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Authors:ID Horjak, Peter (Author)
ID Bobek, Samo (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: D026B9D5C7F174572BD8A3B350E69B11
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/52bab5e2-5797-4c3c-a394-db6e88d0e471
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Delnice so lastniški vrednostni papirji s katerimi si delniška družba pridobi trajna finančna sredstva. Pri analiziranju delnic sta se razvili dve smeri - temeljna analiza delnic in tehnična analiza delnic. Temeljna analiza pri svojem proučevanju uporablja podatke o dobičku, izgubi, dividendah, politiki družbe, bilance stanja,… Na drugi strani se je razvila tehnična analiza, ki temelji na grafih in prepričanju, da se delniški trgi gibajo v trendu. Na podlagi tega so se razvili kazalci, ki nam pomagajo pri napovedovanju prihodnjih gibanj na tržišču. Pri tehnični analizi delnic si med drugim pomagamo z trendnimi linijami, drsečimi sredinami, indeksom relativne moči, linijskim grafom, stolpičastim grafom, japonskimi svečniki,… Z razvojem računalnikov, programske opreme in spleta je veliko pridobila tudi tehnična analiza. Na spletu se pojavlja vse več in več spletnih strani, ki nudijo pripomočke tehnične analize uporabnikom. V naši analizi smo zajeli tri spletne strani: www.mojdenar.com, www.reuters.com in www.zignals.com. S primerjavo smo ugotovili, da se strani med seboj močno razlikujejo glede števila orodij tehnične analize in storitev, ki jih nudijo posameznemu vlagatelju. Z vse večjo ponudbo spletnih strani, ki nudijo storitve tehnične analize (še posebej pri straneh, ki ponujajo samo storitve v povezavi s trgovanjem delnic) je pomembno, da nudijo uporabnikom čim več. Med lastnosti, ki naj bi jih spletne strani imele, so med drugim: nizki stroški uporabe, varnost, pomoč uporabnikom, nadgrajevanje spletnih strani, veliko število orodij tehnične analize,… Mnogo spletnih strani, ki niso upoštevale zahtev uporabnikov ter so bile zastarele je v preteklosti propadlo.
Keywords:Delnica, tehnična analiza, temeljna analiza, spletna stran, orodja tehnične analize, indikator, trgovec, investitor.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[P. Horjak]
Year of publishing:2010
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-13365 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:10316060 New window
Publication date in DKUM:05.08.2010
HORJAK, Peter, 2010, RAČUNALNIŠKA PODPORA TEHNIČNE ANALIZE DELNIC  [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : P. Horjak. [Accessed 22 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=13365
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Secondary language

Abstract:Stocks are equity securities, with which joint stock company can obtain permanent financing. Two directions of analyzing shares exist - fundamental analysis and technical analysis of shares. The fundamental analysis in their study uses data of profits, losses, dividends, company policy, balance sheet,… On the other hand technical analysis is based on graphs and belief that the share market is always moving in trends. On this basis, indicators have been developed to help us in predicting future trends in the market. In technical analysis of shares we can use trendlines, moving averages, relative strength index, line graph, Japanese candlesticks,… With the development of computers, software and the Internet technical analysis has gained on importance. There are more and more online websites that offer technical analysis tools to their users. In our analysis we compared three websites: www.mojdenar.com, www.reuters.com and www.zignals.com. We found out that the websites differ considerably on the number of technical analysis tools and services provided for each investor. By increasing numbers of websites that offer services of the technical analysis (especially in sites that offer services only in connection with trading of shares), it is important for websites to offer as much as possible to their users. Investors prefer that websites offer: low costs, safe online trading, help service, regular updating of website, many technical analysis tools ,… Many websites that did not adapt to their users requirements, soon got outdated and had to close down.
Keywords:Stock, technical analysis, fundamental analysis, website, technical analysis tools, indicator, trader, investor.


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