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Title:Izvršba na nepremičnine in varstvo dolžnika : magistrsko delo
Authors:ID Tomažič, Sebastijan (Author)
ID Ivanc, Tjaša (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Tomazic_Sebastijan_2024.pdf (1,05 MB)
MD5: 1CBB1D5ECEB77613FBBE236420892229
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
Abstract:Izvršilni postopek je pravni postopek, ki se vodi po določbah Zakona o izvršbi in zavarovanju (ZIZ) in katerega cilj je, da dolžnika prisili, da izpolni svoje obveznosti do upnika. Do izvršbe pride, kadar nekdo prostovoljno ne želi poravnati dolga ali izpolniti kakšnih drugih obveznosti. Avtor magistrske naloge predstavlja izvršbo na nepremičnine in varstvo dolžnika pri samem postopku. Uvodoma predstavi temeljna načela izvršbe, subjekte v izvršilnem postopku, tek postopka in pravna sredstva v izvršilnem postopku. Nadalje avtor predstavi sredstva izvršbe, med katerimi lahko izbira upnik, pri čemer še podrobneje opiše postopek izvršbe na nepremičnine. Avtor tako uvodoma predstavi pravni režim nepremičnin. Glede na to, da je del nepremičninskega prava tudi stanovanjsko pravo, avtor posebno pozornost nameni nepremičnini kot dolžnikovemu domu, pri čemer ugotovi, da gre pri izvršbi na nepremičnini, ki je obenem dolžnikov dom, za trk dveh ustavno varovanih pravic; do pravice upnika do sodnega varstva in do pravice do zasebnosti oziroma nedotakljivosti stanovanja dolžnika. Nadalje se avtor magistrske naloge podrobneje dotakne novel ZIZ, predvsem z vidika varstva dolžnika. Avtor predstavi možnosti dolžnika pred novelo ZIZ-L, nakar podrobneje opiše zadevo Vaskrsić proti Sloveniji, ki je bila povod za novelo ZIZ-L in spremembe pri varstvu dolžnika pri nepremičninski izvršbi, predvsem pa se osredotoči na novelo ZIZ-M in Odločbo Ustavnega sodišča št. U-I-171/16, Up-793/16, ki je pomembno vplivala na spremembo določenih institutov pri noveli ZIZ-M. Pri predstavitvi novel je avtor še posebej pozoren na spremembe instituta predloga za spremembo dovoljenega izvršilnega sredstva in odloga izvršbe. Avtor ugotavlja spremembe položaja dolžnika pri izvršbi na nepremičnine skozi različne novele, nadalje pa opiše tudi izvršilne postopke v drugih državah in s primerjalno pravno metodo ugotavlja različne možnosti dolžnika v različnih pravnih redih.
Keywords:izvršilni postopek, pravica upnika do sodnega varstva, varstvo dolžnika, Vaskrsić proti Sloveniji, USRS odločba U-I-171/16, Up-793/16
Place of publishing:Maribor
Place of performance:Maribor
Publisher:S. Tomažič
Year of publishing:2024
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (57 str.))
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-90721 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:220051459 New window
Publication date in DKUM:20.12.2024
TOMAŽIČ, Sebastijan, 2024, Izvršba na nepremičnine in varstvo dolžnika : magistrsko delo [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor : S. Tomažič. [Accessed 14 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=90721
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Secondary language

Title:Enforcement on real estate and debtor`s protection
Abstract:Enforcement proceedings are legal proceedings conducted under the provisions of the Zakon o izvršbi in zavarovanju (ZIZ) with the aim of compelling the debtor to fulfill their obligations to the creditor. Enforcement proceedings are initiated when someone voluntarily refuses to settle a debt or fulfill any other obligations. The author of the master's thesis presents enforcement on real estate and the protection of the debtor during the procedure itself. Initially, the author outlines the fundamental principles of enforcement, the parties involved in the enforcement proceedings, the course of the proceedings, and the legal remedies available in enforcement proceedings. Furthermore, the author discusses the means of enforcement that the creditor can choose from, with a detailed description of the process of enforcement on real estate. The author begins by presenting the legal regime of real estate. Given that housing law is a part of real estate law, the author pays special attention to real estate as the debtor's home, noting that enforcement on real estate, which is also the debtor's home, involves a clash between two constitutionally protected rights: the creditor's right to judicial protection and the debtor's right to privacy or the inviolability of their home. The author of the master's thesis further describes the amendments to the ZIZ, particularly from the perspective of debtor protection. The author presents the debtor's options before the ZIZ-L amendment, followed by a detailed description of the case Vaskrsić vs. Slovenia, which prompted the ZIZ-L amendment and the changes in debtor protection during real estate enforcement. The focus is especially on the ZIZ-M amendment and the Constitutional Court Decision No. U-I-171/16, Up-793/16, which significantly influenced the modification of certain institutions in the ZIZ-M amendment. In the presentation of the amendments, the author pays particular attention to the changes in the institution of the proposal for the modification of the allowed enforcement means and the postponement of enforcement. The author identifies changes in the debtor's position in real estate enforcement through various amendments and also describes enforcement proceedings in other countries, using a comparative legal method to identify the different options available to debtors in different legal systems.
Keywords:Enforcement Procedure, Creditor's Right to Judicial Protection, Debtor's Protection, Vaskrsić v. Slovenia, Constitutional Court Decision No. U-I-171/16, Up-793/16


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