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Authors:ID Oset, Peter (Author)
ID ČRČINOVIČ ROZMAN, JANJA (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/d57db6c2-7f16-4c73-a309-fecbedeb3127
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Abstract:V ozadju moje diplomske naloge Motivacija z glasbo se skriva moje zasebno življenje in moja glasbena izkušnja, ki me je venomer notranje motivirala tudi na vseh drugih področjih življenja. Glasba me je vedno pomirila in me pripravila na življenje. Pomagala mi je lažje rešiti tudi marsikateri problem. Namen diplomske naloge je bil preučiti vpliv glasbe na učence, če jih s pomočjo glasbe motiviramo in jim že v uvodni motivaciji postrežemo z novimi pojmi s pomočjo namenske pesmi, ki je napisana posebej za določeno učno enoto. Namen je bil dokazati, da uvodna motivacija z glasbo pozitivno vpliva na motivacijo učencev, da hkrati omogoča bolj umirjeno vzdušje v razredu, da pripomore k hitrejšemu pomnjenju novih pojmov, skratka ustvari vse pogoje, ki so potrebni za boljšo notranjo motiviranost učencev. V teoretičnem delu naloge smo predstavili teoretična izhodišča motivacije otrok, vplive glasbe na psihofizični razvoj otrok in meditacijo. V okviru empiričnega dela naloge smo preučili, kako uvodna motivacija s pomočjo glasbe vpliva na posamezne učence in učenke, kakšna je njihova motiviranost, njihovo pomnjenje novih pojmov in kakšna je razredna klima. Pri tem smo ugotavljali, ali obstaja razlika v odgovorih glede na spol in glede na razred. Raziskavo smo izvedli na namenskem vzorcu 112 učencev treh drugih in dveh četrtih razredov na OŠ Hudinja. Podatki so bili pridobljeni s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika. Uporabljena je bila kvantitativna obdelava podatkov, pri kateri so bile tabelarično prikazane frekvenčne distribucije odgovorov (f ter f %), odvisne zveze med spremenljivkami pa so bile preizkušene s χ2-testom. Po izvedenih učnih urah smo skupaj z učenci rešili anketni vprašalnik, na podlagi katerega smo skušali dokazati vplive glasbe na motiviranost učencev. Rezultati so pokazali, da glasba izredno dobro vpliva na notranjo motivacijo učencev in jih hkrati pomiri, kar pa zelo ugodno vpliva na pozitivno razredno klimo.
Keywords:motivacija učencev z glasbo, meditacija, emocija, glasba
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[P. Oset]
Year of publishing:2009
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-12441 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:17315592 New window
Publication date in DKUM:20.01.2010
OSET, Peter, 2009, MOTIVACIJA Z GLASBO [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : P. Oset. [Accessed 14 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=12441
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Secondary language

Title:Using music as introductory motivation
Abstract:Background for my diploma is my personal life and my own music experience, which is a constant motif in all the spheres of my life. Music has always calmed, it has prepared me for life, and has solved many of my problems. The purpose of my diploma work was to examine its influence on the pupils. Music was used as warm-up in which we have already inserted some new words/facts/expressions connected to the theme of the lesson. However, our objection was to prove the influence of warm-up on the general motivation of the pupils, using music as a motivator in which we applied the theme of the lesson and was written especially for the lesson we used it in. As we have already mentioned, our intention was to prove the positive effect of music on the motivation. We also wanted to prove its important role on the calmness and its help with memorizing the new expressions. Even more, it creates all the necessary conditions for better and more efficient inner motivation, influences the class atmosphere and helps with quicker memorizing of the new words. In the theoretical part we presented some theoretical aspects of children motivation and the influences of music on psychological and physiological development of children, and meditation. In the empirical part we examined the influence of the introductory motivation on the individual pupils, their motivation, their memorizing of the new words, and the atmosphere of the class. We examined whether there is a difference between the answers considering gender and class. The survey was made in the 3rd and 4th grades and it included 112 pupils of Hudinja Primary School. Information was gained with a questionnaire. We used a method of quantitative analysis in which we charted the frequency distributions of the answers (f ter f %), dependent relations between the variables were tested with χ2 - test. After the lessons the questionnaires were given to the children and they were the basis for our research work. The results have shown us a very positive influence of music on the inner motivation of the pupils. Music also calms them and due to this fact it also influences the atmosphere of the class.
Keywords:music motivation, meditation, emotion, music


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