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Authors:ID Arnuš, Simona (Author)
ID Lepičnik-Vodopivec, Jurka (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: 8956EB6CA49EF28C8ECEC4DB289F1CA6
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/330e348b-5428-4b99-90f9-bd0efb29a504
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Abstract:Biti vzgojitelj, je zahtevna in odgovorna naloga. Želja vsakega starša in vzgojitelja je, da bi otroke vzgajal čim bolje, vendar včasih, lahko povsem nehote, pride do težav. Starši imajo radi svoje otroke in jim želijo le najboljše. Želijo, da razvijejo svoje talente, najdejo dobre prijatelje in poiščejo svoje mesto v življenju, kjer bodo srečni. Ustreči želijo njihovim željam, hkrati pa vedo, da jim morajo biti zgled, avtoriteta in morajo postaviti tudi meje njihovim zahtevam in vedenju, saj jih želijo pripraviti na življenje — na sobivanje z drugimi ljudmi. V diplomskem delu so podrobneje obravnavani trije večji pojmi: avtoriteta, vzgoja in postavljanje mej. V današnjem času se vse pogosteje sprašujemo, v kolikšni meri je v vzgoji avtoriteta prisotna, kako zelo je potrebna in kako si jo lahko pridobimo. V delu smo se opredelili tudi na vzgojo, vzgojne metode, vzgojne stile, potrebe otrok, in na medsebojne odnose, kateri so zelo pomembni pri vzgajanju otrok. Seznanimo se tudi s pomembnostjo postavljanja meja, njihovimi težavami in nasveti pri postavljanju, pomenom pohvale in nagrade, ter kaznimi in posledicami za neprimerno vedenje. Starši in vzgojitelji se pogosto tudi sprašujejo, kako najti ravnotežje med razvajanjem in strogostjo. Ni dobro, če so pretirano omejujoči ali preveč popustljivi. Iskanje prave mere vedno pomeni postavljanje jasnih, trdnih in pravičnih mej, ki se jih morajo otroci zavedati, jih poznati in se jih držati, saj so postavljene meje ključnega pomena pri vzgajanju otrok in pomembno vplivajo na oblikovanju avtoritete in moči v vzgoji. Otroci vsekakor potrebujejo avtoriteto, saj se le tako počutijo varne in sprejete. Če je ne dobijo, jo izsilijo.
Keywords:avtoriteta, vzgoja, vzgojni stili in metode, medsebojni odnosi, postavljanje mej, moteče vedenje in reševanje konfliktov, nagrada, kazen in posledice.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[S. Arnuš]
Year of publishing:2010
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-12906 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:17467656 New window
Publication date in DKUM:03.03.2010
ARNUŠ, Simona, 2010, AVTORITETA V VZGOJI IN POSTAVLJANJE MEJ [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : S. Arnuš. [Accessed 23 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=12906
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Secondary language

Abstract:The job of a preschool teacher is a pretentious and responsible task. Not only parents but also preschool teachers want to ensure the best education for children, however, this can sometimes bring about unexpected problems. Parents love their children and wish all the best for them. They want them to develop their talents, find good friends and create a living space in which they can live a happy life. Parents want to make all their children’s wishes come true but are nevertheless aware of the fact that they also have to be a role model, an authority for their child, who is responsible for restricting the child’s behaviour and demands in order to prepare it for the future – for the cohabitation with others. The diploma thesis in detail discusses three major concepts: authority, education and setting the limits. We often ask ourselves how present is authority in children’s education, moreover, is authority actually important and how to gain it. The thesis further deals with the educational process as such, methods and styles of education, children’s needs and mutual relations between everybody involved, which are extremely important in preschool education. Great emphasis is given on the importance of setting limits but also on problems arising with it and advice on how to solve them. Likewise, the importance of praise and rewards for good behaviour on one side or punishment and consequences of inappropriate behaviour on the other, are considered as being extremely important. Parents and teachers often find themselves on the cleft between spoiling children and staying strict. Neither being too restrictive nor too soft is an appropriate educational method. The solution lies in the proper combination of both, and is based on the setting of clear, strict and fair limits that children are aware of. These restrictions have to be presented to children appropriately in order to be respected, since they are of key importance in a child’s education and can have a great influence on gaining authority and respect during the educational process. Children certainly need authority, since it is the only way to make them feel safe and accepted. If children lack authority, they will forcefully extort it from their parents or educators.
Keywords:authority, education, educational styles and methods, mutual relations, setting the limits, inappropriate behaviour and conflict solving, reward, punishment and consequences.


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