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Authors:ID Muškatevc, Urša (Author)
ID Lahe, Milica (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: 9B2DE9B07BCE411DA18BDB8D2E29FB69
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/82ddcf3e-f5ba-4a2c-bf26-721e2b4009f7
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Abstract:V diplomskem delu z naslovom Otrok in alergija so v teoretičnem delu podrobneje predstavljena najpogostejša alergična obolenja oziroma alergije pri otrocih (bronhialna astma, kožni izpuščaji, alergija na pelod, alergija na živila, alergija na živalsko dlako, alergija na pršice in hišni prah, alergija na plesni ter alergija na žuželčje pike). Opredelili smo pojem alergije, vrste alergij, dogajanje v telesu ter vzroke in povzročitelje alergij pri otrocih, kakor tudi vlogo staršev, vlogo vzgojiteljice oziroma vrtca pri alergijah. V empiričnem delu so predstavljeni rezultati raziskave, ki smo jo izvedli med strokovnimi delavkami vrtca s pomočjo anketnih vprašalnikov. Namen raziskave je bilo ugotoviti, katera alergija je prisotna pri otroku v skupini, ali se alergije pogosteje pojavljajo pri deklicah, dečkih ali pri obeh spolih enako, kakšna je reakcija vzgojiteljic, ko pride pri otroku do značilnih znakov alergije, ali ocenjujejo, da imajo dovolj znanja o alergijah, kakšno je sodelovanje med starši in vzgojiteljicami ter ali starši dovolj resno jemljejo alergijo, ki jo ima njihov otrok. 57,8 % dokazuje, da je alergija na živila tista, ki se najpogosteje pojavlja pri otrocih v skupinah. V 64,5 % se alergija pojavlja pri obeh spolih enako. Vzgojiteljice pri »izbruhu« značilnih znakov alergije otroku pomagajo in seznanijo starše. V 88,8 % starši sodelujejo in se pogovorijo z vzgojiteljico o alergiji, ki jo ima njihov otrok, kar dokazuje, da starši resno jemljejo alergije svojega otroka. 44,4 % vzgojiteljic ocenjuje, da ima dovolj znanja o alergijah, 40 % vprašanih ocenjuje, da nima dovolj znanja o alergijah, 7 % vzgojiteljic pa ni prepričanih o zadostnosti svojega znanja.
Keywords:KLJUČNE BESEDE: alergije, predšolski otroci, zaščita in preprečevanje, starši, vzgojiteljica.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[U. Muškatevc]
Year of publishing:2010
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-13472 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:17566728 New window
Publication date in DKUM:05.05.2010
MUŠKATEVC, Urša, 2010, OTROK IN ALERGIJA [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : U. Muškatevc. [Accessed 18 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=13472
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Secondary language

Abstract:The diploma work titled Child and allergy presents in detail in its theoretical part children’s most frequent allergic diseases (bronchial asthma, skin rash, pollen allergy, food allergy, animal hair allergy, dust mite and dust allergy, mould allergy and insect bite allergy). We defined the notion of allergy, types of allergies, reactions in the body, and causes and agents of children’s allergies. The empirical part presents the results of the research, which was taken among preschool teachers in the form of questionnaires. The purpose of the research was to establish the type of allergy of a certain child in a group, are allergies more frequent with girls, boys or equal in both sexes, the preschool teacher’s reaction when the child shows distinctive signs of allergy, the amount of knowledge preschool teachers estimate they have about allergies, the adequacy of parent – teacher interaction, and whether the parents take their child’s allergy seriously enough. With 57, 8 % the food allergy is the most frequent type of children’s allergy. In 64, 5 % the allergy occurs equally in both sexes. The preschool teachers help the child that shows distinctive signs of allergy, and notify the parents, in 88, 8 % the parents cooperate and talk with the preschool teacher about the allergy their child has, and the parents take their child’s allergy seriously. We also realised that the results concerning the question whether the preschool teachers have enough knowledge about allergies, are equally divided among the given answers. 44, 4% of preschool teachers estimate they have enough knowledge, 40 % estimate not to have enough knowledge while 7 % estimate they do not know whether they have enough knowledge.
Keywords:KEYWORDS: allergy, preschool children, protection and prevention, parents, preschool teacher.


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