica vse večjega vpliva osebne avtomobilske mobilnosti in opuščanja bolj varnega javnega potniškega prometa, število smrtnih žrtev in poškodovanih v cestnem prometu pa počasi upada. Slovenija se tako vse bolj odmika od trajnostno naravnanega prometnega sistema, kar pa je sodeč po strateških dokumentih ena ključnih točk.
Keywords:promet, negativni vplivi prometa na okolje, trajnostni promet, TERM, prometno–okoljski kazalci
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[S. Hebar]
Year of publishing:2010
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-14619 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:17799944 New window
Publication date in DKUM:30.07.2010
HEBAR, Simon, 2010, Vpliv prometa na okolje [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : S. Hebar. [Accessed 14 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=14619
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Secondary language

Title:The effect of transport on the environment
Abstract:Nowadays, transport contributes to economic development and great freedom of movement as well as it connects space. But as the transport increases the transport sector is more and more associated with environmental issues. We have come to a point where transport has become the largest source of noxious emissions and thus a prevailing factor in environmental pollution. The most important or rather the most diverse are the impacts on the quality of air because transport emissions gravely contribute to local air pollution as well as to climate changes. Also, the impact on the quality of air is unpredictable and further development cannot be predicted with certainty. Transport sector is by all means responsible for other negative effects as well: the increase of noise, the loss of biodiversity, water and soil pollution... What is more, the effects of transport have a high impact on social and economic factors. Due to this, the demands for sustainable transportation have emerged, which would enable undisturbed further development and at the same time be environment-friendly. Otherwise socio-economic or environmental breakdown could be expected. The effective implementation of transport policy is of utmost importance here. Therefore, it is necessary to create a strategy of further development, which will tackle the whole transport in integral manner and raise concrete and realistic aims. The strategy has to include economic, social and ecological viewpoint of development. The strategy should, among other things, put in order the redirection of freight transport to railway, improve public passenger transport and safety... As far as the stimulation of sustainable transportation is concerned, the EU is at the leading top. It has established the TERM system, which follows negative effects of transport on environment. Since Slovenia is a member state of the EU, it has also introduced environmental indicators, which are regulated by ARSO. In the context of all indicators, the area of transport is one where data is rapidly updated and complemented, which in a way also shows the gravity of problems. The indicators are designed to observe the environmental situation, to inform the wider public and to assist in transport policy. The indicators show the transport situation in Slovenia and the EU as well as give warning about key issues in transport. Consequently, the indicators show that the growing negative effects of transport on environment are a result of transport growth. The scope of passenger transportation is rising mostly due to fast growth of cars for personal use. Also, the road freight transport is rising rapidly and is taking the lead in transported cargo in Slovenia, which has gone worse even more so by Slovenia's accession to the EU. Following this trend of development the final energy consumption in transport is also increasing since transport has taken the lead in energy consumption in the last decade. By a rising motorization the greenhouse gas emissions and other transport pollutants are rising as well. The humankind is producing more and more greenhouse gases especially because of energetic fuel consumption. Due to this, the external costs, where the road transport plays the main part, represent a huge burden for the state. The principal causes of external costs are accidents, emissions, traffic jams and noise. Due to the increase of transport, the number of all transport accidents is increasing as well. This is also a result of growing influence of car mobility on the one hand and a reluctance of using safer public passenger transportation on the other. Slovenia is thus moving further away from sustainable transportation which is, judging by strategic documents, one of the key issues.
Keywords:transport, the negative effect of transport on the environment, sustainable transportation, TERM, transport-environment indicators


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