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Title:Telemedicina in telenega; prednosti in slabosti
Authors:ID Bertalanič, Sonja (Author)
ID Kokol, Peter (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Bertalanic_Sonja_2010.pdf (3,21 MB)
MD5: 7F6B02967CC84F8319224A1CDF2BF921
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/f54f769e-d47c-4b20-b640-f21c10ffe7b5
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences
Abstract:Diplomsko delo zajema področje telemedicine, telenege ter informacijsko tehnologijo s strojno in programsko opremo. Predstavljena in opisana je zgodovina, sedanjost in prihodnost telemedicine in telenege. Tretje poglavje diplomske naloge predstavlja prednosti in slabosti uporabe telemedicine in telenege v praksi, zajete in opisane so tudi etične dileme, ki se pojavljajo na področju prakse telezdravstva. V empirični del diplomske naloge smo vključili grafično analizo podatkov anketne raziskave. Anketo v elektronski obliki smo posredovali bivšim in sedanjim študentom Fakultete za zdravstvene vede. Na podlagi dvajsetih anketnih vprašanj smo zbrali različna mnenja o uvedbi telemedicine in telenege v prakso, zanimala nas je tudi ozaveščenost anketirancev s tega področja. Namen in cilj raziskave je bil ugotoviti poznavanje pojma telemedicina in telenega ter pridobitev mnenja glede uporabe telemedicine in telenege v praksi. Prav tako so nas je zanimalo kakšen je vidik anketirancev glede prednosti in slabosti ter njihova opredelitev in opredelitev etičnih dilem s področja telemedicine in telenege v praksi. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da so anketiranci večinoma le bežno seznanjeni s pojmom telemedicina in telenega, so dokaj pozitivno naravnani glede uporabe telemedicine in telenege v praksi, vendar imajo določene etične in moralne zadržke glede uvedbe prakse telemedicine in telenege v vsakdanjo rabo.
Keywords:telemedicina, telenega, e-zdravje, telezdravje, informacijska tehnologija, prednosti, slabosti, etične dileme
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[S. Bertalanič]
Year of publishing:2010
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-13534 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:1591716 New window
Publication date in DKUM:10.06.2010
BERTALANIČ, Sonja, 2010, Telemedicina in telenega; prednosti in slabosti [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : S. Bertalanič. [Accessed 23 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=13534
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Secondary language

Title:Telemedicine and telenursing; advantages and disadvantages
Abstract:This diploma thesis covers the area of telemedicine, telenursing and its use of information technology including both hardware and software. Presented and described is the history, the present practice and potential future of telemedicine and telenursing. The third chapter discusses the advantages and disadvantages in the use of telemedicine and telenursing practice. Also described are the ethical dilemmas which arise in the practice of telehealth. The empirical part of the thesis includes a graphical analysis of the survey research. The electronic form survey was sent to current and former students of the Faculty of Health Sciences. On the basis of twenty survey questions, various opinions were collected about the introduction of telemedicine and telenursing practice. We were interested if the respondents were familiar with the concepts of telemedicine and telenursing as well as, what were the respondents' opinions and attitudes regarding the advantages, disadvantages and ethical dilemmas in the field of telemedicine and telenursing practice. This was actually one of the main purposes and goals of the thesis. The survey results showed that respondents are not very familiar with the concept of telemedicine and telenursing. Most of respondents like the concept of introducing telemedicine and telenursing into clinical practice, but some do express certain ethical and moral reservations.
Keywords:telemedicine, telenursing, e-health, telehealth, information technology, advantages, disadvantages, ethical dilemmas


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