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Title:Uvedba umetne inteligence v industrijske panoge
Authors:ID Martinjak, Zala (Author)
ID Mežnar, Dušan (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Jerebic, Janja (Comentor)
Files:.pdf MAG_Martinjak_Zala_2024.pdf (1,31 MB)
MD5: FA7696B08DDC28B964682140371EDFCA
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences in Kranj
Abstract:Namen magistrske naloge je bil predstaviti umetno inteligenco, ki je v današnjem svetu ena izmed najhitreje rastočih tehnologij. Sisteme umetne inteligence smo povezali tudi z rabo v štirih izbranih panogah, to so logistika, kmetijstvo, farmacija in gradbeništvo, ter med drugim raziskovali tudi, kakšen odnos imajo v posamezni panogi do umetne inteligence. V magistrski nalogi smo na začetku opisali teoretična izhodišča, ki so nam služila za boljše razumevanje tematike ter kot opora nadaljnjemu raziskovalnemu delu. V teoretičnem delu smo spoznali umetno inteligenco, njeno zgodovino ter možnosti uporabe, prav tako pa tudi nevarnosti, ki pridejo z njeno uporabo. Nadaljevali smo s povezavo umetne inteligence med posameznimi panogami in vlogo, ki jo ima oziroma jo bo le-ta še imela v posamezni panogi. V raziskovalnem delu pa smo na podlagi izvedene ankete analizirali in predstavili pridobljene rezultate, pri analizi pa smo si pomagali s postavljenimi raziskovalnimi vprašanji. Ugotovili smo, da so si panoge pri pogledu in v uporabi umetne inteligence v delovnem procesu med seboj različne. Povezanosti med panogami in negativnim mnenjem nismo mogli potrditi, saj ni bilo dovolj dokazov o njeni povezanosti. Prva tako smo spoznali, da tako pri vplivu na pomembnost vpeljave umetne inteligence v proces delovanja kot tudi pri vplivu na prihodnost dela obstajata dva skupna faktorja, ki jih določajo spremenljivke.
Keywords:umetna inteligenca, logistika, farmacija, kmetijstvo, gradbeništvo.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Year of publishing:2024
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-87195 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:191937027 New window
Publication date in DKUM:09.04.2024
MARTINJAK, Zala, 2024, Uvedba umetne inteligence v industrijske panoge [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor. [Accessed 15 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=87195
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Licensing start date:04.03.2024

Secondary language

Title:Introduction of artificial intelligence in industries
Abstract:The purpose of the master's thesis was to present artificial intelligence, which is one of the fastest growing technologies in today's world. We also connected artificial intelligence systems with use in four selected industries, these are logistics, agriculture, pharmacy, and construction, among other things, we also researched what kind of relationship they have with artificial intelligence in each industry. In the master's thesis, we described the theoretical starting points at the beginning, which provided us with a better understanding of the topic and as a support for further research work. In the theoretical part, we learned about artificial intelligence, its history, and possibilities of use, as well as the dangers that come with its use. We continued with the connection of artificial intelligence between individual industries and the role it has or will continue to play in each industry. In the research part, we analyzed and presented the obtained results based on the conducted survey, in the analysis we used help with the posed research questions. We found out that the industries differ in their view and use of artificial intelligence in the work process. We could not confirm the connection between industries and negative opinion, as there was not enough evidence of its connection. We also realized that there are two common factors, which are determined by variables, both in terms of the impact on the importance of introducing artificial intelligence into the operational process, as well as in the impact on the future of work.
Keywords:artificial intelligence, logistics, pharmacy, agriculture, construction.


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