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Authors:ID Kosi, Anita (Author)
ID Lepičnik-Vodopivec, Jurka (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: 89CC92EA460D191D641D65D47044B5A7
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/9eac1053-14aa-4e7c-a36e-8d2f96a923d0
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Abstract:Otroška igra je dejavnost, ki poteka po notranji motiviranosti otroka. Brez nje ne bi bilo srečnega otroštva. Otrok ima pravico do igre. Otroci se ne igrajo z namenom, da bi razvili svoje sposobnosti ali da bi naredili kak izdelek trajne vrednosti. Igrajo se zato, da zadostijo notranji potrebi (Toličič, 1981, str. 9). Igra vpliva na otrokovo telesno rast, na razvoj njegove inteligence, na pridobivanje izkušenj in znanja, na otrokovo čustveno življenje in na njegov razvoj v družbeno bitje. Igra ima, zlasti v predšolski dobi, nenadomestljivo vlogo za celoten razvoj otrokove osebnosti. Na igro vplivata dejavnika spol in vrtec. Avtorji različno klasificirajo igro, vendar so najpogostejše navedbe: funkcijska igra, v kateri otrok preizkuša svoje zaznavno-gibalne sheme; konstrukcijska igra, v kateri otrok povezuje, sestavlja posamezne prvine igrač in s tem gradi in ustvarja konstrukcijo, za katero je značilna večja stopnja sestavljenosti kot za igralno gradivo; dojemalna igra, v kateri otrok poimenuje kar vidi, sledi navodilom, daje navodila in dojema relacije; simbolna igra, v kateri otrok reprezentira neko dejanje, predmet, osebo ali pojav iz realnega ali domišljijskega sveta. Pomembno je, da ima otrok dovolj didaktičnih igrač, katerih cilj je nuditi otroku možnost osvajanja določene zmožnosti. Otrok rabi za igro seveda določen prostor, to je lahko dom, vrtec ali igrišče. Odrasli ne smemo pretirano posegati v otroško igro, moramo pa biti na dosegu, če nas otrok potrebuje. Igrača ni samo sredstvo igre, temveč je tudi otrokov zvesti spremljevalec, njegov prijatelj in prvi soigralec v igri. Avtorji različno razvrščajo igrače. Bergantova (1981, str. 18) meni, da so igrače lahko: igrače za dojenčke, igrače za razgibavanje, igrače za ljubkovanje, igrače za ustvarjalne igre, igrače za graditev, raziskovanje in konstruiranje, igrače za družabne igre. Za vsako starost otroka so primerne drugačne igrače. Igrače, ki ustrezajo znaku »dobra« igrača morajo izpolnjevati psihopedagoške, tehnološke, higienske, konstrukcijske, likovne, estetske zahteve in zahtevo o pravilnem razmerju med vrednostjo igrače in njeno ceno.
Keywords:Otrok, igra, igrače, razvoj otroka, vrtec, odnos odraslih, dobra igrača.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[A. Kosi]
Year of publishing:2009
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-12858 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:17467912 New window
Publication date in DKUM:03.03.2010
KOSI, Anita, 2009, OTROŠKA IGRA [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : A. Kosi. [Accessed 27 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=12858
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Secondary language

Abstract:Child's play is an activity running through the internal motivation of a child. Without it there would not be a happy childhood. The child has the right to play. Children do not play with a reason to develop their skills, or to make any product of lasting value. They play, therefore, to meet their inner need. (Toličič, 1981, p. 9). The game affect the child's physical growth, the development of his intelligence, gaining of experience and knowledge, the child's emotional life and his development in the social being. The game has, especially in the preschool age, irreplaceable role to overall development of the child's personality. Two factors affect the game, sex and kindergarten. Authors classify the play differently, but the most common classification is: a functional play, in which the child is being tested in his perceptual-momentum scheme; a design game in which the child links and composes the individual elements of toys and thus builds and creates a construction, which is characterised by greater degree of structure as for gaming material; a perceiving play, in which the child names, what he sees, he follows the instructions, he gives directions and perceives relationships; a symbolic play in which the child represents some action, object, person or phenomenon from the real world or imagination. It is important that the child has enough learning toys, which have the goal to offer the child the possibility of adopting certain skills. In order to play, a child needs a certain space, which could be home, a kindergarten or a playground. Adults should not interfere too much in a child’s play, but we must be within reach if the child needs us. A toy is not only a means of games, but also the child’s faithful companion, his friend and the first team mate and captain in the game. Authors classify toys differently, Bergant says that the toys can be; (1981, p. 18) toys for infants, toys for limbering, toys for petting, toys for creative play, toys for building, research and construction, toys for social games. For each age of the child are appropriate different toys. Toys, which correspond to a sign “good” toy, must meet the psycho pedagogical, technology, hygiene, construction, art and aesthetic requirements, and also the requirement of proper relationship between the value of the toy and its price.
Keywords:A child, a play, toys, child’s development, kindergarten, adults’ attitude, a good toy.


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