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Authors:ID Napast, Valerija (Author)
ID Treven, Sonja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: A25CFEA8BEB36F7073DDCE46922D5C13
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/e765b2a9-49f8-4647-a96b-47ad8a1a090e
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Raziskovanje motivacije in uspešnosti je bilo že v preteklosti znanstveno aktualno, dandanes je še posebej pomembno, kajti motiviranost zaposlenih vpliva na zadovoljstvo posameznikov v podjetju v ožjem smislu ter na uspešnost in razvoj podjetja v širšem smislu. V podjetjih se zavedamo, da ustrezen sistem motiviranja vodi k dobrim poslovnim rezultatom, višji produktivnosti in zadovoljstvu zaposlenih ter da je uspeh podjetja odvisen od številnih dejavnikov, med katerimi si prav posebno pozornost zaslužimo zaposleni. V podjetjih moramo omogočiti doseganje dobrih rezultatov, podpirati profesionalni kot tudi osebni razvoj, dajati moramo občutek sposobnosti, odgovornosti, ustvarjalnosti, predanosti podjetju itn. Nadrejeni lahko uporabljajo motiviranost zaposlenih za usmerjanje človekove aktivnosti v želeno smer in tako dosežejo svoje ekonomske cilje podjetja. Samo nadrejeni, ki se zaveda resnične vrednosti svojih zaposlenih lahko ustvari takšno klimo v podjetju, ki pripelje do izjemne delovne uspešnosti. Ravnanje s človeškimi viri je izhodišče za povečanje produktivnosti dela, kakovosti dela, večanje ustvarjalnosti zaposlenih, pa tudi za obvladovanje stroškov in zadovoljevanje investitorjev. Osnovna celica uspešnosti vsakega podjetja je posameznik, ki v odnosu z drugimi prispeva k uresničevanju skupne vizije in ciljev. Podjetje ne more biti uspešno, sploh ne dolgoročno, če svojih uspehov ni pripravljeno deliti z zaposlenimi. Zaposleni pa ne morejo biti nagrajeni, če podjetje ni uspešno. Zato je zelo pomembno, da poskušajo vsi vpleteni v ta proces graditi partnerski odnos. Predmet raziskovanja je motivacija vodje gradbišča v povezavi z njegovo uspešnostjo v podjetju Drava vodnogospodarsko podjetje Ptuj, d. d. Zanimalo nas je predvsem kateri motivacijski dejavniki so pomembni vodjem gradbišča in kako se dejansko uresničujejo. V raziskavi smo na podlagi ankete ugotavljali stanje operativnih gradbenih vodij v gradbeništvu. Na osnovi podatkov so opredeljene možnosti za nadaljnji razvoj, ki ga vidimo v glavnem skozi motiviranje vodij gradbišč. Ustrezna motivacija običajno pozitivno vpliva na delovne rezultate in večje zadovoljstvo. Vsako gradbišče ima življenjski cikel, ki ga sestavljajo pravilno načrtovanje aktivnosti, stroškov, zaposlenih in drugih virov za potrebe gradbišča. Izvedba aktivnosti, gibanje stroškov in število zaposlenih niso sorazmerni s časovnim potekom na gradbišču. Da vodja gradbišča vse uskladi in donosno zaključi gradbeni projekt, mora biti primerno motiviran z materialnimi in nematerialnimi motivacijskimi dejavniki. Metoda dela, ki smo jo uporabili v magistrskem delu, je temeljila na proučevanju teorije in prakse. V teoretičnem delu je prikazano kako motivirati zaposlene, da bi bili pri svojem delu še uspešnejši. Opredeljene so osnove motivacije in delovne uspešnost. Opredeljeni so motivacijski dejavniki, kateri bi naj povečali uspešnost posameznika in posledično uspešnost podjetja. Po drugi strani pa smo poskušali ugotoviti, katerim dejavnikom in situacijam se je potrebno izogibati, da se motivacija v podjetju ne uniči. V praktičnem delu je predstavljeno konkretno podjetje Drava vodnogospodarsko podjetje Ptuj, d. d. V tem delu smo poskušali združiti teoretični del magistrskega dela s praktičnim. Narejena je bila raziskava povezanosti med motivacijo in uspešnosti na primeru vodje gradbišča, kateri je oseba, ki v celoti odgovarja za gradbišče. Na koncu so navedeni tudi predlogi, kateri bi lahko doprinesli k večji motiviranosti vodje gradbišča in s tem k večji uspešnosti tako posameznika, kot podjetja.
Keywords:motivacija, uspešnost, dejavniki motivacije, dejavniki uspešnosti, odgovorni vodja gradbišča
Place of publishing:Ptuj
Publisher:[V. Napast]
Year of publishing:2010
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-13303 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:10273820 New window
Publication date in DKUM:02.07.2010
NAPAST, Valerija, 2010, POVEZAVA MED MOTIVACIJO IN USPEŠNOSTJO VODJE GRADBIŠČA NA PRIMERU PODJETJA VGP DRAVA PTUJ, D.D. [online]. Master’s thesis. Ptuj : V. Napast. [Accessed 14 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=13303
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Secondary language

Title:Connection between motivation and success construction leader on the case of the company VGP Drava Ptuj d. d.
Abstract:In the past, research into motivation and success has been scientifically based. Today even more so, because motivation of those employed influences not only the well being of individuals in the company but on the success and development of the company in the broad sense. In the company we are aware that a suitable system of motivation leads to good business results, higher productivity and satisfaction of employees. Also that success of the company depends on numbers of factors, where employees are an especially important factor. In the company we must make it possible to reach good results, support professional as well as personal development and we must give a sense of capability, responsibility, creativity, dedication to the company etc. Those in charge can use the motivation of employees for directing human activity in the desired direction, so that they can reach the economic goals of the company. Only if they are aware of the true value of their employees, they can achieve a climate in the company, which then leads them to exceptional working success. Working with human resources is the key for a higher productivity of work, quality of work, better creativity of employees and also for controlling expenses and increasing the satisfaction of investors. The basic level of success for every company is an individual that brings his share to realize group vision and goals. The company cannot be successful, (especially not in the long-term) if they are not prepared to share this success with their employees. Employees however cannot be rewarded if the company is not a success. Therefore it is very important that all involved in this process try to build a relationship based on partnership. The object of investigation is the motivation of the leader on construction site with relations for his success in the Drava vodnogospodarsko podjetje Ptuj d. d. We were mostly interested which motivation factors were important to the leaders of construction site and how they were actually being realised. In the investigation, we used a survey to find the condition of operations contractors’ leaders in construction site. On the information bases are defined possibilities for further development which we see mostly through the motivation of leaders of construction site. The right motivation usually has a positive influence on working results and on personal satisfaction. Every construction site has its lifelong cycle, which is made by the right planning of activities, expenses of those employed and other sources for the needs of construction site. Realization of activities, expenses and number of employees are not proportionate with the expiration time on the construction site. So that the leader of the construction site can harmonize it all and finish his builder project, he has to be motivated with material and non-material motivation factors. The method of work that I used in my masters degree work, was based on theory and practise. In theoretical work, I showed how to motivate employees, so that they would be even more successful at their work. I defined the basics of motivation and working success. Also motivations factors which should increase the success of an individual and therefore the company. On the other hand I tried to find out which factors and situations should be avoided, so that we do not damage motivation in the company. In the practical part it is presented the Drava vodnogospodarsko podjetje Ptuj, d. d.. In this part I tried combine theoretical part of masters degree work with practical research. The investigation was made into the connection between motivation and success with the example of leader of the construction site, who is a person, completely in charge for the construction site. In the end, there are some suggestions, which could bring better results in the motivation of the leader of the construction site and with this more success of the individuals and the company.
Keywords:motivation, success, factors of motivation, factors of success, leader of the construction site


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