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Authors:ID Šubernik, Mojca (Author)
ID Bobek, Samo (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Subernik_Mojca_2009.pdf (1,43 MB)
MD5: 57376616CB5B5CF5F6FC87101185B5B4
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/0296e801-e16f-4403-9078-795ae7e4b46f
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Diplomsko delo E-borzništvo je razdeljeno na šest poglavij. V uvodnem delu je opredeljena problematika diplomskega dela, predstavljen je namen raziskovanja, zastavljeni cilji, predpostavke in omejitve ter uporabljene metode raziskovanja. Drugo poglavje zajema splošne opredelitve elektronskega poslovanja in njegov vsebinski pomen. Govori o prehodu podjetij na elektronsko poslovanje in o značilnostih poslovanja, ki so nastale zaradi uporabe interneta. Opisane so tudi vrste elektronskega poslovanja glede na udeležence, ter najpogostejše pojavne oblike elektronskega poslovanja, ki jih srečujemo v našem vsakdanjem življenju. V naslednjem, tretjem poglavju so zajete predvsem informacije o borzništvu, od opredelitve pojma borza, do zapovedi trgovanja na borzi. Prav tako je opisana zgodovina borzništva, od starih Grkov, vse do razvoja moderne borze. V tem poglavju je govora tudi o poteku trgovanja na borzi, predstavljen je trg vrednostnih papirjev v Sloveniji in Ljubljanska borza z strukturo borznega trga . Poglavje pa se prav tako dotakne osrednje teme, elektronskega borzništva z opisom delovanja trgovalnih sistemov elektronskega borzništva ter prednosti in pomankljivosti, ki jih uporaba le tega prinaša. Četrto poglavje je osredotočeno na analizo konkretnih primerov trgovalnih sistemov elektronskega borzništva, in sicer E-Trade Germany in GBD-Online. Opisana je uporaba obeh sistemov in razložene funkcije, ki jih ponujata. Na podlagi analiziranih funkcij sistemov iz četrtega poglavja, sta v petem poglavju trgovalna sistema primerjana in ocenjena. Izpostavljene so izrazitejše ugotovitve, kot je na primer trgovanje v živo, vpogled v globino trga in prijaznost ter kompleksnost uporabniškega vmesnika. Šesto, zaključno poglavje je zasnovano na podlagi ugotovitev delovanja trgovalnih sistemov spletnega borzništva in s tem povezanih možnih smernic in trendov nadaljnjega razvoja.
Keywords:E-borzništvo, elektronsko poslovanje, borza, zgodovina borzništva, trgovanje na borzi, elektronsko borzništvo, trgovalni sistemi elektronskega borzništva, E-Trade Germany, GBD-Online, trgovanje v živo
Place of publishing:Zg. Kungota
Publisher:[M. Šubernik]
Year of publishing:2009
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-11177 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:10016284 New window
Publication date in DKUM:22.12.2009
ŠUBERNIK, Mojca, 2009, ELEKTRONSKO BORZNIŠTVO [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Zg. Kungota : M. Šubernik. [Accessed 23 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=11177
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Secondary language

Abstract:Diploma degree thesis E-brokerage is divided into six sections. In the introductory part of the problem is defined graduate work, presented the purpose of research, objectives, assumptions and constraints, and the methods of research. The second section provides general definitions of electronic commerce and its content. Talk about the transition to electronic commerce companies, and on the characteristics of the business arising from the use of the Internet. Here are also described the types of electronic commerce, according to participants, and most forms of electronic commerce, which are found in our everyday lives. In the following, the third section contain informations about brokerage, from the definition of stock exchange, to the commandments of trading on the stock exchange. It also describes the stock exchange history from the old Greeks, all the way to the development of the modern stock market. In this chapter, we also speak about the course of trading on the Stock Exchange, presented the securities market in Slovenia and Ljubljana Stock Exchange with the stock market structure. We touch the central topics of electronic trading where is described the operation of electronic trading systems and the advantages and disadvantages, bringed by them. The fourth section focuses on the concrete examples analysis of trading systems, E-Trade Germany and GBD-Online. There is described the use of both systems and explanation of the features offered by before mentioned systems. All system functions presented in fourth section has been estimated and compared, here, in the fifth section. The evident determinations, such are real-time trading, insight into the depth of the market, fleksibility, complexity and simply user interface usage are also described within the same section. The final, sixth section concludes the diploma degree thesis. Here are described findings about online trading system operations and possible directives, trends which concerns further development.
Keywords:E-brokerage, electronic commerce, stock exchange, stock exchange history, trading on the stoch exchange, trading systems, E-Trade Germany, GBD-Online, real-time trading


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