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Title:Islam v ameriških in slovenskih učbenikih
Authors:ID Dokl, Uroš (Author)
ID Potočnik, Dragan (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UNI_Dokl_Uros_2009.pdf (733,94 KB)
MD5: DC11DBE7A7E199C37651E4CFEF8A16C5
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/cfbf4285-8b39-4a7c-be44-bc5facbc4550
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Abstract:Objektivnost in politična korektnost ameriških učbenikov v odnosu do obravnave islama se kažeta v bogatem slikovnem gradivu in poudarjanju pomena kulturne in verske zgodovine islama. Trenutnega odnosa ZDA do islama v učbenikih ne gre zaznati. Politična korektnost je prisotna tudi takrat, ko se v novejših učbenikih opisujejo teroristični napadi 11. septembra 2001. Primerjava slovenskih in ameriških učbenikov za zgodovino v srednjih šolah je pokazala, da so slednji bolj obširni, več časa in vsebin posvečajo kulturi in umetnosti islama ter mnogo večji poudarek posvečajo povzemanju, utrjevanju in poglabljanju snovi ob koncu poglavij. Trenutni slovenski učbeniki, v primerjavi z ameriškimi, islamu posvečajo manj pozornosti. Novi učni načrti za zgodovino v splošnih gimnazijah obravnavo islama umeščajo v okvir izbirnih širših tem, razen v primeru obvezne širše teme 20. stoletje in začetek 21. stoletja, kjer se islam obravnava v temah: Težave demokratične ureditve v sodobnem svetu ter Teroristična gibanja in njihov vpliv na svet. Zasnova novega učnega načrta postavlja splošno védenje in znanje o islamu na obrobje. Z obravnavo islama v ameriških učbenikih se ukvarja American Textbook Council, ki v poročilu Islam in the Classroom: What the TextbookS tell Us nasprotuje politični korektnosti. Poročilo poziva avtorje in založnike učbenikov k bolj strogemu ter radikalnemu odnosu do obravnave islama v ameriških učbenikih. Opravljena analiza poročila, je ob številnih nepravilnostih in netočnostih pri interpretaciji islama, pokazala tudi izredno podporo medijev poročilu, ki skuša islam predstaviti kot sovražnika zahodne kulture.
Keywords:islam, ameriški učbeniki za zgodovino, slovenski učbeniki za zgodovino, Islam in the classroom: What the Textbooks tell us
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[U. Dokl]
Year of publishing:2009
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-12698 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:17342216 New window
Publication date in DKUM:06.01.2010
DOKL, Uroš, 2009, Islam v ameriških in slovenskih učbenikih [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : U. Dokl. [Accessed 15 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=12698
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Secondary language

Title:Islam in American and Slovenian Textbooks
Abstract:Political correctness of American textbooks concerning teaching of Islam is represented through cultural and religious history of Islam. Current relationships between USA and Muslim world are not present in American high school textbooks. Even terrorist attacks on September 11th, 2001 did not influence on political correctness in American textbooks. Comparison between Slovenian and American high school history textbooks revealed that American textbooks are more extensive in general and as such they are able to represent more facts about Islam, its history, culture and religion itself. Second main difference lies in the material used for critical thinking, chapter reviewing and analyzing. Slovenian state curriculum treats Islam in optional themes which are not obligatory neither for student or teacher. Only two themes that treat Islam as obligatory subject are themes entitled Problems with democratic regulations in today’s world and Terrorist movements and their consequences. American institute American Textbook Council published report Islam in the Classroom: What the textbooks tell us which took strong position against political correctness within American history textbooks. Report says that Islam is being portrayed as a non-violent and peaceful culture which is far from truth. Analyze of the report revealed whitewashed theories about Islam. Report is full of mistakes and misleading facts that urge young students to see Islam as danger to the western society.
Keywords:Islam, American history textbooks, Slovenian history textbooks, Islam in the classroom: What the Textbooks tell us


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