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Title:Razvoj marketinškega spleta za velenjsko jezero
Authors:ID Verbič Kovačič, Patricija (Author)
ID Mumel, Damijan (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Verbic_Kovacic_Patricija_2023.pdf (2,31 MB)
MD5: 0EFCB56CCA58BC3BAD91D6C5B3C78754
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Marketing je pomemben del vsakega podjetja, marketinški splet pa že od nekdaj velja za temelj marketinga. Poleg dobro razvitega marketinškega spleta je pomembno tudi poznavanje ciljnega trga. Porabniki se med seboj razlikujemo glede na potrebe in želje, s katerimi izdelki oziroma storitvami bomo zadovoljili svoje potrebe. Namen magistrskega dela je podrobneje predstaviti pojme marketinški splet, marketinški koncept, vedenje porabnikov in segmentacija ciljnega trga. Poznavanje teh ključnih pojmov je zelo pomembno za podjetja, ki želijo na trgu delovati kar se da konkurenčno. Razumevanje porabnikov in njihovo zadovoljstvo sta ključnega pomena za uspešnost vsakega podjetja. V raziskovalnem delu magistrske naloge je namen ugotoviti, katere dejavnosti obiskovalci Velenjskega jezera že uporabljajo, katerih dogodkov se največkrat udeležijo, kakšne so želje po novih dejavnostih in kaj bi na Velenjskem jezeru spremenili. V magistrskem delu želimo raziskati, kakšne so želje in potrebe obiskovalcev Velenjskega jezera, kako bi lahko povečali njegov obisk in kaj bi bilo potrebno izboljšati. Ugotoviti želimo, katere storitve obiskovalci že koristijo in kaj jih pri tem moti. V raziskovalnem delu magistrskega dela smo ugotovili, da sta najpogostejša razloga za obisk Velenjskega jezera druženje s prijatelji in sprehod. S pomočjo odgovorov v anketi smo ciljno skupino segmentirali v šest skupin: na starše z otroki, športnike, nosečnice, sprehajalce, upokojence in tiste, ki na jezero prihajajo samo zaradi druženja ob pijači. Obiskovalci so zadovoljni s ponudbo Velenjskega jezera. Motijo jih predvsem umazana stranišča, premalo sence v poletnem času in plačljiv parkirni prostor. Največ anketirancev je odgovorilo, da bi dodali most čez jezero, naredili več naravne sence, povezali pešpoti med jezeri in dodali več vodnih igral.
Keywords:marketinški splet, marketinški koncept, vedenje porabnikov, segmentacija trga.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:P. Verbič Kovačič
Year of publishing:2023
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-84766 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:168045827 New window
Publication date in DKUM:12.10.2023
VERBIČ KOVAČIČ, Patricija, 2023, Razvoj marketinškega spleta za velenjsko jezero [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor : P. Verbič Kovačič. [Accessed 14 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=84766
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License:CC BY-NC-ND 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
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Licensing start date:19.07.2023

Secondary language

Title:Development of a marketing network for lake velenje
Abstract:Marketing is an important part of any business, the marketing web has always been considered the foundation of marketing. In addition to a well-developed marketing network, knowledge of the target market is also important. Consumers differ from one another in terms of their needs and desires, which products or services will satisfy their needs. The purpose of the Master's thesis is to present the concepts of marketing network, marketing concept, consumer behaviors and target market segmentation in more detail. Knowing these key terms is very important for companies that want to operate as competitively as possible on the market. Understanding consumers and their satisfaction is crucial for the success of any company. In the master's thesis, we want to investigate the wishes and needs of visitors to Lake Velenje, how we could increase the number of visitors to Lake Velenje and what needs to be improved. We want to find out which services visitors already use and what bothers them. In the research part of the master’s thesis, the aim is to find out which activities the visitors of Velenje Lake already use, which events they attend most often, what are their wishes for new activities and what would be changed at Velenje Lake. From the analysis of the survey, we found out that the most common reason for visiting Lake Velenje is hanging out with friends and taking a walk. Using the answers in the survey, we segmented the target group into six groups: parents with children, athletes, pregnant women, walkers, retirees and those who only come to the lake to drink. Visitors are satisfied with the offer of Lake Velenje, but they are bothered by dirty toilets, insufficient shade and paid parking space. Most respondents answered that they would add a bridge over the lake, make more natural shade, connect footpaths between the lakes and add more water features.
Keywords:marketing web, marketing concept, user behaviour, market segmentation.


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