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Authors:ID Mandžuka, Zoran (Author)
ID Knez, Željko (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Škerget, Mojca (Comentor)
Files:.pdf DR_Mandzuka_Zoran_2010.pdf (9,34 MB)
MD5: 6305AB8DBE41972C4E76047263E0DBA7
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/5ad7b02a-29e0-4d7c-9ac2-5dfd6686b1f4
Work type:Dissertation
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Abstract:Namen raziskave je določiti vpliv obratovalnih parametrov PGSSTM mikronizacije na fizikalno-kemijske lastnosti praškastih delcev modelnih substanc estrov maščobnih kislin (monostearat in tristearat) in praškastih lakov. Uspešna izvedba PGSSTM mikronizacije temelji na poznavanju faznih ravnotežij. Določili smo potek talilnih krivulj (S — L faznih prehodov) v p,T diagramu za sistema monostearat/CO2 in tristearat/CO2. Pod tlakom CO2 se obema substancama zniža tališče oziroma ima S — L krivulja temperaturni minimum v p,T diagramu. Znižanje tališča ob prisotnosti plina, ki je posledica raztapljanja plina v substanci, je izrazitejše za sistem tristearat/CO2. Pri tlaku 500 bar smo opazili tudi fazno inverzijo za sistem tristearat/CO2, ki je nastopila zaradi spremembe gostote faz pod vplivom visokega tlaka. Prav tako smo za oba sistema določili ravnotežne sestave L — G faz s statično analitično metodo v tlačnem območju od 0 bar do 450 bar in pri temperaturah 70 °C in 90 °C. Topnosti CO2 v maščobi so visoke, in sicer do 85 mol.% za monostearat (400 bar in 70 °C) ter do 96 mol.% za tristearat (400 bar in 70 °C). Topnosti maščob v CO2 so nizke, do 1 mol.% v obeh primerih. Na osnovi pridobljenih podatkov o tališču in topnosti smo izvedli šaržne mikronizacije v območju tlakov med 60 in 215 bar pri 64, 70 in 80 °C za monostearat in pri 54, 60 in 70 °C za tristearat. Mikronizirane vzorce smo analizirali glede na stopnjo kristaliničnosti in kristalno obliko, na velikost in morfologijo delcev po mikronizaciji in po 3 mesecih skladiščenja pri 20 °C za monostearat in pri 5 in 20 °C za tristearat. Na osnovi DSC termogramov smo ugotovili zmanjšano stopnjo kristaliničnosti, 20 — 40 % pri različnih obratovalnih pogojih glede na izhodiščno substanco. Po 3 mesecih se je kristaliničnost mikroniziranih delcev povečala in v primeru tristearata dosegla tudi kristaliničnost izhodiščnega vzorca. Po procesiranju so delci ohranili kristalno obliko. Monostearat, ki je bil hranjen 3 mesece pri 20 °C, še vedno ohrani najstabilnejšo β obliko, medtem ko se pri tristearatu pod istimi pogoji pojavi transformacija iz β' v β obliko. Povprečna velikost delcev, izmerjena z granulometrično lasersko metodo po mikronizaciji, se zmanjša na 7 — 40 µm glede na obratovalne pogoje. S časom delci aglomerirajo. SEM analiza je pokazala, da delci po mikronizaciji postanejo porozni in nepravilnih oblik. Rekristalizacija delcev s časom je očitnejša za vzorce tristearata, skladiščenih pri 20 °C, kjer se na površini pojavijo igličasti kristali. Zaradi očitnejših sprememb s časom zgoraj omenjenih fizikalno-kemijskih lastnosti smo mikronizirane delce tristearata hranili tudi pri 5 °C. Rezultat je pokazal upočasnitev rekristalizacije in aglomeracije, ohranitev srednje stabilne β' kristalne oblike ter spremembo površine delcev le zaradi nižje temperature. Razvoj novega procesa pridobivanja praškastih lakov je obsegal eksperimente visokotlačne mikronizacije po PGSSTM postopku. Izvedli smo šaržne in kontinuirne mikronizacije posamičnih komponent zmesi, kontinuirne mikronizacije zmesi brez polnil in pigmentov in nato še mikronizacije zmesi s polnili in pigmenti. Pri mikronizacijah zmesi brez pigmentov in polnil smo opazovali vpliv procesnih parametrov, in sicer koncentracijo suspenzije (2, 4, 6 % w/v), tlak CO2 (110 — 160 bar) in tip šobe (premer in kot pršenja), na velikostno porazdelitev delcev proizvedenega prahu. Na osnovi rezultatov aplikacije premazov smo dodatno izvedli mikronizacije pri različnih temperaturah (120 — 160 °C). Posamezne vzorce smo analizirali na elektronskem mikroskopu (prerez delcev z ionsko puško) ter izvedli termično analizo (Mettler Toledo). Pri mikronizacijah s pigmenti in polnili je delo obsegalo načrtovanje postopka visokotlačne mikronizacije in pripravo procesne sheme, mikronizacijo zmesi s pigmenti na osnovi danih receptur iz osnovnih surovin, pripravo dodatne recepture s povečano količino odplinjevalca, dodatek končnemu vzorcu snovi zaradi
Keywords:superkritični CO2, S – L fazni prehodi, ravnotežne topnosti, difuzijski koeficient, PGSSTM, fizikalno-kemijske lastnosti, gliceridi, praškasti premazi
Place of publishing:[Maribor
Publisher:Z. Mandžuka]
Year of publishing:2010
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-13768 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:251045888 New window
Publication date in DKUM:03.05.2010
Categories:KTFMB - FKKT
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Secondary language

Abstract:The purpose of research is to determine the impact of operating parameters of PGSSTM micronization on the physic-ochemical properties of powder particles of model substances, esters of fatty acids (monostearate and tristearate) and powder coatings. Successful completion of PGSSTM micronization is based on knowledge of phase equilibria. The course of melting curves (S – L phase transitions) in p,T diagram for the systems monostearat/CO2 and tristearat/CO2 has been determined experimentaly. Under pressure of CO2, melting point for two substances is reduced or S – L curve shows a temperature minimum in p,T diagram. Reduction of melting point in the presence of gas as a result of dissolution of gas in the substance, is more pronounced for the system tristearat/CO2. At a pressure of 500 bar, a phase inversion was observed for the system tristearat/CO2, what was a consequence of changes in density of phases under high pressure. Equilibrium compositions of L – G phases of both systems have been determined with a static analytical method in the pressure range from 0 bar to 450 bar and at temperatures of 70 °C and 90 °C. CO2 solubility in fat is generally high, up to 85 mol. % for monostearate (400 bar and 70 °C) and up to 96 mol.% for tristearate (400 bar and 70 ° C). The solubility of fats in CO2 are low, up to 1 mol.% in both cases. Based on the melting point and solubility data obtained, batch micronizations in the range of pressures between 60 bar and 215 bar and at temperatures 64, 70 and 80 °C for monostearate and at temperatures 54, 60 and 70 °C for tristearate were performed. Micronised samples were analyzed according to the degree of crystalinity and crystal shape, size and morphology of particles imediately after micronization and after 3 months of storage at 20 °C for monostearate and at 5 °C and 20 °C for tristearate. On the basis of DSC thermograms, decrease in crystallinity degree according to starting substance was found to be 20 – 40 % regarding various operating conditions. Crystallinity of micronized particles increased after 3 months and, in the case of tristearate, the crystallinity reached the degree of starting substance. Particles after processing retained the crystal shape. Monostearate, which has been stored for 3 months at 20 °C still maintained the most stable β form, while for tristearate, stored under the same conditions, transformation from β' to β form appeared. The average particle size measured by laser granulometric method after micronization was reduced to 7 – 40 μm depending on operating conditions. SEM analysis showed that particles after micronization become porous and irregularly shaped. Recrystallization of particles with time is more evident for tristearate samples stored at 20 °C where needle-like crystals appeard on surface. Due to evident changes of physico-chemical properties, particles of tristearate were stored also at 5 °C. The results showed a slow-down in recrystallization and agglomeration process, maintaining a β' crystal form and surface of particles was changed only due to a lower temperature. Development of a new process for production of powder coatings was based the high-pressure PGSSTM micronization processes. Batch and continuous micronizations of individual components of mixtures, continuous micronizations of mixture without fillers and pigments and micronizations of mixture with fillers and pigments were carried out. For micronizations of mixture without pigments and fillers, the effect of process parameters, namely the concentration of suspension (2, 4, 6 % w/v), pressure of CO2 (from 110 to 160 bar) and nozzle type (diameter and spraying angle) on the size distribution of produced powder were studied. Based on the results of application of coatings, additional micronizations at different temperatures (120-160 ° C) were performed. Individual samples were analyzed by the electron microscope (cross-section of particles using the ion gun) and thermal analysis (Mettler Toledo). The work on micronizations of mixture with pigments and fillers
Keywords:SC CO2, S – L phase transition, equilibrium solubilities, diffusion coefficient, PGSSTM, physico-chemical properties, glycerides, powder coatings


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