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Title:History, autobiography & the post-colonial in V. S. Naipaulʹs Half a life
Authors:ID Arnuš, Ramona (Author)
ID Gadpaille, Michelle (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UNI_Arnus_Ramona_2009.pdf (224,20 KB)
MD5: 531DFBB5C5CBBD332184F301172F15E1
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/5ab606aa-316b-45cc-9c51-4b71853b9376
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Abstract:The diploma paper deals with autobiography, history and post-colonial in Naipaulʹs novel Half a life which gives us the insight in the life of a small individual that is put in the middle of great historical events. The protagonist is the prototype of the whole nation being exiled from its culture, language and identity, which was a consequence of colonialism. The novel indicates that the problems of colonialism did not end with independence but are still present in the society. By exploring these problems, Naipaulʹs novel exhibits features of post-colonial writing. When traveling with the protagonist from India to London and Africa, the reader learns the difference in colonial practices that were due to the colonizer and the particularity of the colonized country. Half a Life is an example of a fictional work that incorporates important historical, autobiographical, political and social issues of the countries and the time it describes and is thus important in the contexts of history and post-colonial theory.
Keywords:avtobiografija, zgodovina, post kolonializem, izgnanstvo, posameznik
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[R. Arnuš]
Year of publishing:2009
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-11224 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:17173512 New window
Publication date in DKUM:19.10.2009
ARNUŠ, Ramona, 2009, History, autobiography & the post-colonial in V. S. Naipaulʹs Half a life [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : R. Arnuš. [Accessed 23 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=11224
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Secondary language

Title:Zgodovina, avtobiografija v post kolonialnem romanu Half a Live V. S. Naipula
Abstract:V diplomi so predstavljeni avtobiografija, zgodovina in post kolonializem v Naipaulovem romanu Half a Life, ki opisuje življenje malega človeka, ki je izpostavljen velikim zgodovinskim dogodkom. Ta človek je prototip celotnega naroda, ki je doživel izgnanstvo iz lastne kulture, jezika in identitete, kot posledice kolonializma. Roman nakazuje, da problemi kolonializma niso izginili z neodvisnostjo kolonij ampak so še danes prisotni v družbi. Naipaula uvrščamo med post kolonialne pisce, ker se v svojih romanih ukvarjanja s vplivi kolonializma na posameznika in družbo. Ko bralec, skupaj s protagonistom potuje od Indije do Londona in Afrike, spoznava razlike med posameznimi kolonialnimi praksami, ki so pogojene z značilnostmi kolonij in kolonizatorjev. Half a Life je primer leposlovja, ki obravnava pomembne zgodovinske, avtobiografske in post kolonialne teme držav, ki jih opisuje, in je kot tak pomemben v kontekstu zgodovine in post kolonialne teorije.
Keywords:autobiography, history, post-colonial, exile, individual


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