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Title:Vloga medicinske sestre pri preprečevanju lymske borelioze
Authors:ID Zupanič, Simona (Author)
ID Nerat, Jasmina (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Reberšek Gorišek, Helena Kristina (Comentor)
Files:.pdf VS_Zupanic_Simona_2010.pdf (925,67 KB)
MD5: A4849720F95EE6D880A69916F7BB1D8F
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/3fdda892-677c-421b-9d4a-aeb3f17dc441
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences
Abstract:V diplomskem delu je opisana lymska borelioza kot najbolj pogosta bolezen pri nas, ki jo prenašajo klopi. Lymsko boreliozo uvrščamo med zoonoze. Zoonoze so bolezni, ki se z živali prenašajo na človeka. Povzročitelj lymske borelioze je bakterija Borrelia burgdorferi. Bakterija živi v klopu, ta pa jo ob zajedanju prenese na človeka in živali. V Evropi je najpogostejši prenašalec lymske borelioze gozdni klop (Ixodes ricinus). Rezervoar za povzročitelje lymske borelioze so mali sesalci predvsem miši in voluharice, ki živijo v gozdu. Povzročitelje lymske borelioze pa lahko prenašajo tudi nekatere kri sesajoče žuželke kot so, komarji, muhe kožuharice in nekatere vrste bolh. V teoretičnem delu diplomskega dela smo opisali glavne značilnosti lymske borelioze, njeno geografsko razširjenost in epidemiološki rezervoar. Opisan je prenos bolezni, bolezenska slika, njene posledice in diagnostika. Poudarjeni so zaščitni ukrepi, ki naj bi varovali pred vbodom klopa in nastankom lymske borelioze. Predstavljeno je zdravstveno vzgojno delovanje in vloga medicinske sestre pri preprečevanju lymske borelioze Raziskavo smo usmerili predvsem v ugotavljanje seznanjenosti anketirane populacije glede poznavanje Lymske borelioze, njenih znakov, ter ukrepov za njeno preprečevanje. Rezultati raziskave kažejo, da dobra polovica anketiranih pozna lymsko boreliozo in da zaščiti pred vbodom klopa posveča pozornost vse več ljudi.
Keywords:KLJUČNE BESEDE: lymska borelioza, klopi, preventiva, zdravstvena vzgoja, medicinska sestra
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[S. Zupanič]
Year of publishing:2010
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-13348 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:1581220 New window
Publication date in DKUM:30.03.2010
ZUPANIČ, Simona, 2010, Vloga medicinske sestre pri preprečevanju lymske borelioze [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : S. Zupanič. [Accessed 17 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=13348
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Secondary language

Title:The role of nurses in the prevention of Lyme disease
Abstract:In the thesis the lyme boreliosis is described, as the most frequent disease in our country, transferred by ticks. The lyme boreliosis is classified among zoonoses. Zoonoses are diseases, transferred from animals to humans. The agent of the lyme boreliosis is the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi. The bacteria lives inside the tick, which transfers it to humans and animals when parasyting. In Europe the most frequent carrier of the lyme boreliosis is the forest tick (Ixodes ricinus). The reservoirs for the agents of the lyme boreliosis are small mammals, especially mice and voles, which live in the forest. The agents of the lyme boreliosis can be also transferred by some blood sucking insects, such as mosquitoes, bird flat flies and some species of lice. In the theoretical part of the thesis we described main characteristics of the lyme boreliosis, its geographical expansion and the epidemiological reservoir. The transfer of the disease, the clinical picture, its consequences and the diagnostics are described. The protective measures are emphasised, which should protect against the bite of the tick and the emergence of the lyme boreliosis. The health education activity is presented and the role of the nurse, when preventing the lyme boreliosis. The research was mainly concentrated on the establishing how the interviewed population is acquainted with the lyme boreliosis, its symptoms, and measures for its prevention. The results of the research show that more than a half of the interviewed population is acquainted with the lyme boreliosis and that more and more attention is devoted to the protection against the tick bite.
Keywords:lyme boreliosis, tick, prevention, health education activity, nurse


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