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Title:Zagotavljanje človeških virov v podjetju x
Authors:ID Klančnik, Katja (Author)
ID Vukovič, Goran (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Klancnik_Katja_2024.pdf (977,78 KB)
MD5: 84C7547E2351B2E93E2308548D68EE66
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences in Kranj
Abstract:Zagotavljanje človeških virov je ključen element, ki pomembno vpliva na uspešnost in konkurenčnost podjetij. V diplomskem delu smo se osredotočili na analizo, kako podjetje X pristopa k zagotavljanju človeških virov, kakšne strategije uporabljajo in kako se soočajo z izzivi in nenehnimi spremembami na trgu dela. Raziskava temelji na teoretičnih osnovah kadrovskega managementa, vključno z metodami pridobivanja, zagotavljanja in ohranjanja človeških virov. Empirični del raziskave zajema analizo intervjuja, kjer smo proučevali njihove prakse in izkušnje. Podjetje X se je v zadnjih petih letih soočalo z različnimi izzivi, kot so prilagajanje hitrim spremembam na trgu dela, krizi po pandemiji covid-19 ter zagotavljanje delovnega ravnovesja med kvaliteto in kvantiteto kadrovske strukture.
Keywords:človeški viri, kadrovski procesi, zagotavljanje človeških virov, kvaliteta človeških virov
Place of publishing:Maribor
Year of publishing:2024
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-88463 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:207086339 New window
Publication date in DKUM:11.09.2024
KLANČNIK, Katja, 2024, Zagotavljanje človeških virov v podjetju x [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor. [Accessed 15 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=88463
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Licensing start date:29.04.2024

Secondary language

Title:Human Resource Management in Company x
Abstract:The provision of human resources is a key element that significantly affects the performance and competitiveness of companies. In the thesis, we primarily focused on the analysis of how company X approaches the provision of human resources, what strategies they use and how they are coping with challenges and constant changes in the labor market. The research is based on the theoretical foundations of personnel management, including methods of obtaining and maintaining human resources. The empirical part of the research includes the analysis of the interview of company X, where we studied their practices and experiences. In the last five years the company faces various challenges, such as adapting to rapid changes in the labor market, the crisis after Covid-19 pandemic and ensuring a working balance between the quality and quantity of the personnel structure.
Keywords:human resources, human resource processes, provision of human personnel, quality of personnel


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