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Title:Analiza izbranih otroških književnih del in njihova integracija z glasbenimi dejavnostmi v vrtcu : diplomsko delo
Authors:ID Štampar, Polonca (Author)
ID Haramija, Dragica (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Denac, Olga (Comentor)
Files:.pdf VS_Stampar_Polonca_2023.pdf (1,08 MB)
MD5: E9BACEC814506B397BFCCED7C7C98D02
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Abstract:Otroka književna dela čustveno bogatijo. Preko njih se otrok uči in vzgaja. Vrednost dobro izbranega in kakovostnega književnega dela je prav tako pomembna kot vrednost dobro izbrane igrače. Povezava z glasbo otroku omogoči bogato doživljanje književnega dela. Namen diplomskega dela je bil analizirati deset izbranih književnih del in jih obogatiti z glasbenimi dejavnostmi v vrtcu. Ta so: Cvetka Bevc: Klavirski duhec Jošti (2005), Cvetka Bevc: Pesem za vilo (2009), Andrea Hoyer: Na koncertu (1999), Andrea Hoyer: V glasbeni šoli (1998), Tinkara Kovač: Tinka Tonka flavtofonka in neandertalčeva piščal iz divjih bab (2017), Svetlana Makarovič: Mesečinska struna (2014), Collin Maclntyre: Zdolgočaseni boben (2019), Moritz Petz: Kdo tako grdo poje? (2014), Anja Štefan: Čmrlj in piščalka (2019) in Zaf Zapha: Yemaya: glasbeno popotovanje v Latinsko Ameriko (2010). V teoretičnem delu diplomskega dela so predstavljena teoretična izhodišča o teoriji slikanic in teoriji glasbenih dejavnosti. Uporabljena je bila multimodalna analiza izbranih slikanic glede na interakcijo med besedilom in ilustracijami (glavni literarni liki, književni čas, književni prostor, razpoloženje, stranski liki, pripovedovalec, snov, tema, motivi, zgradba in zgodba). Za diplomsko nalogo je bila izbrana kakovostna literatura, ki se povezuje z drugim predmetnim področjem – glasbo.
Keywords:glasbena književna dela, analiza književnih del, glasba, glasbene dejavnosti v vrtcu
Place of publishing:Maribor
Place of performance:Maribor
Publisher:P. Štampar
Year of publishing:2023
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (67 str.))
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-84303 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:158470659 New window
Publication date in DKUM:11.07.2023
ŠTAMPAR, Polonca, 2023, Analiza izbranih otroških književnih del in njihova integracija z glasbenimi dejavnostmi v vrtcu : diplomsko delo [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : P. Štampar. [Accessed 18 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=84303
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Licensing start date:18.05.2023

Secondary language

Title:Analysis of selected children's literary works and their integration with music activities in kindergarten
Abstract:Literary works enrich the child emotionally. Through them, the child learns and grows up. The value of a well-chosen and high-quality literary work is just as important as the value of a well-chosen toy. The connection with music enables the child to experience a literary work richly. The aim of the thesis was to analyze ten selected literary works and to enrich them with musical activities in kindergarten. These are: Cvetka Bevc: Jošti the Piano Ghost (2005), Cvetka Bevc: Song for the Fairy (2009), Andrea Hoyer: At the Concert (1999), Andrea Hoyer: In the Music School (1998), Tinkara Kovač: Tinka Tonka the Flautofonka and the Neanderthal Flute from the Wild Babs (2017), Svetlana Makarovič: Moonlight string (2014), Colin Maclntyre: Bored drum (2019), Moritz Petz: Who sings so badly? (2014), Anja Štefan: The Bumblebee and the Whistle (2019) and Zaf Zapha: Yemaya: A Musical Journey to Latin America (2010). In the theoretical part of the diploma thesis, I wrote down theoretical starting points about the theory of picture books and the theory of musical activities. The multimodal analysis of the selected picture books was used according to the interaction between the text and the illustrations (main literary characters, literary time, literary space, mood, side characters, narrator, substance, theme, motifs, structure and story). Qualitative literature was chosen for the diploma thesis. It is connected to another subject area - music.
Keywords:musical literary works, analysis of selected children's literature music, musical activities in kindergarten


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