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Statistika DKUM

Tabela zajema ključne besede vseh zaključnih del, pri katerih oseba sodeluje kot mentor. Ključne besede so urejene po številu ponovitev, največkrat ponovljene na vrhu. Iz ključnih besed z zgornjega dela tabele je mogoče sklepati na tematike, s katerimi se je oz. se mentor ukvarja.

Oseba: Victor Kennedy

Vseh ključnih besed je 218, ki se skupaj pojavijo 231 krat.
11 ključnih besed (5.05 % vseh) se pojavi večkrat, skupaj 24 krat (10.39 % vseh pojavitev).

PonovitevKljučne besede
3x12.5%fiction, dystopia
2x8.33%Science fiction, hero, religion, fantasy, history, adaptation, humour, science, Biblija
1xfeminizem, marksistična literarna kritika, Marxizem, Anglikanska Cerkev, krščanstvo, simbolizem, metafizična poezija, feministična literarna kritika, pobožnost, England, corrupt, demons, distortion, conflict, faith, angels, Authors of Romanticism, Romanticism, Philosophical concepts, vera, Germany, narava- vzgoja, feminism, songs, Leonard Cohen, spirituality, love, god, anima., wise old man, cipher, complexity, archetypes, fantasy novels, woman, life, Frances Hodgson Burnett, theories of humour., Charlotte Bronte, feminist research, orphan, theories of irony, irony, Mark Haddon, adult novels, Curious Incident, A Spot of Bother, children's literature, Guillermo del Toro, psychoanalysis, heroic myth, psychopath, sociopath, Hannibal Lecter, young adult, Suzanne Collins, literary theory, Touching the Void, Modernism, literary comparison, The Hunger Games, The Great Red Dragon, mit, speculative fiction, global warming, greenhouse effect, The Windup Girl, Welcome to the Greenhouse, climate change, climate fiction, znanstvena fantastika, mitologija, Star Trek, nezemeljska bitja, potovanje s svetlobno hitrostjo, Joe Simpson, David, PARODY, PREJUDICE, RULES OF BEHAVIOUR, FEMINIST PERSPECTIVE, dragon, ZOMBIE, Francoist Spain, code, murder, Pan’s Labyrinth, magic realism, fairy tale, symbolism, How to Train Your Dragon, consumerism - mass culture, suburbanisation, quest for authenticity, hopeless emptiness, Earle Birney, identity - social character, conformity, allegory, training principles, pedagogical point of view, domestic containment ideology, fact, feminist heroines, myth of Pygmalion, sublimna sporočila, myth, mythology, Galatea, družba, Nebesni stružnik, Japanese literature, Spanec, anarhizem, Klub golih pesti, Pygmalion, H. P. Lovecraft, George R. R. Martin, A Game of Thrones, Key words: Christianity, race, elements, otherness, fantasy novel, Cosmic horror, Weird fiction, Art, Role of art, American literature, crime fiction, Blade Runner, Combined Approach, Futurama, world-building, satire, Reader-Response, Symbols, language, Shrek, H.P. Lovecraft, Call of Cthulhu, labyrinth, symbol, scapegoat, Farmer Giles of Ham, the scapegoat archetype, ritual, sacrifice, The Hobbit, Tolkien, short story, novel, structure, Minotaur, Stephen King, The Green Mile, generations of country, lyrics, poetry, Holocaust literature, Hannah Arendt, Country music, Nick Cave, podobe, metafore, ljubezen, Bog, Eichmann in Jerusalem, John Boyne, society, Animated movie, development, literature, a movie, Campbell, archetype, The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas, objective approach, subjective approach, monomyth, besedila, technology, rap, intertekstualnost, hip hop, postkolonializem, razmerja med rasami, aluzija, Billy Woods, The Knick, dramatization, analysis, comparison., Daniil Kharms, Flannery O'Connor, Freud, Forbidden Planet, id, dreams, magic, The Tempest, anti-utopia, literary cognitivism, thought experiments, utopia, eutopia, cryptography
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