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Authors:ID Novak, Andreja (Author)
ID Kern, Tomaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences in Kranj
Abstract:Danes ni podjetja, ki se ne bi srečevalo s projekti, čeprav sistema projektnega managementa nima vzpostavljenega. Vrste različnih projektov zahtevajo urejenost, natančnost in sledljivost, da so doseženi želeni, konkurenčni rezultati. V diplomskem delu je obravnavan problem neučinkovitega obvladovanja multiprojektnega dela, kar pomeni, da se projekti, ki se izvajajo istočasno, hkrati pa so v različnih življenjskih ciklih, ne obvladujejo dovolj učinkovito. Takšno neobvladovanje lahko pripelje do zamud pri izvajanju projekta, do povišanja stroškov in, kar je najpomembnejše, do nezadovoljstva naročnikov. Razlog za to je predvsem v neformalizaciji projektnega dela, neustrezno vzpostavljeni informacijski podpori, nepravočasnem odzivu in pridobivanju informacij ter nezadostni kulturi podjetja na področju projektnega dela. Rešitev problema ni enostavna. Ni mogoče formalizirati multiprojektnega dela tako, da bi ustrezal vsem vrstam projektov. Potrebno je izdelati selekcijo in prioritetno listo le-teh, jih ločiti po vrstah projektov in nato za vsakega izbrati najprimernejši način izvajanja glede na vzpostavljen enovit sistem vodenja. Danes obstaja na trgu vrsta programskih orodij, ki pomagajo formalizirati multiprojektno delo, vendar so v prvi vrsti zaposleni tisti, ki morajo nov sistem dela vzeti za svojega in spoznati prednosti, ki jih prinaša. V diplomskem delu je izdelan predlog prenovljene organizacijske strukture podjetja z umestitvijo projektne pisarne, ki je predlagana kot del rešitve problema skupaj s formaliziranim novim delovnim mestom vodje projektne pisarne. Nakazan je formaliziran proces izvajanja projektov in predstavljen pomen multiprojektnega dela za podjetje. Navedenih je nekaj ponujanih programskih orodij in smernice za izbiro najprimernejšega. Od vodstva podjetja pa je odvisno, ali bodo predlagane rešitve sprejete ali ne.
Keywords:projektni management, multiprojektno delo, formalizacija projektnega dela, projektna pisarna, proizvodno podjetje
Place of publishing:Kranj
Year of publishing:2010
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-14246 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:6698515 New window
Publication date in DKUM:02.09.2010
NOVAK, Andreja, 2010, FORMALIZACIJA IN INFORMACIJSKA PODPORA MULTIPROJEKTNEGA DELA V PROIZVODNEM PODJETJU [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Kranj. [Accessed 23 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=14246
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Secondary language

Abstract:Today, all companies get involved in projects from time to time although they may not have any project management system themselves. Various project types require some order, accuracy and traceability to achieve the demanded competitive results. My diploma paper is focused on the problem of inefficient management of multi-project work. This means that projects which are carried out simultaneously, while being in different life cycles at the same time, are not controlled efficiently enough. Such situation can result in a delayed project implementation, cost increase and, which is most important, in discontent on the side of customers. The reason for this lies in particular in a lack of project work formalization, improper information support, in a delayed response and information receipt and in insufficient culture of companies in the field of project work. There is no simple solution for this issue. It is impossible to find that kind of formalization of multi-project works which would apply to all types of projects. A selection and priority list of projects have to be made first. Then, projects have to be separated by types of projects, choosing the best way of implementation in regard to the established uniform system of management. Today, we know many software tools which help us formalize multi-project work. Nevertheless, employees in a company are those who have to accept the new system of work as their own first and recognize its advantages. Diploma paper contains a proposal for the new organizational structure of the company which includes a Project Office proposed as a part of solution for the issue together with a new formalized place of work for the Head of Project Office. The proposal indicates a formalized process of project implementation and it shows the meaning of multi-project work for the company. Some software tools are also specified, with guidelines to select the most suitable one. It depends on the Board of Management whether the proposed solutions will be adopted or not.
Keywords:project management, multi-project work, project portfolio management, formalization of project work, project management office, manufacturing company


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