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Authors:ID Vodopivec, Simona (Author)
ID Uhan, Stane (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: 31A6B34361651027504F371FB6A6F193
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/0b630fb7-4fa8-4cd8-bd21-66976b8a5171
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences in Kranj
Abstract:Kot navaja Lipičnik (1995), ko si ljudje postavljajo vprašanje, zakaj delajo, se sprašujejo po silnicah, ki človeka motivirajo, da dela, da se napreza, porablja svoje sile in vlaga fizičen in psihičen napor. Mnogim se zdi vprašanje povsem preprosto. Človek dela, da bi sebi in tistim, ki so od njega odvisni, priskrbel sredstva za življenje oziroma, da bi si pridobil denar. Po logiki takšnega odgovora bi moralo obstajati pravilo, da ljudje delajo toliko več, kolikor več možnosti imajo, da si pridobijo denar. Življenje in številni primeri kažejo, da takšne logike in takšnega pravila v mnogih primerih ni. Drugi menijo, da ljudje delajo zato, da bi se uveljavili. Resnično se pri delu navadno uveljavijo tisti, ki se trudijo in uspevajo. Vendar je takšnih, ki se uveljavijo in zato dobivajo tudi posebna priznanja okolice mnogo manj, kakor tistih, ki se neprestano trudijo, vendar se nikoli posebno ne uveljavijo in ne dobivajo posebnih priznanj. Kaj vse te ljudi, pridne delavce, vendarle spodbuja k delu? Mogoče zaslužek? Mnogi od njih bi na drugih mestih več zaslužili in se lažje uveljavili, vendar ostajajo tam, kjer so. Številna preučevanja na področju delovne motivacije so privedla strokovnjake do zelo pomembnega sklepa. Niti ena sama človekova aktivnost, tako tudi delo ne, ni nikoli spodbujena samo z enim, temveč s številnimi zelo zapletenimi, poznanimi in nepoznanimi dejavniki. Zato ni treba hlastati z odgovorom na vprašanje, zakaj človek dela. Tudi tedaj, ko mislimo, da smo, in včasih tudi smo odkrili, večino poglavitnih gibal človekove aktivnosti, se ne smemo slepiti, da smo odkrili univerzalno resnico o človekovi motivaciji za delo. V moji diplomski nalogi želim pokazati, kateri so tisti dejavniki, ki medicinske sestre v intenzivnih enotah motivirajo, da delajo, ter kateri so tisti dejavniki, ki ne motivirajo.
Keywords:motivacija, motivi, motivacijske teorije, nagrade (denarne, nedenarne)
Place of publishing:Maribor
Year of publishing:2010
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-13141 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:6629395 New window
Publication date in DKUM:12.04.2010
VODOPIVEC, Simona, 2010, POSEBNE DENARNE IN NEDENARNE OBLIKE  V UKC - MARIBOR [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor. [Accessed 22 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=13141
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Abstract:As the Lipičnik (1995) sait people ask themselves why they work, they are asking themselves about the factors which motivate a man to work, that he puts physical and psychological effort into his work. Most of the people find the answer quite easy. A man works to sustain himself and those who depend on him. He works to earn money. If we follow the logical outcome of this situation, we come to the conclusion that a man works more, if he has more possibilities to earn more money. However, numerous cases show that there is no such logic and no such rule in real life. Some other might say that people work to be recognized. Usually are the ones that make effort and do succeed the ones that get recognized. However, there are much fewer of those who are recognized and receive support and encouragement of their working environment, than those who are constantly trying to work hard, but receive much less of recognition and are never given a proper value. What is that motivates all those good workers to keep on working? Maybe the money? Many of those would probably find better paid work elsewhere, where they would also promote much faster, but yet, they keep on to their jobs. Numerous studies on the case of the work motivation brought researchers to a very important conclusion. Not even a single human activity, work as well, is never motivated with only one factor but with many known and unknown, which are all together tangled into a complex system ( of decision making). As we can see, there is no need to jump into fast conclusions on why the man works. Even when we think we found and sometimes we even did, the key forces of mans activity, we should not take it as universal truth about mans motivation for work. In my thesis I would like to present which are these factors, that motivate the nurses in intensive care sections to keep on working and which are the factors that discourages them to continue.
Keywords:motivaion, motives, motivation theories, award (monetary, free forms)


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