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Title:Podobe tujega in drugačnega v literaturi Ferda Godine
Authors:ID Močivnik, Črt (Author)
ID Čeh Steger, Jožica (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UNI_Mocivnik_Crt_2010.pdf (628,52 KB)
MD5: F8BF378FBBAA2F77CD043B49188017CD
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/d9cd97b0-b7c8-41e8-bf7d-431ef813dd7d
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Abstract:Godinova literarna dela so v slovenskem prostoru poznana, saj je nepretrgoma ustvarjal slabih šest desetletij. Svojo pisateljsko pot je začel s kratkimi pripovedmi (črticami in novelami), ki so se navezovale na prekmursko govorico in življenje prekmurskega človeka. V poznejšem ustvarjalnem obdobju se je posvetil daljšim tekstom — romanom, v katerih je obravnaval aktualne družbene razmere. Posebno pozornost je namenjal tudi opazovanju značajskih lastnosti literarnih oseb. V diplomskem delu podrobneje predstavljam podobe tujega in drugačnega v njegovem romanesknem opusu in novelistiki. Godinov literarni prostor je po večini Prekmurje, ki ponuja številne možnosti preučevanj podob tujega. Gre za tesen zgodovinski stik z Madžari, zanimiva je problematika verskih skupnosti in narodnostnih manjšin (Židi). Pogosto se v literaturi pojavlja problem zdomstva, dela v tujini: odkrivajo se nam podobe sosednjih in bližnjih držav: Madžarske, Nemčije, Italije, Avstrije in Francije. Podobe so redko izražene eksplicitno, pogosteje gre za implicitni vpliv, ki je opazen z vidika medosebnih odnosov posameznih literarnih oseb. Podobe drugačnega se osredotočajo na literarne like, ki odstopajo od ustaljenih podob oz. stereotipov, gre za t. i. monumentalne like. Najpogostejši je lik duhovnika, ki je prisoten tako v novelistiki kot v romanesknem opusu. Zanimivi so ženski liki, ki niso premišljevalci o življenju in razumski urejevalci dogodkov, ampak se na spremembe odzivajo intuitivno, ravnajo, kakor se jim v danem trenutku zdi pravilno. Mlada samomorilka Dunja je ena najzanimivejših literarnih likov v Godinovi prozi, z njo načenja vprašanja, ki se tičejo odnosov med starejšo in mlajšo generacijo. Številni literarni liki so zaznamovani tudi z avtobiografskimi prvinami. Zaradi osebne izkušnje političnega preganjanja Godina ni mogel ostati zgolj nemi opazovalec dogajanja v družbi. Z dejanji svojih literarnih likov je opozarjal na krivice, ki so se dogajale malemu človeku. Njegov literarni opus je pomemben literarnozgodovinski odsev dvajsetega stoletja na slovenskih tleh.
Keywords:Ferdo Godina, stereotipi, podobe tujega, literarni liki.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[Č. Močivnik]
Year of publishing:2010
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-13418 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:17553160 New window
Publication date in DKUM:22.04.2010
MOČIVNIK, Črt, 2010, Podobe tujega in drugačnega v literaturi Ferda Godine [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : Č. Močivnik. [Accessed 14 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=13418
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Secondary language

Title:Images of the strange and different in the literature of Ferdo Godina
Abstract:Godina's works of literature are well known in Slovenian land as he was writing without interruption for about six decades. He started his career as a writer with short narratives (short stories and novellas) dealing with the language and life of people from Prekmurje. In his later creative period he focused on longer texts – the novels – in which he dealt with the social situation of that day. He devoted a lot of attention to observing his characters' personal characteristics. In my diploma paper I present images of the strange and different in his complete novelistic works and novellas. Godina's literary space is mostly in Prekmurje which offers a great variety of possibilities to study the images of the strange. It is about the close historical connection with the Hungarian people. The issues of religious communities and ethnic minorities (Jews) are also interesting. The topic of migration and work abroad often appears in literature where the images of neighbouring and nearby countries such as Hungary, Germany, Italy, Austria and France are discovered. These images are rarely expressed explicitly but more often implicitly, which is noticeable from the perspective of interpersonal relations among the characters. The images of the different are focused on literary characters who contrast with the established images or stereotypes. They are so called monumental characters. The priest is the most frequent character that is present both in novellas and in his corpus of novels. There are also interesting female characters who are not the analysts of life and rational organisers of events. They react to the changes intuitively; they act as they deem appropriate in a given moment. The young suicide, Dunja, is one of the most interesting literary characters in Godina's prose. Godina uses her to approach the questions dealing with the relationship between the older and younger generation. There are also numerous literary characters marked by autobiographic elements. Godina could not remain just a silent observer of the events in the society given his personal experience with political persecution. Through the actions of his literary characters, he highlighted the injustice happening to the small man. His literary works are important literary historical reflection of the 20th century on the Slovenian ground.
Keywords:Ferdo Godina, stereotypes, images of the strange, literary characters.


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