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Authors:ID Anderlič, Barbara (Author)
ID Janežič, Polona (Author)
ID Lahe, Milica (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: A49369BEA6D9C2456D4D8E340203F64F
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/0679027a-9dcf-44ee-b330-8511df63afbd
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Abstract:Diplomsko delo z naslovom Vloga vzgojiteljev pri preprečevanju prehladnih in nalezljivih obolenj v vrtcu je sestavljeno iz dveh delov, in sicer iz teoretičnega in empiričnega dela. V teoretičnem delu smo navedli specifične značilnosti zdravega in bolnega otroka ter posredno tudi vlogo dispanzerja za otroke. Predstavili smo prehladna obolenja otrok, najpogostejša nalezljiva obolenja otrok ter preprečevanje prehladnih in nalezljivih obolenj, kjer zajema poglavje higieno in zdravstveno - higienski režim v vrtcu. Dodali smo še sodelovanje vzgojiteljev s starši ter načine in pomembnost sodelovanja. Empirični del diplomskega dela zajema rezultate raziskave, ki smo jo izvedli s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika za vzgojitelje. Anketiranje je potekalo v mesecu septembru 2008 med vzgojitelji Vrtca Borisa Pečeta (z enotami) v Mariboru in Vrtca Ormož (z enotami). Namen raziskave je bil ugotoviti na kakšen način in s katerimi ukrepi se vzgojitelji spoprijemajo ob pojavu prehladnega in nalezljivega obolenja, ali se udeležujejo strokovnih srečanj s področja zdravstveno - higienskega režima, ali poskrbijo za varno, čisto in zdravo bivalno okolje v skupini in vrtcu. Pri obdelavi podatkov smo prišli do ugotovitev, da vzgojitelji v veliki večini (s kar 98%) prepoznajo znake prehladnega in nalezljivega obolenja, da so seznanjeni z najpomembnejšimi dejavniki in načini preprečevanja nastanka obolenj, da se večina vzgojiteljev (84%) udeležuje sprotnega izobraževanja s področja zdravstveno - higienskega režima in kar (74%) jih meni, da imajo otroci v vrtcu zagotovljeno čisto, varno in zdravo bivalno okolje.
Keywords:otrok, zdravje, prehladna in nalezljiva obolenja, preprečevanje, vloga vzgojiteljev, sodelovanje s starši.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[B. Anderlič]
Year of publishing:2009
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-11674 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:17195016 New window
Publication date in DKUM:17.11.2009
ANDERLIČ, Barbara and JANEŽIČ, Polona, 2009, VLOGA VZGOJITELJEV PRI PREPREČEVANJU PREHLADNIH IN NALEZLJIVIH OBOLENJ V VRTCU [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : B. Anderlič. [Accessed 22 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=11674
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Secondary language

Title:The role of educators in the prevention of cold and infectious diseases in kindergarten
Abstract:Diploma work with the title The role of educators in the prevention of cold and infectious diseases in kindergarten consists of two parts; the theoretical and empirical part. In the theoretical part we have listed the specific characteristics of a healthy and sick child and indirectly the role of the clinic for children. We presented children’s cold diseases, the most common children’s infectious diseases and the prevention of these diseases, which covers the issue of hygiene and health-hygiene regime in kindergarten. We added further cooperation of educators and parents, and the ways and the importance of cooperation. The empirical part of diploma work includes survey results, which we conducted through the survey questionnaire for educators. Interviewing was conducted in September 2008, among the educators in two kindergartens; Vrtec Borisa Pečeta (with units) in Maribor and Vrtec Ormož (with units). The purpose of the survey was to determine the ways and the actions that the educators use, when facing the occurrences of cold and infectious diseases, do educators attend professional meetings in the field of health-hygiene regime, and do they arrange for a safe, clean and healthy living environment in the group and in the kindergarten. When processing the data we have come to findings, that educators in the vast majority (98%) identified signs of cold and infectious diseases, and that they are familiar with the most important factors and ways of preventing the emergence of diseases. Most educators (84%) attend ongoing training in the field of health-hygiene regime, and 74% of them believe that children in kindergarten have provided clean, safe and healthy living environment.
Keywords:a child, health, cold and infectious diseases, prevention, the role of educators, cooperation with parents.


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