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Authors:ID Ocepek, Maja (Author)
ID Pesek, Albinca (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UNI_Ocepek_Maja_2009.pdf (2,56 MB)
MD5: ED6DA15E63B255FD3A3EA049874FAE73
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/bf290a17-d5fe-4e09-be13-18793fcbc0f7
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Abstract:V okviru prvega, teoretičnega dela diplomske naloge, smo pregledali možnost ustanovitve in delovanja zasebnih vrtcev, predvsem Waldorfskega in Montessori vrtca. V obeh primerih so jasno izpostavljeni cilji in vsebine, ki obravnavajo otroka kot celoto. Zasebni vrtci v kurikulumu za javne vrtce dodajo svoje obogatene programe. V nadaljevanju so prikazane stopnje na področju telesnega, čustvenega, intelektualnega razvoja in razvoja glasbenih sposobnosti. V raziskovalnem delu so v aktivno iskanje mnenj o glasbenem vrtcu vključeni starši predšolskih otrok. Z anketnim vprašalnikom in z obdelavo dobljenih rezultatov lahko z zagotovostjo zatrdimo, da je glasbeni vrtec zanimiva in iskana alternativa javnih vrtcev. V tretjem, praktičnem delu diplomske naloge je predstavljen primer dobre prakse - program glasbenega vrtca Direndaj. Popoldanska glasbena dejavnost v letnem obsegu 30 ur je dobro izhodišče za nadgradnjo celodnevnega programa javnega vrtca ali zasebnega vrtca, saj so, sicer v manjšem obsegu, obogatene vsebine in cilji, kot jih zasledimo v prvem delu diplome v poglavju kurikuluma za javne vrtce.
Keywords:Zasebni vrtci, obogateni programi, glasbene dejavnosti, glasbeni vrtec Direndaj.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[M. Ocepek]
Year of publishing:2009
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-10967 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:16995336 New window
Publication date in DKUM:06.07.2009
OCEPEK, Maja, 2009, GLASBENI VRTEC [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : M. Ocepek. [Accessed 16 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=10967
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Secondary language

Abstract:The first, theoretic part of diploma paper examines the possibility for the foundation and operation of a private kindergarten, concentrating in particular on the Waldorf and Montessore type of kindergarten. In both cases, targets and contents viewing a child as a whole being are clearly exposed. Private kindergartens add their own enriched programmes to the curriculum of public kindergartens. Furthermore, stages in the field of physical, emotional and intellectual growth and development of a child's music talents are presented. The research part includes opinions about a music kindergarten provided by parents of pre - school children. A questionnaire are processing of its results confirm that music kindergarten is an attractive and interesting alternative to a public kindergarten. In the third, practical part of diploma paper, an example of successful practice, the programme of the music kindergarten Direndaj is presented. A music afternoon activity in the annual scope of 30 hours is a good foundation for a later upgrading of the whole - day programme in a public or private kindergarten, as it offers expanded contents and targets as described in the first part of diploma paper, in the chapter about the curriculum for public kindergartens.
Keywords:Private kindergartens, enriched programmes, music activities, music kindergarten Direndaj.


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