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Title:Vpliv šolanja na daljavo na gibalno aktivnost učencev v drugem vzgojno-izobraževalnem obdobju osnovne šole v obdobju epidemije COVID-19 : magistrsko delo
Authors:ID Sever, Samantha (Author)
ID Zurc, Joca (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Sever_Samantha_2022.pdf (1,18 MB)
MD5: 7A8C988985820E63F42CF4D727DDB9BF
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/53faf082-b3a3-474d-801a-e534e74ff651
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Abstract:Teoretična izhodišča: Gibalna aktivnost učencev drugega vzgojno-izobraževalnega obdobja pripomore k telesnemu in duševnemu zdravju ter pozitivno vpliva na učno uspešnost otrok. Cilj: Poučiti, kakšno je stanje gibalne aktivnosti otrok v drugem vzgojno-izobraževalnem obdobju v času epidemije v Sloveniji, kakšna so njihova stališča do gibalne aktivnosti ter koliko je epidemija in posledično šola na daljavo prispevala h gibalni aktivnosti učencev. Metode: Delo temelji na empirični raziskavi kvantitativne anketne metodologije, z naključno metodo vzorčenja. Raziskava je zajela 198 učencev drugega vzgojno-izobraževalnega obdobja. Podatke smo zbirali s strukturiranim vprašalnikom. Analiza podatkov je bila opravljena s hi-kvadrat testom, t-testom za neodvisne vzorce, kontingenčnimi tabelami in multiplo linearno regresijo. Rezultati: Večina učencev (74,1 %) drugega vzgojno-izobraževalnega obdobja se je z gibalno aktivnostjo v času epidemije, ko je šolanje potekalo na daljavo ukvarjala 5- do 7-krat na teden. Učenci, ki so se z gibalno aktivnostjo ukvarjali zelo pogosto, so dosegali tudi boljši učni uspeh. Razprava: Raziskava je pokazala, da se velika večina učencev drugega vzgojno-izobraževalnega obdobja redno giblje in izpolnjuje priporočila WHO glede izvajanja gibalne aktivnosti. Epidemija ni bistveno posegla v rednost gibalne aktivnosti glede na priporočila. Pomanjkljivosti so bile opažene pri organizirani gibalni dejavnosti, saj se jih večina učencev ni udeleževala. 
Keywords:telesna aktivnost, druga triada, osnovnošolsko izobraževanje, epidemija, COVID-19
Place of publishing:Maribor
Place of performance:Maribor
Publisher:[S. Sever]
Year of publishing:2022
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (XI, 71 str.))
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-82030 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:117200899 New window
Publication date in DKUM:03.08.2022
SEVER, Samantha, 2022, Vpliv šolanja na daljavo na gibalno aktivnost učencev v drugem vzgojno-izobraževalnem obdobju osnovne šole v obdobju epidemije COVID-19 : magistrsko delo [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor : S. Sever. [Accessed 22 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=82030
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Secondary language

Title:Effect of long-distance schooling on physical activity of pupils in the second educational cycle of primary school during the COVID-19 epidemic
Abstract:Theoretical starting points: the physical activity of pupils in the secondary elementary school education period contributes to physical and mental health and has a positive impact on children's learning performance Goals: to shed light on children's physical activity in the secondary educational period during the epidemic in Slovenia, what their views on motor activities and skills are, and how much the epidemic and consequently distance learning have affected pupils' movement activities. Methods: this paper is based on an empirical survey and quantitative survey methodology, using a random sampling method. I have surveyed 198 pupils in the secondary elementary school education period. I have collected the data using a structured questionnaire and analysed them by carrying out a chi-square test, a t-test for independent samples, contingent tables and multiple linear regression. Results: the majority of pupils (74,1%) in the secondary educational period were engaged in physical activity during the epidemic and distance learning 5 to 7 times a week. Pupils who were very often physically active also achieved better learning results. Discussion: the survey has shown that a vast majority of pupils in the secondary educational period are sufficiently active and meet WHO guidelines on physical activity. According to the guidelines, the epidemic has not had a significant impact on the regularity of physical activity. The insufficiency and scarcity have been observed in organised physical activities since most pupils did not engage in them.
Keywords:physical activity, secondary elementary school education period, elementary education, epidemic, COVID-19


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