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Title:Stres in zavzetost zaposlenih na delovnem mestu v podjetju Ecotip d. o. o.
Authors:ID Rozman, Sara (Author)
ID Šarotar Žižek, Simona (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Rožman, Maja (Comentor)
Files:.pdf MAG_Rozman_Sara_2022.pdf (2,69 MB)
MD5: E79FCFAB1A5BABA0024102974CF1A1F1
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/de0eb280-14c1-424f-8639-d1ea39682f09
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Predmet magistrske naloge je preučevanje stresa in zavzetosti zaposlenih na delovnem mestu. Zaposleni so v podjetju pomemben člen, da podjetje lahko deluje. Zato je preučevanje stresa in posledično zavzetosti izrednega pomena za podjetje. Stres je dejavnik, s katerim se soočamo vsak dan. Ker pa je stres tihi ubijalec, je pomembno, da prepoznamo stres in se zavedamo njegovih posledic. Poznamo več vrst stresa, ki ima različne izvore. Toda ne glede na vrsto stresa lahko opazimo simptome in kasneje tudi posledice na psihološki, fizični in vedenjski ravni. Najtežje je prepoznati posledice in simptome stresa na psihološki ravni, ki je tudi najbolj nevarna, saj se hitro znajdemo v začaranem krogu, iz katerega ne moremo. Zato je pomembno, da kot posamezniki prakticiramo razne individualne tehnike, ki so predstavljene v magistrski nalogi. S pomočjo teh tehnik se lažje soočamo s stresom ter ga tudi premagujemo. Stres pa ne vpliva samo na posameznika, ampak tudi na podjetje, v katerem so zaposleni posamezniki, ki se soočajo s stresom. Zaradi stresa so zaposleni velikokrat bolniško odsotni, kar vpliva na absentizem, odsotnost kadra in posledično delavnost in dobičkonosnost podjetij. V magistrski nalogi smo predstavili tudi strategije, kako lahko podjetje pripomore k zmanjšanju stresa pri svojih zaposlenih. Pregledali smo tudi, kako stres vpliva na zavzetost ter kakšne vrste zavzetosti sploh poznamo in kako jo merimo. Dejansko stanje poznavanja in dojemanja stresa, uporabe individualnih tehnik in strategij ter zavzetost zaposlenih smo preverili tudi v slovenskem podjetju Ecotip d. o. o. Svoje delo smo zato razdelili na teoretični in empirični del. V teoretičnem delu smo pojasnili definicijo, vrste stresa, simptome in posledice stresa. Osredotočili smo se tudi na individualne tehnike premagovanje stresa in vrste strategij, ki jih lahko prakticirajo podjetja. Predstavili smo še zavzetost, vrste zavzetosti in merjenje zavzetosti. V empiričnem delu smo preverili, kako se s stresom in zavzetostjo soočajo v podjetju Ecotip d. o. o. Posredovan jim je bil anketni vprašalnik na temo stresa in zavzetosti. Oblikovali smo si šest hipotez, ki smo jih prek analize rezultatov anketnega vprašalnika tudi potrdili ali zavrgli. Ugotovili smo, da so zaposleni v podjetju Ecotip d. o. o. pod stresom zaradi preobremenjenosti dela. Da bi se lažje soočali s stresom, zaposleni uporabljajo individualne tehnike; predvsem je v ospredju je telesna aktivnost, ki jo zelo pogosto izvajajo kot tehniko premagovanja stresa. Tudi podjetje se trudi zmanjšati stres svojih zaposlenih z raznimi strategijami, kot je na primer dvig organizacijske klime. Posledica tega se kaže v tem, da kljub temu, da so zaposleni pod stresom, to ne vpliva na njihovo delovno zavzetost. Rezultati empiričnega dela dokazujejo, da je uporaba strategij za zmanjšanje stresa zaposlenih pozitivno vplivala na zaposlene, saj na zavzetost zaposlenih v podjetju Ecotip d. o. o. stres še ne vpliva. Zahvala za to gre izvajanju individualnih tehnik in strategij. Zato je preučevanje stresa in razvijanje strategij pomembna dejavnost podjetja, da dvigne zavzetost svojih zaposlenih.
Keywords:Stres, posledice stresa, strategije, premagovanje stresa, zavzetost zaposlenih.
Place of publishing:[Maribor
Publisher:S. Rozman
Year of publishing:2022
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-81231 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:104493315 New window
Publication date in DKUM:11.04.2022
ROZMAN, Sara, 2022, Stres in zavzetost zaposlenih na delovnem mestu v podjetju Ecotip d. o. o. [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor : S. Rozman. [Accessed 15 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=81231
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Title:Workplace stress and employee commitment in the company Ecotip d. o. o.
Abstract:The subject of this master's thesis is the study of stress and commitment of employees at their workplace. Employees are an essential part of a company who enable it to operate. Therefore, studying stress and, consequently, commitment is of utmost importance to a company. Stress is a factor we face every day. However, because stress is a silent killer, it is important to recognize stress and be aware of its consequences. We know several types of stress that have different sources. Regardless of the type of stress, we can observe its symptoms and consequences on psychological, physical, and behavioural level. Consequences and symptoms of stress on a psychological level, which are also the most dangerous, are the hardest to recognize because we quickly find ourselves in a vicious circle from which we cannot escape. Therefore, we must practice various individual techniques presented in this master's thesis. Using these techniques make it easier to deal with stress and overcome it. Stress, however, affects not only the individual, but also the company in which are individuals who are facing stress. Due to stress, employees are often on sick leave, which affects absenteeism, staff absence and, consequently, the activity and profitability of companies. In this master's thesis, strategies on how a company can help reduce stress in its employees are presented. It was also reviewed how stress affects commitment and which types of commitment we know and how to measure it. The recognition and perception of stress, the use of individual techniques and strategies, and the employees’ commitment were checked in the Slovenian company Ecotip d. o. o. The work was therefore divided into a theoretical and an empirical part. The theoretical part defines the term stress and the types, symptoms, and consequences of stress. It also focuses on individual stress management techniques and the types of strategies that companies can practice. In addition, it defines engagement, shows types of engagement, and ways to measure it. The empirical part focuses on how they deal with stress and commitment in the company Ecotip d. o. o. They were provided with a questionnaire on stress and commitment. Six hypotheses were developed, which were confirmed or rejected through the analysis of the questionnaire results. It was found that the employees of Ecotip d. o. o. are under stress due to work overload. In order to cope with stress more efficiently, employees use individual techniques, especially physical activity, which they perform very often, as a technique for overcoming stress. In addition, the company itself also strives to reduce the stress of its employees with various strategies, such as raising the organizational climate. As a result, although employees are under stress, this does not affect their work commitment. The results of the empirical work prove that the use of stress-reducing strategies has had a positive impact on employees, as the commitment of employees in the company Ecotip d. o. o. is not yet affected by stress. This is a result of the implementation of individual techniques and strategies. This is why studying stress and developing strategies is an important activity for companies to raise their employees' commitment.
Keywords:Stress, consequences of stress, strategies, overcoming stress, employee commitment.


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