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Authors:ID Golc, Nela (Author)
ID TURČIN, ZLATAN (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: 4A6A166C971A8C379411CDBD873BB616
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/f489a58d-7648-4ab2-8107-989e8d9f4fdf
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences
Abstract:Na začetku diplomskega dela je opredeljen mladostnik, njegove razvojne naloge ter tvegano vedenje mladih. Na njegov razvoj vpliva tako telesni kot čustveni razvoj, razvoj psiholoških potreb, psihosocialni razvoj in razvoj identitete. Sicer si posameznik identiteto oblikuje celo življenje, vendar je proces v mladostništvu najbolj intenziven in morda tudi najusodnejši. Ker si dandanes več ne znamo predstavljati življenja brez prometa, sem v diplomskem delu opredelila značilnosti otroka oziroma mladostnika v prometu, kajti za uspešno vključevanje v promet, je potreben tako motorični kot spoznavni in moralni razvoj. Otroci oziroma mladostniki pa so lahko v prometu udeleženi v različnih položajih, lahko so potniki, pešci, kolesarji in tudi vozniki. Kot vsi drugi udeleženci v prometu so tudi oni dolžni upoštevati vse prometne predpise in se po njih tudi ravnati. Vendar prihaja do kršitve teh predpisov in posledično temu do prometnih nesreč. Glede na medije imamo vtis, da so velikokrat v prometnih nesrečah udeleženi ravno mladostniki. Statistike nam kažejo, da relativno velikokrat izgubijo življenje prav mladi. V nalogi je posebej opisan mladi voznik, kajti mladostniki kot mladi vozniki so bolj izpostavljeni nesrečam, ravno zaradi neizkušenosti, velikokrat je prisoten tudi alkohol in neprilagojena hitrost vožnje. Tudi številke to potrjujejo, saj mladi vozniki povzročijo 23% vseh prometnih nesreč. Moramo pa se zavedati tudi tega, da so mladi vozniki motornih vozil najštevilčnejša skupina udeležencev v prometu in da sedaj zakon tudi že dopušča mladim vožnjo motornega vozila pred dopolnjeno starostjo 18 let in s tem nabiranje izkušenj v prometu, vse to pa le pod nadzorom spremljevalca.
Keywords:mladostnik, mladi voznik, prometne nesreče, alkohol, hitrost
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[N. Golc]
Year of publishing:2009
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-10118 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:1471908 New window
Publication date in DKUM:01.06.2009
GOLC, Nela, 2009, MLADOSTNIK V PROMETU [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : N. Golc. [Accessed 24 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=10118
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Secondary language

Abstract:At the beginning of this paper development of adolescents and their risky behaviour are defined. Their development is influenced by the physical and emotional development, development of psychological needs, psycho-social and identity development. Although identity is developing through our whole life, the process is the most intensive and perhaps the most fatal during the adolescent period. Since today's life cannot be pictured without traffic, I defined characteristics of children and adolescents in it. To enter traffic successfully, motor, sensory and moral development is necessary. Children and youth as participants in traffic can take the role of a passenger, pedestrian, cyclist, or even a driver. As all participants in traffic, the adolescents too, are obliged to consider traffic sings regulations. However, these regulations are often not taken into consideration and therefore it comes to traffic accidents. According to the media it is the adolescent who is often involved in a traffic accident and the statistics show that relatively many young people die in traffic accidents. In the paper the adolescent driver is described because adolescents as drivers are much more exposed to accidents because of their inexperience, presence of alcohol and unadjusted speed. The statistics prove that 23% of all traffic accidents are caused by adolescent drivers. However, we have to be aware of the fact that young drivers of motor vehicles are the most numerical group of traffic participants and that the law allows young drivers to drive a motor vehicle before they are eighteen years old, which enables them gathering experiences in the traffic, but only under adult supervision.
Keywords:adolescent, young driver, traffic accident, alcohol, speed


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