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Title:Potrošniško vedenje temnopoltih američanov med pandemijo covida-19
Authors:ID Zidanšek, Tjaša (Author)
ID Romih, Dejan (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Zidansek_Tjasa_2022.pdf (1,50 MB)
MD5: 71333C975EC153D1A8CD197077395362
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Potrošniško vedenje zajema vse odločitve, ki jih posamezniki sprejmejo, da kupijo ali ne kupijo izdelka ali storitve. Na vedenje potrošnikov vpliva mnogo dejavnikov. Sem uvrščamo situacijske, osebne, psihološke in socialne dejavnike. Eden izmed dejavnikov, ki je v veliki meri vplival na vedenje potrošnikov, je pandemija covida-19. Slednja je na svet vplivala v mnogo pogledih. Ljudi je prisilila, da so spremenili svoja življenja. Samoizolacija in previdnostni ukrepi so povzročili bistvene premike pri vedenju potrošnikov. Strah pred okužbo s koronavirusno boleznijo je povzročil panično in impulzivno nakupovanje dobrin in povečanje spletne prodaje. V diplomskem delu smo se osredotočili na temnopolte Američane in vpliv pandemije covida-19 na njihovo potrošniško vedenje. Zaradi hitro rastoče populacije, nizke povprečne starosti ter večanja kupne moči in stopnje izobraženosti temnopolti Američani predstavljajo pomembno skupino potrošnikov, tako v analognem kot digitalnem svetu. Pandemija covida-19 je temnopolte ameriške potrošnike prizadela na veliko načinov. Vplivala je na močan porast brezposelnosti in zniževanje plač, kar je spremenilo potrošniško vedenje temnopoltih Američanov. Prav tako je privedla do zaprtja številnih podjetij v njihovi lasti. Temnopolti ameriški potrošniki so v času pandemije covida-19 nakupovali premišljeno in stroškovno zavestno. Izogibali so se nakupovanju v fizičnih trgovinah in oklevali z nakupi večjih vrednosti. Osredotočili so se na nakupovanje nižjecenovnih izdelkov in izdelkov s popusti. Pandemija je privedla do povečane uporabe digitalnih naprav, kot so mobilni telefoni, televizija, igralne konzole, radio in predvajalniki glasbe. Temnopolti ameriški potrošniki so digitalne naprave uporabljali za iskanje informacij, spletno nakupovanje, poslušanje glasbe, uporabo družbenih omrežij in učenje. Skoraj polovica temnopoltih ameriških potrošnikov je v času pandemije covida-19 nakupovala na spletu. Na ta način so nakupovali predvsem oblačila in obutev, izdelke za zdravje in lepoto ter živila in zdravila. V času pandemije so veliko časa preživeli na družbenih omrežjih, kar jim je omogočalo povezovanje s prijatelji, deljenje vsebine in iskanje novih informacij.
Keywords:potrošnik, potrošniško vedenje, temnopolti Američani, temnopolti ameriški potrošniki, pandemija covida-19.
Place of publishing:[Maribor]
Publisher:T. Zidanšek
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-81992 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:123294211 New window
Publication date in DKUM:28.09.2022
ZIDANŠEK, Tjaša, no date, Potrošniško vedenje temnopoltih američanov med pandemijo covida-19 [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : T. Zidanšek. [Accessed 18 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=81992
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Secondary language

Title:Consumer behaviour of black americans during the covid-19 pandemic
Abstract:Consumer behaviour includes all the decisions individuals make when choosing whether to buy a product or service. Consumer behaviour is influenced by many factors, including situational, personal, psychological and social ones. One of the aspects that has greatly affected consumer behaviour is the COVID-19 pandemic, which has transformed the world in many ways and forced people to change their lives. Self-isolation and precautionary measures have significantly altered consumer behaviour. The fear of contracting coronavirus has led to panic and the impulse purchasing of goods, as well as an increase in online sales. In this thesis, we focus on black Americans and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on their consumption patterns. Due to their rapidly growing population and increasing purchasing power, as well as their educational attainment and low average age, black Americans represent an important consumer group in both the analogue and digital worlds. The COVID-19 pandemic has affected black American consumers in many ways. It has led to a sharp increase in unemployment and lower wages, which has changed their consumption patterns. It has also led to the closure of many businesses owned by black Americans. During the COVID-19 pandemic, black American consumers made informed and cost-conscious purchases. They avoided shopping at physical stores and were reluctant to make large acquisitions. They focused on buying low-priced and discounted products. The pandemic led to an increased use of digital devices, such as mobile phones, televisions, game consoles, radios, and music players. Black American consumers used digital devices to search for information, shop online, listen to music, use social networks, and learn. Nearly half of black American consumers made online purchases during the COVID-19 pandemic, with the most frequent types being clothing and shoes, health and beauty products, groceries, and medications. They also spent a large amount of time on social networks, which allowed them to connect with friends, share content, and find new information.
Keywords:consumer, consumer behaviour, black Americans, black American consumers, COVID-19 pandemic.


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